Sunday 27 February 2022

Burning fossil fuels does nuclear fusion


The chemical formula for natural gas is CH₄.  The general formula for fuel oil is CₘHₙ.  Where n=2m+2.  I will give the equations below for gas.  You can do your own conventions below.

So when we burn natural gas in the oxygen or air, we do oxidise the carbon.  That takes in energy!  The big energy release is from the molecular nuclear fusion we do turning a hydrogen ions into helium and heat.

So when we burn natural gas we do molecular nuclear fusion.

1 CH₄+3O₂+spark→(CO₂+(2-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray) we actually produce helium and oxygen ions, and free electrons.  That makes equations very complicated!

So the energy release comes from the nuclear fusion we are doing.  If we titanium plate the engine of boilerplate, we had to double the nuclear fusion!  So more than double the heat output.

Making natural gas he is a remarkably easy: we use a steam plasma.  To generate free heat and so electricity.

2 H₂O+P+PL→He+O+E²+L...X-ray

So a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, where we fire up the plasma using the electronics from a all fluorescent light, will self sustain precede 2.4 MW of heat.

Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  Free using no radioactive waste!  So we get out 1.2 MW of electrical power: we convert into mains AC.

We do the electrolysis of water, and free separate strains of hydrogen and oxygen gases.  The hydrogen we makes two of carbon dioxide, we have called as the air using a car no refrigeration cycle: power for free electricity!

We heat the gases to 400° C - though that is optional!  We pass the steam through a helical tube we have nickel plated on the inside surfaces.  The carbon dioxide and hydrogen, react to form methane - natural gas.

3 CO₂+3H₂O+T+(Ni)→CH₄+H₂O+(Ni) the illegal acts as a catalyst, and is not used up.  There are other metals we could use!  But Nicol is very cheap.

So small engineering firms in city centres, can run a small engineering plant, and produce nearly free natural gas.  No expensive fossil fuel natural gas.  With the exorbitant transportation costs.

B engineering firms make the natural gas in the city wages plant.  At higher pressure bonding with the oxygen.

4 CH₄+P+3O₂+spark→CO₂+H₂O+E²+L...X-ray

So the bonding of oxygen we have carbon, and does a low pressure!  At higher pressure the bond together releasing massive energy light and X rays.  So low pressure carbon dioxide and water unburn in the presence of a catalyst like Nicol, to form natural gas and water.

Then at higher pressure the burning of natural gas we have oxygen, releases carbon dioxide and water plus massive heat, light and X rays: it is America law of thermodynamics, the process is reversed as each April higher pressure to low pressure.

So city centres have loads of carbon dioxide - which is converted into plant biomass in the countryside.  So temperate countries high level of carbon dioxide is a preindustrial two parts per million.

In an ice age or above the arctic ice Every winter, we have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air, temperature -50° C!  Carbon dioxide so obviously is not a warming gas.  The whole global warming science fiction was invented by nuclear power.

Who forgot to factor Ian their own carbon emissions!  We build a nuclear power plant, in the two years of plant construction all that concrete produced via a fossil fuel burn on limestone, releases the equivalent of the carbon emissions from a commercial power plant over 25 years.

And then after 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished!  Making an active nuclear power plant building programme, mankind's fourth largest source of carbon dioxide.

Which was never a problem!  It just increases natural plant life around the world.  And more plants leads to more oxygen animal life.  Can was really in the oxygen excreted by plants, combine it with the eating carbohydrates, to release more life enhancing carbon dioxide.

5 Cₘ(H₂O)n+m/2O₂+digestion→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray)

So as to each food, your stomach gives out X rays, and produces massive heat.  Powering all your body is Bio chemistry.  There is no source of the helium gas you breathe out - except molecular nuclear fusion.

The whole object of this little paper, was to demonstrate that burning fossil fuels does nuclear fusion.  Without the net energy release from burning oil or gas, is only 45 kW/m or burners.  Mostly heat is taken in to oxidise the carbon.

A far better idea is to use the electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the steam plasma direct - this year the fossil fuel burning totally!  Converting regular water into 2.4 MW of heat from a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres.

We use such a steam plasma cylinder, to drive a steam cycle.  And get out 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity.  Absolutely no production of carbon dioxide!  No utilisation fossil fuels, or enriched and dangerous radioactive isotopes.  No production of radioactive waste.

Present uranium nuclear power know knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion, for 100 MW power plant: so as the Fukushima incident in Japan and 2010.

There is no such commercially available insurance!  So every nuclear power plant on earth is running with criminally insufficient insurance.  And the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth.

Instead of being paid to run a fictitious conferences annually our carbon dioxide warming the climate.  Which it so obviously does not do!

In the arctic winters we have four PPM carbon dioxide - twice the temperate level.  Letter to -50° C.  Or nuclear power operating illegally since 1986 - the year of Chernobyl.

Weather global experts on nuclear power, the Russians, demonstrated conclusively that nuclear fission from uranium was dangerous.  The uninsurable technology of hades.

Now even the French are not allowed EDF to world uranium nuclear power plants in France.  They are no building of them in Belgium instead!  But they still require the same hundred billion of annual insurance cover.

Or they can never of terrain and operating licence!  Without adequate insurance every nuclear power plant on earth is required to perform an immediate stop.  And never restart. 

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