Sunday 13 February 2022

carbon is fixed

Make gas - carbon 0

Of life on earth is supported mostly by green plants taking in carbon dioxide, to build the carbohydrates of life, excreting oxygen, plus helium gas and X rays.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv+(chlorophyll)→(Cₘ(H₂O)+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray+Lb)+(chlorophyll)

So of photosynthesis utilises ultraviolet light - visible light is incidental!  So hyper tonics farmers need ultraviolet fluorescents.  Reducing the energy bills by a factor of 10.

Producing a carbohydrate is also in the emission of oxygen and takes in energy.  Luckily the biological molecular nuclear fusion we are doing - r(He...) The releases so much energy the whole process is massively exothermic.

The chlorophyll, the green paper and use by plants' he is not used up, it is or catalyst.  So this means a green plants on land and sea, are busy doing nuclear fusion during daylight hours.

The emission of X rays and visible light, is only possible by nuclear reactions.  And there is no possible source of radioactive decay!  We are converting a hydrogen ions into helium - nuclear fusion!  Here from hydrogen in compounds - in this case water,

Making biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.  This is very important to know.  It means that during the day the green plants on land and seas, in the air around the temperate earth, produce free carbon dioxide to just two parts per million.

As every high school pupil is taught!  The carbon dioxide released five burning the fossil fuels, as it just 0.0005% to the daily carbon dioxide plants take in.

So plant life on earth has increased as man has burnt the fossil fuels - which were active life in prehistory.  The Jurassic age had 85% more active life, though free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth was limited to four PPM - twice today's limit.

The Jurassic had three natural ice ages, where the mineral records tells us the carbon dioxide levels increased to eight PPM.

During every arctic winter, we see the carbon dioxide levels double from two PPM, back to the Jurassic four PPM.

In ice ages carbon dioxide levels also double.  Like in the little ice age of the 18th century - just as mankind was starting to burn fossil fuels.  We had a little ice age.

Which result from predictable solar emission cycles.  The short term climatic variation, will suggest an ice age worker every 100,000 years.  There is also a long-term, magic variation!

Carbon dioxide rises in an ice age.  It is so obviously not a warming gas.

That fiction was invented by the paid phones to nuclear power.  Who unfortunately worked in education and the media.  But nuclear power ignored its own carbon production.

In the two years a nuclear power plant construction, there is a massive release of carbon dioxide from the fossil fuel heating of limestone.  After all nuclear power does not want radioactive concrete - so he utilises fossil fuel burning.

Releasing in two years the common former 100 MW conventional power plant, in 25 years.  After 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished!

But since nuclear privatisation, every nuclear power plant is responsible for its own insurance.  After Chernobyl in 1986, the issue is limit was set at 40 billion.

After Fukushima in 2010, the required insurance was set at 100 billion.  There is no commercially available insurance above one billion.  So every nuclear power plant on earth is running criminally under insured.

And the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every operating nuclear power plant on earth: and ceasing to host the spurious nuclear funded climate conferences, on manmade climate change.

Which ignore the massive carbon emissions from nuclear power.  An active nuclear power programme is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon dioxide.

Burning oil or gas, releases as carbon dioxide than the nuclear plant building did!  I remember every nuclear plant should be demolished after 25 years.

Fukushima demonstrates what happens when you burn and added date nuclear plant.  The required insurance years 100 billion UK pounds.  Slightly more euros!

Any nuclear plant without adequate insurance has to immediately cease operation.  There is no three day gradual shut down.  Which would allow the nuclear plant a tree start in the future!

Every nuclear power plant operator must hate that big red button.  I would rather nuclear fuel rods from the boiler room.  An emergency crash!  Just like give a small aeroplane have crashed in two the nuclear core chamber.

The biggest static to achieve one in history!  But so fatal, even terrorists have not yet started crashing planes into nuclear power plants.  Remember they did bring down the twin towers in New York!

1945 Empire State Building B-25 crash - Wikipedia › wiki › 1945_Empire_State_B...

On July 28, 1945, a B-25 Mitchell bomber of the United States Army Air Forces crashed into the Empire State Building in New York City, while flying in thick ...

Operator: United States Army Air Forces

Ground fatalities: 11

Flight origin: Bedford Army Air Field; ‎Bedford, ...‎

Date: July 28, 1945

Bin Laden did not invent the idea of aircraft crashing into a skyscraper.  He wrote his history books!  It happened accidentally 1945.

