Tuesday 15 February 2022

Free home heat and power

Plasma power - fre and carbon 0

Which involves no oil or gas burning!  Hence the sudden spike in gas prices - as people are moving over to clean and safe plasma power.

In a gas plasma we convert the matter into positive atomic nuclei, and free electrons.

So a steam plasma is hydrogen and oxygen nuclei, and free electrons.

1 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+E²

We have all stored and marvelled at lightning strikes.  Set up as rain or snow storms already do molecular nuclear fusion.  Here TU= turbulence in the rain or snow storm.  Down to -50° C!

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+E+X-ray

So a heavy rain or snow storms, produce helium ions, which is a massive energy release!  As to a hydrogen ions into one a hydrogen ion, is a way he the sun they've rates heat, light and X rays.

So your storm clouds is busy in converting regular water into helium and oxygen ions, free electrons an massive heat.  The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, the negative charge falls of electrons to the ground.

At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening strike!  Where A partial steam plasma links up the cloud tops and ground, to discharge the electrical potential,

But once we have the steam plasma set up, nature does a plasma burn.  A steam plasma burn is twice as energetic he as molecular nuclear fusion from water.

3 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

I have tried to keep this article may science light!  I need to know about storm clouds are pressurised, you do not!

But the lightening strike, uses 2 to make 5 tonnes of helium ions.  A quick relativistic conversion, to suggest that the lightening strike gives out 2.5x10³⁰ W of heat.

That is it really massive amount of energy.  Direct solar radiation only gives the earth 10⁶⁰W of direct heat every year.  So lightening strike some major energy source!

Giving us 2.4/m megawatts of heat every lightening strike.  When we set a steam plasma up in a glass centre, we do the twice as dynamic plasma burn.

4 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...x-ray) so a scarily large amount of heat, with no toxic radioactive waste.  We utilised just regular water.

Employing the electronics from old fluorescent light, to start the plasma off.  Which self sustains at four atmospheres.  Just a lightening is set up at 8 atmospheres, and collapses at 3.

So can utilise a 50x1cm steam plasma is an endless source a non radioactive carbon neutral heat.  With cure from regular water!  And free use or hyper toxic plutonium.

A thorium power plant at a converts some of the thorium into plutonium.  The 10 runs a regular fast breeder nuclear cycle.  Which would require special nuclear licences - like Oak Ridge have.

The ultimate target for a terrorist dirty bomb.  So not safe for home use.  Plutonium the most hazardous substance mankind as ever discovered.

Are steam plasma burns the water molecules, into heat light and X rays.  We decompose the matter, but we only want 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  We have a 5cc spring loaded water reservoir, which will still be generating electricity in 1000 generations.

Small engineering firms can turn out the steam plasmas Makee 2300 UK pound 1.2 MW steam turbines.  We start the plasma off using the electricity, borrow from a car battery.

And the plasma power plant now gives us an annual income of six million UK pounds from the electricity alones.  But we then use the exit steam to provide free space heating.  So applying the hot central heating fluid for same 150 houses.  Another six million UK pounds income.

A totally carbon neutral heat and power.  Using a lightening trapped in 1/2 metre glass cylinder.  Which arise is made carbon neutral heat and power.  We need no remote power plant, to supply electricity.

We synchronise power AC Power with the National Power grid.  Linking phase, frequency and voltage.  So the national grid will buy our excess current.  So any us a check annually for six million UK pounds.

We have cease to consume mains electricity and gas.  The engineering firm, will provide maintenance on the plasma plant.

And pretty soon everybody will be generating their own heat and power.  There will be no demand for the electricity from conventional or nuclear power plants.

Since Fukushima the nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  Every nuclear power plant on earth is running with criminally insufficient insurance.

So carbon neutral power and heat is basically free!  I have tried to keep my equations to a minimum.  Any academics out there who want more details - just ask!

So the gas and oil producers are looking at a catastrophic decline in demand for fossil fuels.  As garage Hobbyists the world over are building their own plasma power plants.

That is such a major economic activity for small engineering firms.  To produce plasma power plants to site in a garden shed.  Or hangar per side of building for flats.

With the blocks of flats who can run a plasma power plant in the cellar, and provide all the flats with free heat and power.  Totally carbon neutral.

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