Tuesday 15 February 2022

Making gas and petrol

petrol so over priced

We use the published science from Sebatier in the 18th century.  Before doctors and professors even existed!

Sabatier reaction - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sabatier_reaction

The Sabatier reaction or Sabatier process produces methane and water from a reaction of hydrogen with carbon dioxide at elevated temperatures (optimally ...

‎Applications · ‎Creation of synthetic natural gas · ‎Manufacturing propellant on...

It is well aware and as a firmer dynamics.  That if you have won reaction at higher temperature, the reaction will also reverse at low temperature.

We are used to gas burning at higher pressure, liberating carbon dioxide steam and and heat.

But if we have low pressure carbon dioxide and steam, and high temperature, they are under burn to give us back oxygen and methane.

1 CO₂+H₂O+T-P→CH₄+O₂+E²

So we are not burn any carbon dioxide and steam and get back methane and oxygen.  This why diesel oil will not take a flame at atmospheric pressure, will spontaneously combust at high pressure.

So no Chemical Engineering firms in the city, can employ a steam plasma cylinder, to free use loads of electricity!

2 (H₂O+P+PL)confined→2(E²+L...Xray)

I have been blocking about this for the last decade.  And stagger the engineering firms have not seized on this idea.  To become massive producers of electricity!  We have to synchronise phase and voltage with the mains supply.  So my Kinsella AC electricity to the grid.  Which is carbon neutral!  Formed from regular water!  No conversion involved.  No radioactive substances anywhere near the process.

We then use a car no refrigeration cycle, to call carbon dioxide engi the air.  A 50z1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres will generate a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  We turn into 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity.

So the company will get around four million UK pounds, from the national grid every year.  For all their excess current!  During the day and they cease to consume mains electricity.  Which is 40% of the electricity generated!

So we run a car no refrigeration cycle, ankle carbon dioxide as the air.  Then combine it with a steam after the steam turbine, still at 680° C.

So then we do 1.  And get loads of carbon neutral gas: the gas takes in as much carbon dioxide from the air, as he releases when burnt.  So it is a carbon neutral fuel!

Your sucking carbon dioxide as the air.  We do not act so carbon dioxide circulating the environment.

But there again green plants on land and sea take in additional carbon dioxide within 5 minutes.  To produce plant biomass.  So man could not alter the carbon dioxide level in the air if he tried!

Above the arctic ice In winter, there is no photosynthesis.  And every winter carbon dioxide levels spiked at four parts per million.  Twice the temperate capped level of 2 PPM.  At air temperature -50° C!

So man burning the fossil fuels has increased plant, an animal life on earth - as a touring dynamic balance.  They have obviously have no affect on the climate.  As the initial level of carbon dioxide, at just a static 2 PPM, affects nothing.

Nuclear power made up man made global warming, after Chernobyl in 1986, demonstrated conclusively that uranium nuclear power was a hyper toxic and criminal industry!

They paid the academic stooges to write academic papers on the spurious idea.  Then in 1995 the global climate started cooling - as was predicted by a predictable solar emission cycles from the sun.

All the planets in the inner solar system have been cooling ever since.  Including Mars, with 98% carbon dioxide in the air!  Cooling since 1995.

Hence the change in fiction to manmade global warming.  Which from 2005 predicted that carbon dioxide would do something to the weather.  Exact effect never specified!

Carbon dioxide levels in the temperate air is a static two PPM.  By medical definition a static trace gas affects nothing.  All the academics writing papers about manmade global warming or climate change, she was so obviously never have been in education.  All the other academic papers must be shredded and deleted from digital archive.

The individual should be sacked are totally from education.  Returning or wages back to 1986.  Where nuclear power concocted the biologically preposterous manmade global warming.

So now we have a carbon neutral source of natural gas!  Which he it Makee in a Chemical Factory.  We sell to users who burnt the pressurised gas, the oxygen from the air, to get at heat.

An entire is full of people talking about the Sebatier process.  It makes methane!

Once we have methane the conform picked up a titanium honeycomb.  And the methane pollen rises.  We do is to six titanium honeycombs and get or diesel oil.

3 12CH+T+(Ti)→C₁₂H₂₆+(Ti) 11 the titanium cattle is is not used up!  The goals I use other sources like berilium, which is probably cheaper!

If we use eight titanium honeycombs, we get a petrol: C₁₆H₃₄

Again a carbon neutral fuel!  We set the carbon dioxide as the air, that is a RE released way burn the fuel while is high pressure.

So nuclear power knew nothing about the weather, biology or even Chemical Engineering.  As it turns out he really simple to make cancer fuel.  As he sucking carbon dioxide to make it, I've burn it we only releases the same carbon dioxide.

It is a carbon neutral fuel!  And as you make it in a Chemical Factory, it is away from Opec and the gas people.  It is a non fossil fuel!  It is amazingly cheap to make.

Costing 5% are the fossil fuel charges.  And this is not new science!  Sebatier it was in the 18th century!

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