Thursday 10 February 2022

Free carbon zero heat

CO2 static since before man

Totally non nuclear!  Involving no carbon dioxide production.  As is no fossil fuel burn!  Week a three natural lightening - which does molecular nuclear fusion.  Every 3 minutes around the world!  Releasing 2.5x10³ⁱ W of heat.  From regular water!

The world nuclear power uses concrete to build its power plants.  Make it mankind's fourth biggest emitter of carbon dioxide!  Each constructed nuclear plant requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  Not commercially available!

They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  Fukushima demonstrated 100 billion is the correct amount.  Without it every nuclear power plant on earth must shut down instantly.  Enforced by the United Nations!

But every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike!  Set up by heavy rain or snow, already doing molecular nuclear fusion in the air.  The turbulence of the snow or rain does nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+PL+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray E²=1.2 MW of heat from a 1.5 x 2 cm partial steam plasma.

In a glass cylinder things are a bit more complicated!  The hydrogen ions resulting from the plasma at breaking apart the water molecules, bond with free electrons.

2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

My PH D supervisor into Chemical Engineering, free checked as I started talking physics!  Which I learned from the Internet.  I asked the question about what happens the hydrogen ion bonds with an electron.  And it's better the answer 'we get a neutron'.

These are the a minder is a matter.  For a moment bond with the oxygen ions, to cause repeated nuclear fission and till we are left with just an estimated four hydrogen ions.  The a high June ions end up as a energy - making the physical process exothermic.

By a main energy release comes from the nuclear fusioning of hydrogen.

3 H⁺+2n⁰→6E² the act or energy release I estimated meeting at just 44 megawatts/m, from a half metre glass cylinder.  We need practical confirmation!

We borrow the electronics from a fluorescent light, and fire up the plasma.  Lightening demonstrates that the plasma will self sustain between eight and three atmospheres.  So I advocate premises at four atmospheres,

The net process is carbon zero massively clean energy.

4 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) we may get 2.4 MW of heat.  Or 7.2.  We will go with the lower number.  That is a carbon neutral heat and electricity for 150 houses.  After we have generated the carbon neutral heat my little steam turbine, we use are still mad hot steam to fire up A central heating system to supply area space heating.  For sale 150 houses!

The family heat each yield an annual income of six million UK pounds.  Totally carbon neutral!  We do not utilises are producing any radioactive materials.  We do not even have a boiler room!  To make life enhancing carbon dioxide.

Global plans converts extra carbon dioxide into plant biomass within 5 minutes.  Leaving just a preindustrial two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air in the afternoon.

Carbon dioxide levels to rise at night - though plant's take back in the oxygen, to do the slow burn of the fats, produced by photosynthesis.  To get out residual nuclear fusion energy at night.

Above the arctics in winter the carbon dioxide level doubles to 4 PPM.  Air temperature -50° C.  So twice the carbon dioxide, and the lowest temperatures in the natural world!  Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas.

So a 40x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  We can generate 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity from.  Without any carbon dioxide!

In lancashire they're just wasted 10,000,000 UK pounds, drilling down and have a massive natural gas reserves.  Which will help solve him as a energy problems!  They had just been ordered to concrete over the bore holes.

Obviously nuclear power has exerted pressure on the politicians!  But if you fire up a steam plasma, you freeze no solid waste!  No radioactive plutonium or strontium.  Years ago air heat light and X rays.  From regular water!

Each plasma power plant will require 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  We will struggle to measure it accurately!  And water is basically free.  He requires no processing!  And the plasma power plant will cost under 2000 UK pounds.

Non of the 18 billion required for a hyper toxic uranium nuclear power plant: that will still need annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  Before it can start operation!  When otherwise he will never get an operating licence.

So at nature uses a lightening every 3 minutes around the world, to liberate light and X rays plus massive heat!  With no fuel burn.

Are steam plasma plant will produce 1.2 MW our carbon neutral electricity.  I am going to send this to my MP who says she is interested in carbon neutral power.

My bedding is as nuclear power will be trying to show off some money or her way!  Where nuclear power is 1/4 largest manmade source of carbon emissions on the planet.

Releasing in two years of plant construction, the Covent are 25 years of carbon dioxide production by a commercially fired power plant.

So here the garage scientist, cancer by his naval hoard the carbon neutral electricity.  Annie get an annual check from the power company for six million UK pounds.  Totally non polluting and non radioactive carbon and power.

I have been waiting for the last two years, for a response from the climate change people.  He protest 'they are paid to talk about carbon dioxide!' And are busy ignorant about energy or the weather.

That every physics students and Dr. On the planet, is well aware that are steam plasma burn is massive carbon neutral heat.  From regular water!

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