Wednesday 9 February 2022

World now on Covid21 - CURED

Covid19 RIP 2020

But the medics persisting talking about a Covid infection.  As if it was Covid19 - which has been globally extinct for two years.  The Covid19 vaccination will kill one in 200 healthy people.  But had no affect on the present Covid21.

But already he every registered Dr. In the world has the validated unit to clear all cancers and viruses.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound (timings for my 8 W one MHZ unit - stop as the patient reports warming) was medically published as a total cure to all human cancers 2002.

Cancer drugs then became defective and criminal medicines since the Moffitt cancer centre paper was published.  Any cancer drug prescribing medic and the drug company, by struck off with no legal argument.

½ minute of HIUS to each side of a person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Antibiotic tolerance is irrelevant!  It cleared Corona virus from Wuhan Province China 2018.

The virus never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Covid19 was the regular influence or for the following year.  No direct relationship!  Corona virus was extinguished.  An extinct virus is do not evolved and spread.

To clear Covid21 today, requires the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  No idea it even cleared HIV AIDs in New York 2012.  Eight drug less viral cure!

So if a person presents the local health centre in any Covid strain, the practice nurse can apply the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  This idea cleared my own Covid19 November 2019.  One month after he took over from Covid18.

So the idea was medically published 53 medical professors at a world leading cancer hospital.  And personally verified by every registered Dr. On earth: daughter Lucy did not validate the new medical science struck off!

And ejected from all medical practice.  So today he Covid21 Covid totally cleared in 1 minute.  Not a problem!  Little stopped development of cancers, diabetes and dementia.

Clearing bacterial infections stops the development of coronary heart disease.  As medically published in a 20 patient double blind trial by medics 2013.

All infections must be pressurised in order to grow and replicate.  External application of ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest causes infected cells to boil and rupture.  Leaving the more flaccid regular body cells unaffected.

The patient's own immune system then secrete and actions the active specific antibody, to clear the foreign cell type from the body.  Disease cured.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray The foreign cell types boils and ruptures - clearing the dangerous cell type from the body.

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