Friday 18 February 2022

Free Home Power

carbon neutral home power from water

I wish I could say and this is all my idea!  But I was told fragments by other santis, mostly at Sheffield University.

The first insight was a burn fossil fuels give off so much heat, as it fired up a steam plasma.  There PH D told me as if it was known to every scientist on earth!

1 CₘHₙ+(p+r)+spark→(mCO₂+p(H₂O)-E)+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray)

So actually oxidising the carbon, takes in energy.  But we are doing molecular nuclear fusion and.  Let me clarify this

2 nH+TU→n/2He+E²+L...X-ray

So we are doing nuclear fusion!  The engine system that causes the sunshine.  Make use of heat light and X rays!  Making fossil fuel burning massively exothermic.

I wrote my first essay on this subject, and professor Z ended my PH D work in a hurry.  With no award!  And try not to better.  Professor argent was an emeritus professor of metallurgy, and other santis would not listen to him, describing her plants talk in carbon dioxide, to do photosynthesis.  The in just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.

Making manmade global warming climate change impossible nuclear science fiction!  At other santis wouldn't listen to him.

I continued to work on molecular nuclear fusion - his name from my idea.  And I discovered that lightening strikes did nuclear stuff!  They convert a steam molecules in a steam plasma into hydrogen and oxygen ions, with free electrons.

A lightening strike is it set up by heavy rain or snow, do molecular nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+P+TU→2H⁺++O⁺+3e⁻

Professor Z had asked me to continue working on my ideas.  Though they were lurching gradually into physics!

The lightening bolt is set up between the cloud tops and the ground, to discharge the 5000 volts 100 amps of electrical potential: the positive charge is carried above the clouds layer, the negative force to the ground.  Storms are a massive natural battery!

The when we have the steam plasma set up, we are back to my old friend of molecular nuclear fusion.

4 2H⁺+P→He²⁺+E²+L+X-ray we are talking about the Energy System that drives the sun.  And does nuclear stuff!  Hence the emission of visible light and X rays.

But we also get the combination of hydrogen ions we've electrons.  That do not annihilate!  Positrons and electrons would.  They combined to form the composite sub atomic particles of the neutron.

5 H⁺+e⁻+P→n⁰ there Asia recombination is determined by the plasma pressure.  Which is why lightning strikes also spreads out so many neutrons.  Which probably in which the oxygen isotope.  But oxygen has a long half life!


Neutrons 9

Nuclide data

Natural abundance 0.0373% SMOW 0.0377421% (atmosphere)

Half-life stable

Annoyingly it is stable!  But to neutrons combine with one hydrogen, to form tritium - which undergoes nuclear decay.

6 H⁺+2n⁰→E²+L...X-ray

Are lightening is basically random!  But we can fire up A steam plasma up in a glass cylinder, and get a contained a lightening strike.  Using the electronics from old fluorescent light, to set up the plasma.  Which self sustains at four atmospheres.  Just as lightening is set up at eight atmospheres, and banks out for three.

Now the neutrons do not have skipped harmlessly!  Bill mostly concerned with 6.  As the hydrogen lacks shell electrons, to keep electrons away!  And the neutrons bond with the atomic nuclei.

7 H⁺+e⁻+n⁰→2(E²+L...X-ray)

This is very interesting!  As each a hydrogen ion that undergoes nuclear fission, releases 10ⁱ⁸W of heat!  Than are loads of other nuclear processes going on.  As a he releases damp down.

But each lightening strike produces 5 tonnes of helium ions - and associated ozone.  From a 1.5km x 2cm partial steam plasma.  From which you can calculate that a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.

With four the steam plasma cylinder in a boiler room, and get off steam at 800° C8 atmospheres as against amount.  This will generate a constant 1.2 MW of DC Power: we can convert into phase locked frequency matched AC mains electricity.

The carbon neutral power for 150 houses.  Or four medium sized business concerns.

Businesses can set up a plasma power plant in a cellar, and go carbon neutral.  This sell the excess current to the national grid when not working, and her an annual income of four billion UK pounds.

The garage scientists can set up the plasma power plant, and get an annual income of six million UK pounds.  For saving life on earth!  Were to back plant's already eat extra carbon dioxide, so the temperate there has a pre-industrial two parts per million carbon dioxide in.  Unchanged since 1880!

The polar ice In winter have no photosynthesis.  And four parts per million carbon dioxide in the air at -50° C.  Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas!  Then the spring comes, and we are back to the industrial average of two PPM.  Air temperature in the arctic summer reaches a barmy 10° C.

So we should focus on the home plasma power plant.  Which utilises just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  To provide the income of six million UK pounds.  For the production of carbon neutral electricity.

Basically the free power for 150 houses!  Fossil fuel burning logs massively overpriced!  Uranium nuclear power knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion per 100 MW power plant: since Fukushima in 2010.  40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.  The most hyper toxic and uninsurable industry ever.

There being no commercially available insurance above one billion.  So the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every operating nuclear power plant on earth.  People can adopt plasma power plants, which are basically free non toxic electricity!

I admit there is also physics here I do not know about!  I just giving you the top level analysis of steam plasma.  I am after all a chemical engineer and metallurgist.

We use are still mad hot steam after the fire generation, at six and 80° C 7.8 atmospheres, to provide the area central heating for sale 150 houses.  Another income of six million UK pounds.

Is an interesting than nuclear power runs a steam cycle.  That already does molecular nuclear fusion.  Which is why the produce too much energy, for the uranium used up.

They also converting some other working fluid in a steam cycle, into energy light and X rays.  Just stop using uranium!

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