Saturday 19 February 2022

(Gasification) companies can make natural gas

Natural gas so simply made

Company is like the British Oxygen Corporation, liquify air!  The juice using a series of car no refrigerations.  This is her your fridge or freezer makes cold from the one area in the kitchen.

They compress the refrigerant gas, and lose the heat to the kitchen air.  When he vent the gas it gets very very cold!  So they can create -5° C from kitchen area at 50° C.  UK chain up these units, seem liquify even helium and hydrogen.

The first gas to cool out of the air is come dioxide!  Which condenses is a high pressure liquid.  And is sold as canisters of dry ice.  When you released some the pressure and spread the liquid, it instantly forms dry ice at -28° C!  Which condenses water vapour into the air to the air.

So we get a cloud of dry ice!  But now also has led to the development of Sebatier units, that will react to carbon dioxide with hydrogen.  To form methane - natural gas.

This simplest way to get are hydrogen, is the electrolysis of liquid water.  The oxygen has highly commercial value, and he had the refrigerant equipment around you turn into liquid oxygen.  High commercial value!

Energy companies can buy a the refrigeration equipment to rezone carbon dioxide.  That is really not hard science!

To get at cheap electricity we use our friend or a steam plasma.  The plasma breaks up the water molecules into positive ions and free electrons.  We start off the steam plasma using the electronics from a fluorescent light.

At four atmospheres pressure, this steam plasma will self sustain.  The first to get the recombination of hydrogen ions and free electrons.

1 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ A non nuclear source of neutrons!  Which unwind matter.

The oxygen ions, ex for insufficient chain, ending up as hydrogen ions.

2 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→3(H⁺+e⁻)-E before you object, oxygen will carry a positive charge.  Though really doesn't like it!

So a steam plasma is six times less dynamic and a hydrogen plasma.  But the high June plasma is just two energetic!

Are big energy release comes from the nuclear fission of tritium

3 ̾H⁺+2n⁰→³H⁺→E²+L+X-ray

So all the matter from the plasma ends up as heat light and X rays.  We've had twice the dynamism of a lightening strike.  Which does molecular nuclear fusion.  For turbulent flow of rain or snow.  Down to -50° C.

4 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

The positive ions collected above the clouds layer, the negatively charged electrons fall to the ground.  At 5000 volts.  A partial steam plasma links up the cloud tops with the ground, and discharges 100 amps are current.

But we now have a steam plasma set up!  And we do 1000 times as dynamic up strike - powered by a plasma burn and steam.

5 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion/we get 2.5x10³⁰W in three seconds.  The relativistic conversion of five tonnes of hydrogen ion production!  A massive energy source.

This is why the radient corona around a son is twice as hot as the sun's interior!  This is all a plasma burn it going on!

So this teaches us that a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres will release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  Totally carbon neutral and radiation free heat.  They've rating no radioactive waste.

Going off from 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  Involving no radioactive isotopes!  Freezing no hyper toxic radioactive waste.

So all companies can easily generate 1.2 MW of mains electricity.  Drive a commercially sourced little steam turbine.  So they can supply the 2 kW required to free trade carbon dioxide as the air.  And do the electrolysis of water to get out helium.

And you can buy kits that to the Sebatier a methyl production idea.

6 CO₂+2H₂+(Ni)→CH₄+O₂+(Ni) the nickel catalyist is not used up

We use semi permeable membranes, to separate out the oxygen and methane.  The methane being basically natural gas.  Costing just 2% of the price of the overpriced natural gas from British Gas.

We condense and refrigerate it, and sell on to a gas users!  The using the gas main!  So we sell the natural gas to the gas main, and the sell it on with!

And then a higher pressure, there methane gas burns as normal.

7 CH₄+3O₂+P+spark→CO₂+2H₂Og the carbon dioxide goes off to stimulate plant growth as all!  Cancer strictly limit the free carbon dioxide to a preindustrial two parts per million.  The carbon dioxide is a static trace gas.  Which was scientific definition affects nothing.

Though it supports all life on earth!  Photosynthesis bills plant book, and excrete C oxygen animals need to breathe in.  And combine it with eton plant biomass.  And so it goes around again!  And was then breathing out carbon dioxide.

So we I would totally carbon neutral heat the energy freezing system.  This steam plasma will freeze massive heat!  Which in turn would generate the mains electricity for 150 houses: we synchronise the AC phase and voltage with the mains electricity.

The power company sense us an annual check for six million UK pounds ingratitude!  For the carbon neutral electricity that totally demolishes the nuclear idea of man made climate change.

So it is free E carbon neutral electricity.  Using 1950s technology!  Manmade climate change was just the latest PR for nuclear power, as a global climate started cooling 1995.

All the planets in the inner solar system are cooling.  Including Martin 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  The inner solar system is will stop warming again next year.  Man's carbon dioxide is irrelevant.

Nuclear power construct its plants using reinforced concrete - produced via a fossil fuel burn.  So in two years with the second and carbon dioxide to emissions from a commercially fired power station in 25 years.

And after 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished!  Otherwise you have a Fukushima.  Chernobyl happened because uranium nuclear power is inherently hyper toxic and fatal!  IA technology to far.

Plasma power is basically free and non radioactive!  Requiring no enriched radioactive isotopes, breezy no solid radioactive waste.  We get just heat light and X rays.

I would think professor Z for his insights into molecular nuclear fusion: but he is ready abundantly clear, many prefer our to all the credit!  As his chair was funded by uranium nuclear power. 

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