Wednesday 16 February 2022

Free fresh water for Africa

fresh water for the world

Every day he nature every season fresh water, by evaporating sea water from the world's oceans.  All salts and contaminants are left behind.  But it requires a huge surface area!

For we can improve on this system, to produce fresh water from the sea or the Rivers of Africa are.  We use high school physics!

With just one metre of vacuum, even see water boils off into fresh water vapour.  These sorts the heavy metals plus bacterial life forms behind.

That use one Watt of pumping power!  Enough UK is not short of sunlight.  Using a little solar panel, we can easily produce at power during the day.  Some might even passing through cloud cover.

We could charge up a storage battery, to run the system during the dark hours of the night.  That is do displaying memory, but they carve it will last for three years!  But they can then meltdown and reform the battery.

My physical definition, one W of vacuum will freeze one metre of water a second.  As 1000 l of water vapour.  We then need to transport the water vapour to a high tank or holding reservoir.  Which is take vastly more power.

But the sun shines for free every day!  And if we cite the plant just offshore, there is no commercial competition for the land.

With any irrigate the fields, and grow crops.  Who all sucking carbon dioxide out the air!  To form plant biomass.  Which will result in additional animal life on earth.

The animals eat the extra plant biomass.  And breathe in the oxygen excreted by photosynthesis.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So plants during the day and use ultraviolet light, to fix come dioxide into carbohydrates.  Excrete NG helium and oxygen gases - while emitting X rays.  So all life on earth is supported by plants doing molecular nuclear fusion.

A limiting factor is the ability of fresh water.  But we can use a small vacuum pump to convert sea or river water, is so furious fresh water.  So and biology he came use all that wasted solar radiation!

Fixing carbon dioxide from the air into the carbohydrates of life.  And of course more plant life leads inevitably to more animal life.

There is no of high energy filtration or boiling of water.  We use an almost miniscule amount of power, to buy one metre of vacuum to water.  And we suck out just the water molecules.  Leaving the salts and contaminants behind.

And there is no life threatening higher pressures!  A leak in a reverse osmosis for traction avant, can result in feeble losing arms and legs!  As a higher pressure water chutes across the factory,

In the case in a vacuum plant, produces a hiss: mended by a bicycle repair kit.

Week in use the same reduced pressure idea, to freeze fresh water in the arctic.  But now as he vent the low pressure water vapour, will get snow!  Are which there is no shortage in the arctics.

So we utilised an discharge the water, and the next village down the river, sucks out to fresh water vapour, and utilises of pure water.  Again discharging its into the river.

We can suck fresh water on the seas.  And then pump it turning climate is inshore.  Any I defendants on natural rain fall.  We are pure water with no rain!

Though as hot water evaporates, he will increase natural rain fall in the area.  And all this was first year physics at high school!

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