Saturday 12 February 2022

Free carbon neutral heat and electricity

plants eat CO2

The other day on the phone, you did not say what team you're working with.  You said three years ago air you are working with Newcastle University.  I presume it is in engineering anyway!

2001 and professor Z at Sheffield University suggested the turbulent flow of steam or high pressure water, did molecular nuclear fusion.  You never met Professor Zimmerman!  He had a double first from Columbia, but freaked out as I was cleverer than him!

I need to teach you a bit of physics!  When you have a plasma, the latter is converted into positive ions and free electrons.

1 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

We are going to run my plasma at 3 atmospheres - as I have guesstimate it the numbers from that pressure.

We have a hydrogen nuclei and free electrons in chaotic interaction.  The atomic fragments recombine, according to the plasma pressure: hence the importance of four atmospheres as the plasma pressure.

2 H⁺+e⁻+P→n⁰

Physicist get very excited about neutrons!  As a bond atomic nuclei, to enrich turn into radioactive isotopes.

We bonds four neutrons, with each oxygen ion.  And we set up a fission chain.  To burn the oxygen into a four hydrogen ions.

3 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻+E+L...X-ray I am getting a bit here.  As I obviously or not a physics student.  Past A level!  The energy release is a result of the neutrons we have burnt into heat light and X rays.

Now we get to the interesting bit!  We enrich the ⁱH⁺ into ³H - tritium.  With which he is massively radioactive the unstable, and fisherman's into heat light and X rays.

4 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→³H→4(E²+L...X-ray) I have done all my calculations, treating high June as hydrogen one.  There is no point in correcting the numbers - without physical experiment.

2E² = 2.5x10³⁰W - you always did repeated numbers!  Even though the result of gas work here.

So a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.  We utilised no carbon fuels!  We have no fossil fuel burn and no radioactive materials are introduced.

They are plasma enriches its own hydrogen isotopes.  Which fission waste so fast, they are really of no consequence.  But they do produce a massive amount of heat.

If we drive the boiler room for a small steam turbine, which you get off superheated steam at eight atmospheres 800° C.  Which will generate 1.2 MW of DC Power.  We use by electronics to convert into phase,frequency and voltage linked AC.

We have produced the carbon neutral power for 150 houses: now it is my eight tritium point is correct, off this to 450 houses!

Really are my local MP, Rebecca long Bailey, to get me involved with the scientists at salford university, to do the practical experiments.

Which are not hard!  We use the electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the steam from a paint stripper.  In a glass cylinder.  We may well find the pressure ships up to 10 atmospheres!

That really is too much.  I would advocate venting down to four.  Lightning fires up at eight atmospheres.  If the heat rises exponentially we may be looking at a heat of 50 MW.  Just too much to engineer.

So a steam plasma cylinder is carbon neutral heat.  That a little commercially sourced steam turbine, will convert into mains electricity.  Totally carbon neutral!

The physics I learned via the Internet.  The electrical engineering we did in the 1 year of our master's degree at Sheffield.  For last decade I have been busy writing and singing folk music.

Still vaguely interested in carbon neutral matters.  And now a totally convinced that uranium nuclear power is criminally under insured.  Hyper toxic, and there was predictably fatal industry on earth.

Which is why Japan and Germany have now renounced uranium nuclear power.  Tonight I have sent my steam plasma ideas two Japan, - locally googol will translate text the fly.

But certainly Newcastle for salford university can now give the world carbon neutral electricity.  Ending for ever the phantom science of man made climate change!

In the two years so nuclear power plant construction, the fossil fuel burn to freeze all concrete, is equivalent to the carbon emissions for 25 years from a commercially fired power plant.

When the nuclear plant is demolished!  Fukushima demonstrates what happens if you ran a nuclear plant outside its design life.  Engineers never over engineer anything!  25 years, everything is designed to to break down!

The plasma power plant idea would allow the garage scientist, to build the air and 1.2 MW electrical power plant.  Supply the carbon neutral power for 150, or for 300 houses.

An annual income from the national grid of six or 18 million UK pounds.  For saving life on earth!  Just give me the money!  Life will look after itself.

Man's carbon emissions are requirement to 0.0004% are the carbon dioxide breathed out by animals.  1000 times less important for our local forest fire or volcanic eruption.

Physics was just basically ignorant about the carbon cycle and biology.  I knew nothing about the weather.  The weather is made in the stratosphere, the carbon dioxide is a heavy gas and never rises that high.

The temperate level at ground level has been capped at two parts per million, in the present epoch.  Even before mankind evolved.

In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less efficient, and left four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Sea levels were 60 metres lower in a warm period!  And there were three natural ice ages.

A game biology eight the carbon dioxide!  Burn the fossil fuels actually a releases that carbon dioxide from the deep, so increases modern life on earth.  They static trace gas has no affect on anything.  And carbon dioxide years a static trace gas in the temperate air.

Above the arctic ice In winter there is no photosynthesis.  The carbon dioxide spiked at 4 PPM.  Air temperature -50° C.  Any rational scientist could never having a time for manmade global warming or climate change.

For four just impossible nuclear science fiction!  And again, nuclear power is 1/4 largest manmade source of carbon dioxide or on earth.  Nuclear power is so not carbon zero!

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