Wednesday 16 February 2022

Petrol free motoring

Carbon neutral and cost free

He every rain or snow storms around the world, already do molecular nuclear fusion.  Causing the water molecules to be converted into policy of helium and oxygen ions, plus free electrons.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L...X-ray

So the turbulence of the storm does nuclear fusion on earth.  And yes, and oxygen ion will carry a positive charge.

This is why storms have light flash illumination, and feel electric!  As they warm the air.

Blue flashes: electrical discovery in storm clouds › News › Science

5 Nov 2020 — The existence of blue flashes from cold, electrical discharges in the upper atmosphere is confirmed in electrical storms.

So can do the relativistic conversion honest molecular nuclear fusion - the fusion of hydrogen ions from compounds, to form helium, liberating massive energy light and even X rays!  Name devised by the late Professor Bernard Argent.  For my idea!

We use E=mc², and find that a 25x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, was there at a constant 600 kW of carbon neutral heat.  A 1m x2cm the steam plasma will liberate the carbon neutral 2.4 MW.  A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into 1.2 MW our carbon neutral mains electricity.

To drive a car or we utilises a 25x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres.  When not driving we hook up to the mains, and dispense that means linked AC, thriugh a meter.

The national grid will have the first four billion UK pounds annually, for a unused electrical power.  Which will power 27 houses!  So can drive a car on carbon neutral electricity, generated by a static car.

We have a 1m x 1cm plasma power plant in the cellar, and generator at 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.  Which have years 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains electricity.  The carbon neutral power for 150 houses.  We of mains linked carbon neutral electricity.

To drive a car we pass that heat through a thermoelectric generator.  Basically A thorium salt, the Ford Motor Company was investing as internal combustion engine and replacement.

He'd only has a 13% efficiency!  A turbine has a 50% efficiency.  But the thorium Saul had has no generous gothic centring effect.  So can use it to drive trains and carts.

The family hatchback only needs 8 kW of electrical power.  We are generating 75 kW.  A small helicopter only needs 45 kW!  So he can fly between cities.  Landing on the outskirts, to drive into town.

All totally carbon neutral!  The plasma burns the water molecules, into massive carbon neutral heat light and X rays.  And the plasma is so energetic, the priest a massive excess of electrical power.

We convert into AC electricity, and drive contactless AC motors.  So we produce totally carbon neutral motoring.  And he only utilises 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  Basically we never fill up!  And the water reservoir or will still be in fatally four when the car is scrapped.

So we have produced totally carbon neutral motoring: but green plants on land and sea, converts the extra carbon dioxide released five burning the fossil fuels, back into active plant biomass within 5 minutes.

The fossil fuels used to be the carbohydrates of life, in prehistory.  The pressure and heat in the earth's interior, squeezing the carbohydrates into hydrocarbons and oxygen.

2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+P+T→CₘHₙ+nO C₁₆= petrol C₁₂= diesel

Methane can be produced, by the interaction of carbon dioxide and steam at over 380° C.  We first use a steam plasma plant, to produce free carbon neutral electricity.

We then run a car no refrigeration cycle, to call carbon dioxide as the air!  Carbon dioxide forms a liquid at -28° C.  And the city air is full of it.  In the country the green plants' gobble up the carbon dioxide, and form extra plant biomass within 5 minutes.

In the city we had the still hot steam after the fire generation, to our carbon dioxide liquid.  We get a composite gas at 450° C.  The wonders of thermodynamics the low pressure carbon dioxide and steam will unburn to give us methane and oxygen.

3 CO₂+H₂O+T+spark-P→CH₄+E+O₃

We are familiar with the highly pressure combustion of methane, natural gas, to they've rates heat.  Carbon dioxide and steam.

4 CH₄+E+O₃+P+spark→CO₂+H₂O+T+E

So at low pressure the reaction reverses!  So we have a non fossil fuel source of methane.  Which has highly commercial value.  So small the engineering firms can easily make carbon neutral methane: it sucks in carbon dioxide - which are release is when burnt.  It is a carbon zero fuel!

I have mentioned repeatedly, that pumping methane off our titanium/for ileum honeycomb will follow my nose the methane.  To form light hydrocarbon the grid.

5 mCH₄+(Ti)→CₘHₙ+(Ti) n=2m+2

So we have a non fossil source of fuel.  We repeat the polymerisation, and till we get C₁₂ - diesel oil, or C̀₁₆ - Petroleum Oil.  Which again is a carbon neutral fuel while.  As we have stopped carbon dioxide in at a year, to form it.  The next week we burn the fuel oil and just returned the carbon dioxide to the air.

We do not allowed any carbon dioxide from fossil fuels!  We circulate the carbon dioxide, by altering the pressure.  Adding and subtracting steam.

So the price of petrol is about to plummet drastically.  Are small engineering firms dynamic carbon neutral petrol and diesel.  And it is not even hard science!

People have not had any previously, as a have a financial interest in fossil fuels.  Which are vastly overpriced.  But now the garage scientist, can make their own petrol and diesel.

And we do not use at the titanium metal.  Or we could use berilium - which is cheaper but still the face centred cubic metal.  That capitalises hydrogen reactions.

Although especial interest, is the Sabatier process, that describes the low pressure reaction of carbon dioxide of hot steam.  To form nearly free free methane!

Sabatier reaction - Wikipedia › wiki › Sabatier_reaction

The Sabatier reaction or Sabatier process produces methane and water from a reaction of hydrogen with carbon dioxide at elevated temperatures (optimally ...

‎Applications · ‎Creation of synthetic natural gas · ‎Manufacturing propellant on...

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