Sunday 6 February 2022

lightening is free carbon 0 heat

C 0 free heat and power

Totally non nuclear in form!  Producing no radioactive waste.  And a heavy rain or snow storms the set up for a lightening strike every 3 minutes around the world.  As they do molecular nuclear fusion.

The turbulent interaction of the water or snow molecules, smashed use the hydrogen ions together so hard, they form helium X rays and heat: every lightening strike produces 5 tonnes of helium gas, plus a stream of neutrons.

1 H₂O+O₂+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺₃+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

University geography departments have for a record other lightning produces helium and ozone gases, plus emitting massive heat.

At 5000 volts 100 amps, we set up a partial steam plasma.  That discharges all that electrical potential.  The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, the negative charge falls to the ground along with the electrons.  So a heavy storms are a huge natural battery!

But within the plasma, the hydrogen ions and free electrons, bond together to form neutrons.

2 H⁻+e⁺→n⁰+(L...X-ray+E) hence the formation of neutrons from lightening strikes.  As a collapsing the matter into neutrons.  As to the heat light and X rays, physics departments will no the actual emissions from neutron formation.

Neutrons are the a minder of matter.  They convert the helium and oxygen ions, into just hydrogen ions and electrons.

3 ⁱ⁶O+4n⁰→4(H⁺+e⁻)

Are big energy release, cancer every enriched hydrogen one, into hydrogen three - tritium.

4 ̾H⁺+2n⁰→3E²+L...X-ray 3E²=1.2 MW/m from a 1.5km x 2cm partial steam plasma.

Hence the massive heat, light and X rays produced by lightning.  Totally carbon neutral!  Resulting from the natural nuclear fission of the enriched hydrogen.  And we will still had and marvelled those lightening give off massive heat light - as the happens X rays.

No to get out massive carbon zero free energy, we fire up A steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  A 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  This number knees practical confirmation!

It is twice the energy release of molecular nuclear fusion.  It is a most potent carbon neutral energy source in the universe.  And nature on earth has been doing it for 3.8 billion years.  Since the liquid seas exist it on the earth's surface.

A is why the Venus is so hot.  The turbulent flow of steam in its atmosphere, is constantly doing a plasma burn.  On earth we only get one every 3 minutes.  I mean is it is continuous.

We use a glass centre from the neighourhood DIY store.  The steam from a paint stripper or boiling pan.  The plasma and we fire up using the electronics from old fluorescent light.

A single burst of high voltage, which was set up the steam plasma - self sustains at of or four atmospheres.  Our steam pressure will shoot up from one atmosphere to 10.

This cylinder will produce endless free carbon neutral heat.  Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  So at heritage steam railways, we can replace all burning of carbohydrates are hydrocarbons, with a steam plasma!

And at night, synchronise the DC Power with the mains, matching voltage frequency and phase with the mains supply.  Then in two million UK pounds a year, from my carbonate neutral electricity.

To run and the train we convert the DC current, into a speed linked AC.  And drive contactless AC motors on the wheel axles.  Driving each train carriage electrically.

So we have a mean you have to C drive cable, running down the length of the vehicle.  We probably want to emit a puff-puff of steam.  As that is a major selling point for steam railways.

So we are gone and totally carbon neutral.  A massively undercut diesel locomotion.  Our power is very nearly totally free!  And we priest no carbon dioxide.

Diesel trains also do more molecular nuclear fusion:

5 C₁₈H₂₄+10 O₂→(18 CO₂+(12-r)-E)+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L...X-ray)

Which is why steam boiler rooms and the turbine hall/steam centres, produce light massive heat and X rays.  And freeze helium and oxygen ions and free electrons.

The emission of X rays really should have got the interests of physicists.  And he is an interesting that the power company is use a steam cycle to generate electricity.  They are utilising molecular nuclear fusion.

They invented by the late Professor Bernard argent at Sheffield University, for my idea!  Which professor Z never D and worth a PH D!  He and though as mentally studying nuclear fusion a Ph.D. level.

So steam railways insure a utilise steam plasma cylinders.  To produce free heat continuously.  Using that nuclear fusion power.  To produce electricity at night to sell to the national grid.

An income of two million UK pounds a year, from the national grid for power produced by every operating steam engine.  Which need no longer emit a constant stream of steam.  We only do so for the day, to encourage a steam train passengers.

So a steam plasma can replace all burning of hydrocarbons all carbohydrates around the world.  Converting a miniscule volumes of regular water into massive carbon neutral heat.

My local MP says she's interested in carbon neutral power: I went issue is really interested in imposing carbon taxes!  Not actually increasing carbon neutral heat and power.

What ever, through my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000-.  I found out how to do a carbon neutral heat and power.

2008 I devised the idea of a steam plasma cylinder, are busy writing songs and sing on stage in salford.  My folk combo has ended unfortunately!

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