Tuesday 15 February 2022

All Covid cured

all viruses cured 2002

2002 and three medical professors published the use of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear all cancers and viruses.  The drug industry was incensed!  Specific cancer treatments became defective medicine.

Then 2002 a single application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side of a person's chest cleared SARs from Asia - caused by Covid3.  Obviously!  The Covid number is the last two digits of the year.

So the World Health Organisation declared SARs a pandemic.  Or is cleared in three weeks by a single application of High Intensity UltraSound to the chest.  Medics have still not given up on SARsII occuring.

Agave idea to my personal contact in New York 2012, he used it to clear his HIV AIDs.  The medical world never accepted that the most pernicious viral infection history totally cured in 1 minute.

2020 medics were talking about another strain of AIDs somewhere around the world.  It does not matter!  All viral strains and illnesses are cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to the chest.

It causes the inflated cell nature of all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.  The patient's own immune system then secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear the foreign cell type totally from the body.  All viruses cured!

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So from December 2019, Chinese medics applied the idea to Corona virus.  ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of her patient's chest.

An last 44,000 cases of Corona rest where eradicated.  It was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 - no direct relationship with Covid19.  But the drug company is were anxious to get the pandemic crisis going on.

But Corona virus was extinct.  And the pandemic alert never applied the to Covid19 - the regular flu for 2019.  That cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.

As realise by all medics on the planet!  He will talking about the continuing presence of Covid19 anywhere in the world are talking medical rubbish.

By medical definition we are on Covid20 1 October, 2020.  So the unlicensed Covid19 vaccination obsolete before it could be used!  Tragically any vaccination kills one person in 200.

So every Dr. It giving a Covid 19 vaccination, smiled happily as one in 200 patients died needlessly!

But Covid is just a virus.  And all strains, dating back to Covid34 in 1934, are cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to the chest.

It eradicated 77,000 cases of Covid20 from India last year.  As it eradicated the Covid outbreak.  The Covid19 vaccination has absolutely no affect!  All those people killed for absolutely no possible medical gain.  Covid19 virus no longer existed.

So now we're on the year of Covid21, and the medical world is gleefully saying 'Covid cases are increasing!'.  I doubt this.  The regular human flu dies down in the spring until the autumn.  And we are on Covid21 the virus no anyway.

The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete over two years ago.  And was never a licensed human drug anyway!  Any registered Dr. Around the world in just one Covid19 vaccination struck off from the medical register.  Losing Health Insurance, they are then illegal medics totally ejected from medicine.

Medical practice all criminal!  And HIUS will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  As well as clearing the inflated cell structure common to all 200 types of human cancer.

So antibiotic another infection medicine is defective and a criminal prescription.  Striking off the involved doctors and nurses.  As was the pharmacist and drug companies.

The ultrasound idea was suggested to my PH D work at Sheffield university 2001.  And led to the total cure of all viral and bacterial strains.  Included aids and Corona virus.

And so obviously all strains of Covid flu that will ever exist!  Medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured disease.  And now all viral and bacterial infections are cured.

And all doctors were fully aware of HIUS curing cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, 2002.  Which is why the energy as doctors who retired 2018, have retired again.

They were actually struck off, and we no longer registered doctors.  There medical practice always criminal.  There prescriptions invalid and illegal.

Their own list and the legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, for every patient medicated to death.  Not just from cancer, AIDs, Covid but all viral and bacterial infections.

½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally clears type two diabetes: caused by an inflated viral rump, left behind by a fall viral infection.  Just like cancer is formed from infections.

1 minute clears type one diabetes.  So medical prescription or met 4 minute and has been criminal and defective medicine since this idea was published 2013.  Had I known?  I published it.

Which then had to be read and verified by every registered Dr. On earth.  He was prohibited from the prescription of diabetic medication.  In the same way they were prohibited from prescribing AIDs treatments from 2012.

And cancer drugs were illegal prescriptions from 2002.  There goes without saying that all Covid vaccinations throughout history have been defective and criminal medicine.

And all Covid flu cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  Like from the 8 W 3 MHZ unit, bought by every registered Dr. On earth had to personally validate the cancer cures.

There so since 2002 there have been are an estimated 200,000,000 medicated cancer deaths around the world.  Each 1 was medical murder!  As if prescribing Dr. Had already validated HIUS clearing all cancers.

And the or also validated the Covid cure 2003.  Ctain so all Covid vaccinations have been defective and criminal medicine.  Each all the involved doctors struck off!

A fine of 20,000 UK pounds to the surviving Covid vaccination patients.  10 million UK pounds to the next of kin, of every patient intentionally vaccinated to an needless death.

There is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Freely signed by every registered biochemical company on earth.  Who were prohibited from the research or manufacture of a Covid vaccination.

Always defective and prohibited medicine!  Obsolete before licensed.  Never a legal human drug.  Copy this message to your GP.  Let's get there was medical murder is out of medicine!  All Covid cured.

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