Bin Laden was handed down and killed by the CIA.  Other terrorists will never duplicate his fatal idea.  Which isn't instant death sentence for the terrorists.  To which there is no global hiding place.

Fukushima happen and threw a natural disaster.  Would happen and predictably around the world!  But one nuclear plant around the world will experience a triple core meltdown every 25 years.  As happened with Chernobyl, with no tsunami.

So every nuclear power plant around the world is running with criminally insufficient insurance.  18 doing toxic alarm clock!  Waiting to destroy itself.  This is an area in which I have worked.  But died out off as soon as I could.

Engineers do not over design anything - that will be a waste of money.  And 90% of the safety recommendations after Chernobyl, whenever actioned as nuclear power genome two expensive.

One recommendation was buy a pack of emergency cooling system.  Which would have stopped Fukushima!  Saving 20,000,000 Asian lives.

Saving the Chinese government 100 billion!  Now in Germany and Japan have both banned uranium nuclear power from their territories.

If we a fire up a steam plasma, in a glass cylinder the water molecules are smashed together, and till we are left cancer heat light and X rays.

2 H₂O+P+PL→He+O+E²+L...X-ray

So you're totally deconstruct that hydrogen and oxygen atoms, into just heat light and X rays.  A 40x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres will release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert in two 1.2 megawatts of mains electricity.

So the carbon neutral electrical power for 150 houses.  Week in utilised the exit steam to heat an area central heating programme, to supply space heating to the same houses!

The electricity alone will give an annual income of six million UK pounds: energy is that overpriced!

The power company is can use a 1m x 2cm the steam plasma at four atmospheres, to release a constant 9.6 MW of heat.  20 of them will drive 100 MW power station.

Without utilising any radioactive materials!  Producing no hyper toxic plutonium and strontium.  Not even burning any life enhancing fossil fuels.

So no possibility of man made global warming or climate change: the world climate has been cooling since 1995.  Hence the change in nuclear PR to manmade climate change.

Ignoring that nuclear power is 1/4 largest source of carbon dioxide from man's industries.  A massive carbon source!

So in Japan or the out a service nuclear plants, can utilise steam plasma cylinders, to restart using no radioactive processes.  Producing no radioactive waste!  An almost free electricity.

A garage santis can utilised just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water to drive a 1.2 MW electricity plasma power plant.  Without income of six million UK pounds from the electricity alone.  Generating no carbon dioxide!  Totally carbon neutral.

Burning no or oil or gas!  Any city medium sized business company, cannot use A steam plasma to heat up steam.  To 800° C.  Getting out 1.2 MW our free electrical power.

They combine it with carbon dioxide called her to the air - using a car no refrigeration cycle driven by their free electricity production.  Then we spark the mixture, and as so bacteria found out in the 18th century, they unburn!

3 H₂Og+CO₂+spark→CH₄+O₂+gO so we get natural gas and loads of oxygen.  We separate using a semi permeable membrane.  And call her pressurise the methane, and so light as cheap natural gas - it years the same gas, but produces every day by sucking carbon dioxide air to the air.

So when burnt at higher pressure, we get back that carbon dioxide: so he cancer is a carbon neutral fuel.  When burnt it only releases the carbon dioxide taken in the previous day to make it.

Lancashire and sets on a massive reserves of natural gas.  There for Fracking releases.  So spring is from the overseas supplier of massively overpriced natural gas.  Using your own gas reserves.

But here we make the gas in a Chemical Factory.  And it is a totally carbon neutral fuel!  Utilising and producing no radioactive materials.  The answer to man is panic reaction to manmade climate change.  Which is only ever a spurious fiction from nuclear power.

Ironically enough the fourth largest source of man made carbon emissions on earth.  The very much not carbon neutral!  And require a in the annual insurance cover of 100 billion: or every nuclear power plant on earth must shut down instantly!  As is no commercial source of that insurance.

Which would result in nuclear power costing 28 UK pounds, for every kilowatt power of the electricity.  Burning fossil fuels only costs eight UK pence a kilowatt hour.

The chemically produced natural gas, is almost free!  Best done in urban centres - where there is loads of carbon dioxide in the air.

In the countryside green plants' have converted the extra carbon dioxide into plant biomass.  So was the more animal life on earth for free!

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