Tuesday 22 February 2022

Nuclear is not carbon zero

nuclear 4th biggest carbon source from man

In the two years of nuclear power plant construction, they use a massive amounts of concrete produced using a fossil fuel burn and on limestone.  So he release in 2 years the Covent carbon emissions from a conventional power plant in 25 years.

And after 25 years the nuclear plant is demolished!  The commercial power plant replaces compounds as they wear out, and it carries on!

The world a nuclear plant is so dangerous, he requires annual insurance annually of 100 billion per 100 MW power plant.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.

I do the calculations yesterday and if you could fly at that level of insurance, it would cost 2000 pounds per kilowatt hour of generating electricity.  Commercial power charges just eight pence per kilowatt hour.  160,000 times less!  Nuclear power charges since two P per kilowatt hour.

As they do not carry the required minimal insurance.  And they produce hyper toxic radioactive waste, which remains lethal for 100,000 years.  To which there is no global reprocessing capability.

Contaier plants on land and sea have evolved to take in carbon dioxide down to two parts per million.  The static level across the temperate earth in the afternoon air!

At night the carbon dioxide level rises!  As a temperature falls - to below 0° C above the dessertys.

Above the arctic ice In winter there is no photosynthesis.  Snow blankets all and Lucy ice covers the seas.  So -50° C, and four PPM carbon dioxide: twice the temperate level!

If we look at the mineral record, we discover Jurassic age had four PPM carbon dioxide around the temperate earth.  There was 85% more active life.  Sea levels were result in the 60 metres lower around the whole the earth - in the warm periods.

And there were three natural ice ages, the carbon dioxide is the eight PPM.  That is a sort are rubbish physics devices when talking about carbon dioxide and the weather.

The three predictable ice ages the cause five solar emission cycles.  Nothing to do a carbon dioxide!  As I said carbon dioxide doubles to eight PPM.  Four times the carbon dioxide around the earth's temperate regions in the present epoch.

So as minus burn the fossil fuels, plant life has increased!  Plants and animals are in a dynamic balance, so animal life has also increased!  Photosynthesis is a type of molecular nuclear fusion - which physics will understandish.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂+Luv+(chlorophyll)→(Cm(H₂O)n-+mO₂+E)+r(He+O+Lb+X-ray+E²) the chlorophyll is a biological capitalist and is not used up.

So photosynthesis utilises ultraviolet light and chlorophyll to build carbohydrates from the circulating carbon dioxide in the air, and water sucked out through the roots.

And forming the carbohydrates takes in energy.  And excrete C oxygen animals need to breathe in - to do the slow matter burn, to get at the residual nuclear fusion energy.

There was photosynthesis also does biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Producing helium, a faint blue light and X rays of which there is no chemical source.  And there is no source of radioactive decay.

The X rays bond with the carbohydrates, and enrich the carbon isotope.  To form carbon 13.  Which is a basis for carbon dating!  The carbohydrates in clears carbon atoms enriched by the photosynthesis.  That UK over 5000 years, to tell us on the carbohydrates were formed by plants.

So carbon dioxide is aware that nature does nuclear fusion on earth.

The animal digestion again does biological molecular nuclear fusion.

2 Cm(H₂O)n+pO₂→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So animal carbon dates, will display a smaller amount of carbon13 than the uneaten food.  Waterfalls also do molecular nuclear fusion.  Where water turbulence over one what's in power, causes some other water molecules to do molecular nuclear fusion.  Messing with the carbon dates!  Peter boggs have the same effect.

3 H₂O+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+E²+X-ray

HIUS side is regard carbon dates for the level of skepticism!  Unless backed up by other artifacts which can be tied down to the date of manufacture.  The environment releases to me X rays, as it does nuclear fusion on earth.

But really the biggest news is that nuclear power is the fourth largest source of man made carbon dioxide.  It is based Wallace hope for an economic future on being carbon zero.

It is so not!  All the electricity are tamed over mains from nuclear power, results emission more carbon dioxide globally than your coal fire!  All your central heating system!

And this burning fossil fuels releases the carbon dioxide which stimulates global plant growth around the temperate earth.  Even above the poles in spring and summer, photosynthesis in the seas reduces the carbon dioxide levels to the temperate two parts per million.

Only in winter with no photosynthesis, do we double the carbon dioxide.  Just as the air temperature four to a rather freezing -50° C.  The lowest temperatures on earth!

There is a remarkably simple answer!  Every lightening strike around the world already does nuclear fusion and.

4 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray constantly all around the world heavy rain or snow showers are doing nuclear fusion.

The potential charge bills up!  By the positive charge collected above the clouds layer.  The negative charge falling with electrons to the ground.

At 5000 volts, 100 amps we set up a partial steam plasma linking the charge arrears, to discharge all that electrical current.  A lightening down strike!

5 H₂O+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray here E²=1.2 MW/m

Things are a little more complicated, as the plasma converts water molecules into positive ions and free electrons.  And we get the recombination of high June ions and electrons.

6 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ so plasma is are and non nuclear source of neutrons!

Where we enclosed A steam plasma in a glass cylinder, we got twice as much energy release.  For ever the calculations for the next few year's we realized we are doing a plasma burn from steam.

7 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²= 2.4 MW from a 50x1cm glass cylinder.

Totally carbon neutral heat!  Not involving any fossil fuel burning, and no radioactive substances utilised all produced.  We turn regular water into heat light and X rays.  Massive heat!

They can use to drive the water boiler from a steam turbine and produce 800° C steam in at eight atmospheres.  Generating 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains electricity: we convert the DC into mains linked AC.

The national grid in the UK will happily pay us six million UK pounds every year for our excess current.  The carbon neutral electricity for 150 houses.

By now or every physicist on earth has read my papers.  There is still talking about and researching manmade climate change.  Though plant's have restricted carbon dioxide globally to a pre industrial two parts per million.  The unchanged level in this epoch.

And here we have Energy System which utilises no fossil fuel burn.  And deftly no radioactive materials involved all produced!  The clean safe and free Energy System of the future.

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