Wednesday 16 February 2022

This is the year of Covid21 and cancer cure 2002

Covid and cancers cured

Every year since 1934, the human influence or virus has been given the name Covidxx - with where 'xx' are the last two numbers of the year!  Presumably in 2034, will be on to Covid034.

So Covid 19 only existed June 1 of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  And because medicine would have taken two years to licence or a vaccination research or manufacture a court vaccination is strictly prohibited.  As would be their prescription!

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound clear the inflated cell structures common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

So to clear any infective disease, only requires ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest.  I uses idea to clear my own Covid19 November 2019: and freely published my work on the Internet.  Which has be read and verified by every registered Dr. On earth.

Who already owned an 8 W three MHZ unit, validated 2002 to clear all 200 types of human cancer out there.  Now also clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

Even researching a Covid vaccination was medically prohibited!  Any medical research or struck a off: there is no legal argument to the Hippocratic poa withth.

All biochemical drug company is voluntarily signed this pledge.  So are not permitted to make and sell in vaccination to a fast changing viral lines like Covid flu all the common cold: any wheat though the drug companies are suddenly announced they have a vaccination to the common cold!  This is for new versions every year.

So the vaccination is for 16 versions of the common cold ago!  Totally medically useless.  So when corrupt doctors started using the Covid19 vaccination, we were already on the year of Covid20.

India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - totally irrespective of any obsolete Covid19 vaccination: so the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete an unlicensed!  Never a legal human drug.

Any vaccinating individual struck a off as a registered Dr.!  Losing medical registration and Health Insurance.  All medical practice then criminal!

But the drug company is are only used registered doctors to do drug development.  And no Dr. Has ever been allowed to work on a Covid vaccination.  As if he automatically obsolete before he even pass through animal drug trials.  Never entering human drug trials!

So any individual giving a Covid19 vaccination ever in the world, was the subject of defective medicine!  One in 200 died.  See 3.5 billion vaccinations given, 17 million healthy an innocent individuals medically murdered.

They are only started giving the Covid19 unlicensed vaccination where were already in the year of Covid20.  So Covid Omicorn was my medically agreed international naming convention, it type of Covid20.  No possibility of the unlicensed Covid19 vaccination having any useful the effect.

So without any shadow of a doubt the Covid19 vaccination programme, was her biggest deliberate medical murder in history!  17 million people killed around the world.  Not one life saved!  As Covid had moved on.

Now we're on the year of Covid21.  Oh we're on Covid Pi.  Again a distinct virus.  Of EC not responding to the Covid19 vaccination, obsolete an unlicensed two years ago air.  In June will be on to Covid Mu.  Then Nu, Rho, Sigma ....

All outside legal medical vaccination!  As a medical vaccination testing programme, will be and I have complete and that virus no longer existed.

And yet medics are still talking about Covid19: or rather not!  Their PR Company is are talking absolute biological rubbish.  Every registered Dr. On earth is aware of the Covid naming process.

We are not on variant Covid19, we're on Covid21 Pi.  Eight totally natural viral progression!

And each of those 17 million people killed, once the same legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The doctors, involved nurses and drug company all struck off!  Along with the pharmacist.

A total legal fine of 170 trillion: the world is only worth 138 trillion!  And not one life saved.  The biggest deliberate medical mass killing, I can imagine.

Astra Zeneca Air has continued with the illegal manufacture of cancer drugs, since HIUS was published as a single session total cure to all cancers 2002.  All cancer drugs then defective and criminal medicine.

All chemo and radio therapy prohibited!  Every cancer patient death the same legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  Each involved Dr. Receives a 25 year term in high security prison.

The involved drug company, like Astra Zeneca removed from the legal biochemical drug register.  All these medicines then illegal and outside legal medical prescription.

The drug company cease to have any share price 2002.  An ever since is not react are legally borrow money to make payroll every month: the most bankrupt corporations in history!

Still acting as if there were legal drug companis.  When they were struck off 20 years ago!

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