Thursday 17 February 2022

fixing alcohol and smoking damage

medical cure to organ damage

The smoking damage these on to a lot of lung cancer.  And lung damage was also lead on to water medical problems.  It is the major enzyme gland in the body.

In 2002 three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear prostate cancer.  Every registered Dr. On earth rushed to buy the required 8 W 3 MHz device, and validated the medical science - and or they were then struck off.  And it clears all 200 types of human cancer!  It will also clear head and arm all cancer - I just had time for the animal body size.

Prostate cancer I used to be the leading male specific cancer out there.  Are applying e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for 1 minute. 1.5" above the root of a man's penis - check the location and using diagrams on the Internet of the prostate gland.

This will clear the incontinence, discovered and death of a patient.

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If we applying the same HIUS to each side of the chest for ½ minute, 20 times, will clear the cumulative damage to the lungs caused by smoking.  If the individual carries on smoking, there require HIUS application by ½ minute each side the chest, every month.

Once you have the device it is free to use and there is no Dr. or nurse involvement!  People attending eight days centre, should be our to borrow such a unit to clear all cancers.

1 minute externally to where it hurts!  All doctors have such a unit, and the practice nurse can clear all do that cancers in 1 minute.  Without any Dr. Involvement.  Which is why doctors and drug company is hate HIUS - obvious best cancer medicine.

All doctors have to use, or they are struck off.  So all cancer drug prescriptions since 2002, have been criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr., And a date are for life from medical practice.

Each cancer death since 2002, warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds - and the Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.  For each patient murder!

20 ½ minute applications of vacuum and the kidneys, will fix kidney damage, ending many for liver or kidney dialysis for ever.  Again doctors are for numbly reluctant to embrace this best medicine, for organ repair.

½ minute to the top left to the chest, will gradually repair heart damage.  Again we want the same 20 sessions to clear established heart damage and heart disease.

This prevents raised blood pressure, preventing strokes.  Traumatic head injuries like mine require the usual 20 sessions of 1 minute of HIUS to the area of brain damage from a stroke or head injury.

It will repair all organs in the body.  They want the usual 20 sessions for 1 minute to the liver, and ½ minute to each side of the head.

My lady friend still smokes - though her partner had died as a result of his smoking.  So she wants repeated use of HIUS every month.  Otherwise she is headed towards an China or heart and lung disease. 

Are no can issue are cancer patients to other medics they are using and HIUS, or they will be changed to a aggressive chemotherapy and medicated to death within six months.

So he can induce the body to fall he repair any liver or kidney damage.  It will clear all precancerous cluster is away.  I clears the precancerous cluster is for my lady Dr. Friend!  Who I think was pleased.  Though I doubt she adopted this science for other patients.

Upwards of 20 sessions to the closed eyes, will clear traumatic eye damage.  Three sessions to the closed I is will clear cataracts.  Without any surgery!

Diabetes is caused by an inflated viral structure left behind by he infective disease.  ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, will clear type two diabetes instantly.  No repeat prescription of any diabetic drugs required.  No metformin or insulin and.

Type one diabetes requires the full minute over the bottom right of the chest: my American diabetic friends reported this - which I have personally confirmed 2016.  Three years after the type to cure.

½ minute to the top right of the chest and the vacuum the kidneys, clears coronary heart disease.  First hard medicine - which should be implemented by every registered Dr. On earth.  Who already owns the validated HIUS unit.

The the cancer cure was medically published 53 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre 2002: 1 minute externally to where it hurts!  Yet suppose the registered medics are still prescribing the defective cancer drugs 2022.

Is prescription is criminal medicine and strikes off the Dr. and drug company.  Plus assisting nurses and doctors - and their health centre or hospital.

Application of HIUS to the long bones in the body, should shake the thalidomide chemical off the drug receptors.  Which stop burn growth.

The long range to then continue growing to the normal size.  And which only I do not know any thalidomide people I can try this idea on.  This medicine is totally harmless and will injure nobody.

Nobody has any allergies is to this medicine, an ultrasound massage devices are sold with a medical licence for safe, home, and supervised use.

And very excited this morning, as I suddenly realized it is a medically published cure to all organ damage.  As well as a total cancer, heart disease and diabetes cure.

½ minute each side of the head, fixes all dementia: MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression all cured.

Stopping the mentally ill wondering range shooting people at random in shopping centres!  Before turning the gun on themselves usually.  For which reason the security staff in shopping centres should be armed!  Tragically.

Or just use HIUS to cure all mental health problems.

If they shopping centre has a HIUS device for free loan, ½ minute each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Included Covid flu and the common cold.  Which salford a major outbreak on the development of cancers and the rest.

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