Thursday 10 February 2022

immortality device

beautiful for ever

Physiotherapist have used such a unit to clear Lynn damage and scarring for last 40 years.  An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit is an affective device.

I have written extensively about such a unit clearing all cancers in 1 minute.  ½ minute of fall strength ultrasound to either side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Including all strains of Covid flu and the common cold: we're on Covid21 now.  Covid19 has not existed for 2 years!

For have so Chris witty tragically persuaded Boris Johnson, that a Covid vaccination was the correct route.  Though automatically any Covid vaccination is obsolete only halfway through drug testing.

But like all vaccinations it kills one person in 200.  Healthy an innocent individuals sacrifice for Dr. and drug company profits.

Yet all doctors validated the above High Intensity UltraSound unit, will clear all cancers and infections in 1 minute.

So the standard ½ minute each side the chest will clear all viral infections.  Just as it cleared HIV from the world 2012.  We do not need to leave with Covid!  Like all Covid strains, Covid21 is cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

Biochemical treatments are defective and fatal medicine!  Since January 2021, corrupt medics have vaccinated 3.5 billion global citizens against the supposed Covid19 virus.  That the virus no longer existed!  It was extinct 31 September 2020.  We were then on the year of Covid20.

Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - totally resistant to the obsolete Covid19 vaccination.  The illegal vaccination programme intentionally killed 17 million people around the world.

Which is why medicine prohibits registered doctors from giving obsolete an unlicensed vaccinations.  As any Covid vaccination must be!  As Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October, but the vaccination takes two years to get drug approval.

So Covid21 cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Using the device bought by every registered Dr. On earth, to validate the total 1 minute cure of all 200 types of human cancer.

The practice nurse can clear all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.  No Dr. Intervention or drugs even legal!  Or is Johnson should have stopped listening to the Professor Chris Whitty - the managing director of Astra Zeneca.

Who exposes useless unlicensed biochemical treatments for the regular influenza.  All flu strains are cleared automatically by the medically published ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

The idea that the Corona virus from Wuhan Province China by February 2020: no direct relationship we've Covid19 - the next year's regular flu.  It was a Bio chemically enhanced form of Covid18.

At mysteriously escaped illegally from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan Province China.  Never penetrating the Wuhan quarantine.  Or if deliberately killed five million Chinese citizens.

I use the standard idea to clear my own Covid19 November 2019.  It really is incredible medicine!  And every registered Dr. Already has the validated HIUS unit.

The practice nurse can use it to clear her face wrinkles!  Which are caused by inactive sensitive skin cells.  Cleared away by HIUS.  External application ever any organ or affair trauma or surgeon damage.  Referring all you organs.

It will even clear away the scar tissue around a limb amputation.  Then just like reptiles, we can be grow our own limbs!  It will clear the way the thalidomide looking at the end of the long bones, so burns when grid to normal length.

Personal probability he bought his either clearing wrinkles is very important!  It will rejuvenate the body.  I am thinking of writing a book about this subject!

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