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Covid19 extinct forr > 2 years |
Medical naming convention coals the regular human flu, Covid. And the viral family has a new member every 1st of October. So Covid19 only existed on earth between the 1st of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.
The media is an ever again articles about a rising rate of Covid19. But as every registered Dr. Is aware, the influence or is now on Covid21. And it would take two years to licence or a Covid vaccination.
But within a year the vaccination be obsolete before licensed! So never a legal human drug. Yet the world doctors have vaccinated people against a nonexistent Covid19. They have vaccinated 3.5 billion global inhabitants.
The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination 0.5%. Which is why doctors do not like vaccinations! You vaccinate the whole population, and kill one in 200.
But medicine specifically prohibits vaccinating against a nonexistent viral and bacterial strain. So the Covid19 vaccination saved not one life! By January 2021 we were automatically on the year of Covid20.
There the drug company is still have stocks of the unlicensed an obsolete Covid19 vaccination to cure enough. So this my only vaccinated 17 million healthy global citizens to an needless death.
We are now on the year of Covid21. Which will itself be automatically superseded 1st of October by Covid22. But still psychopathic individuals will still be trying to vaccinate the world against a nonexistent Covid19.
The Covid vaccination program is saved not one life. Tragically it is still killing needlessly today!
An eight or stirred up a massive burst of inflation on the world. The U.S. inflation rate is now a 7%. The UK inflation rate 5.4%. The Euro zone rate 5.6%.
But world's central banks are not raising interest rates - the only say my way to restrict inflation. Hence the hyper inflation destroyed the Germany economy in the 1930s.
As it destroyed the UK economy under labour in the 1970s: remember the winter of discontent! And double digit inflation.
That the bank of England is reluctant to raise interest rates have a 0.5%. They should be over 4%! And each Covid vaccinating Dr. Struck off.
A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds to and exit key and of every individual deliberately vaccinated to death. The most psychopathic medical mass murderer in history.
The vaccinating doctors O20 1000 UK pounds, to those patients who survived the murderous Covid19 vaccination: remember the vaccination was given only after the year of Covid19 was over. Will automatically on the year of Covid20,
India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - totally unresponsive to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. But global doctors smiled as they vaccinated 17 billion individuals around the world to an needless death.
And there is no legal argument! World doctors are prohibited from ever giving a Covid vaccination. Just as global biochemical drug companies prohibited from manufacture and sale of any Covid vaccination.
The news items on the rising at a Covid19 are obvious medical fiction! That flu strain is not existed in the universe for over two years. People are getting an dying from a Covid21 infection. Needlessly!
Every global Dr. Validated an e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound unit, I applied externally for 1 minute to where it hurts, will clear all 200 cancers out there. Medically published by the Moffitt cancer centre.
Registered doctors had to read and personally validate the new medical science, and then use the new medicine. Ceasing to prescribe B auld and now defective cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy.
Just one prescription or cancer drugs since 2002 - and the individual expelled from medicine for the rest are history. There medical practice criminal and uninsured.
Biochemical drug companies hit back by time to pretend they could vaccinate against Covid flu: globally prohibited medicine since the Covid34 star to causing human influenza in 1934.
Medics realise the vaccination is obsolete before licensed. So never a legal human drug! So drug company is like Astra Zeneca would not even allowed to research or a Covid vaccination.
They certainly cannot manufacture and sell the murderous drug. And no registered Dr. On earth could ever give one Covid vaccination. Without the Dr. and drug company being struck off for ever.
The Dr. losing Medical registration &Health Insurance. They could apply ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to either side of the chest and clear the inflated cells common to cancer and viruses, but foreign to body cells.
So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to a patient's chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections are will ever exist.
The ultrasound causing the inflated cells common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture. Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody, to clear that cancer or infection from the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
This idea even cleared AIDs from New York 2012: I have been sue the city twice, and I cleared the most pernicious viral infection in history from the city. Not one word of thanks from the drug company is all doctors.
The suppose the doctors were still prescribing the defective AIDs treatments and till 2018. No Dr. Is allowed to prescribe treatments for cured diseases, it is criminal medicine!
So doctors must now return or medical fees for cancer or infection medication, since 2002. HIUS cleared SARs from the world 2003: caused by Covid3.
Just ½ minute of HIUS to person's chest clearing the declare the first pandemic of the 21st century. Global medics are still desperate, that the SARS the virus has not been exterminated. But only had died down!
And 2003 and the virus was driven extinct. The World Health Organisation withdrew the pandemic allowed for the SARs virus, and Corona virus in Wuhan Province China or for every 2020.
Medics have allowed the published HIUS to the chest of Corona patients from December 2019. And the WHO declared the virus extinct by February 2020. Then withdrew the spurious pandemic alert!
Covid flu has ever wanted a pandemic alert. As it kills 3.5% cent of infected people. A pandemic by medical definition kills in excess of 5%.
But since the Moffitt Paper 2002, global doctors have owned the HIUS unit to clear all cancers in 1 minute: the prescription of cancer drugs for chemo or radio therapy, defective and criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the smiling doctors and their drug company!
So the half minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. So no infection medication prescription even legal! Striking off the Dr. and drug company. And there is no legal argument to the Hippocratic oath.
Which is why the number of practicing doctors who is then crashed to below the 2018 Min. When world Health Systems basically ceased to function! Relying on unlicensed low comes to fill in for the missing doctors.
Below cancer had also prescribed the defective cancer an infection medication, so were also are struck off globally.
High level nurses around the world also signed the Hippocratic oath. So globally prohibited from assisting the cancer or infection medication delivery. And were required to tell lower down nurses not to assist the cancer or infection medication.
So the Covid vaccination was never licensed and there was obsolete and fatal! In just one prescription of a Covid vaccination, and the Dr. and drug company expelled from medicine for ever.
There is no Covid19 anywhere in the universe. By medical definition we are on Covid21 - totally cleared by ½ minute of HIUS it side the chest.
Any medic prescribing AIDs treatments Since 2012, are struck off. Without any legal argument! Ejected from medicine totally for ever.
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