Saturday 12 February 2022

Of course lightning produces neutrons

lightening - nature doing nuclear fusion in the air

It is elementary A level physics!  The first or snow or rain storms already do molecular nuclear fusion: where a hydrogen ions from compounds of hydrogen, fuse to form helium.

1 H₂O+O₂+P+TU→He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray

So the storm as water molecules in high pressure turbulent flow and produces helium and the free radical oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules, to form ozone.  Geography has already recorded the emission of X rays from storms.

At 5000 volts, we linking up the positive charge that has collected above the clouds layer, with the negative charge that has fallen with the electrons to the ground.  We get a lightening down strike!  To discharge the 100 amps of electrical current.

But then we have a 1.5x2cm partial steam plasma.  Where the water molecules are broken up into positive ions and free electrons.

2 H₂O+P+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+TU

So we get the chaotic flow of atomic nuclei and electrons.  In particular we have the term and interaction of hydrogen ions and electrons.  Usually we are talking about ⁱH⁺.  There lightening does enrich the hydrogen isotopes.

When a hydrogen ions and electrons combine, they do not annihilate - electrons and positrons would.

3 ⁱH⁺ = p⁺.n⁰ so light hydrogen is a proton bonded to one neutron.

4 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

So we would expect a lightening strike, to freeze a flood of neutrons, and emission of X rays and visible light.  Which is exactly what we see.  A non nuclear source of neutrons and X rays.  First visible light!  As we are doing nuclear fusion down to -50° C in the air.  No radioactive isotopes around.

In a glass cylinder, we do a plasma burn!  Twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion.

5 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²= 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.  From a steam plasma 50x1cm in size, at just four atmospheres.  We can set one up in the garden shed.

Boring the high voltage electronics, from old fluorescent light.  It will then happily you produce a constant 2.4 MW of heat, from 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  The plasma enriches its own hydrogen isotopes.  We do not need to worry about it!  We just feed in regular water, and get Ed 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.

We use to drive a commercially sourced 1.2 MW steam turbine.  The produce team is at an estimated eight atmospheres 800° C.  So we get out 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains electricity.  The Power Electronics have converted the generated DC current, into mains linked AC.

Every house needs just 8 kW of electrical power.  So we generate in a carbon neutral heat for 150 houses: my calculations may be conservative, we may get 3.6 MW, the carbon neutral power for 450 houses.

From regular water!  No gas or oil burner and certainly no radioactive processes.  No utilisation of enriched uranium.  No production of the stratospherically toxic plutonium and strontium.

Present uranium nuclear power requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  It makes do with a criminally insufficient 50 million.  And bribes of the nuclear regulator, not to notice!

The worst go to acquire in history.  Going on every day every nuclear power plant around the world.  America and France both have 200 plants.  Though now EDF is budding is nuclear plants in Belgium.  As a French public are revolting!  That is what the French are good at.  Other eating cheese and surrendering.  The rest of policy of surrendering there every five years.  Just in case there is a war!

A plasma power plant is ideal for remote highland.  As he is almost free electrical power.  The no diesel or petrol burn!  No horrendously expensive mains electricity transported by a subsea electrical link.

And the national grid will pay us six million UK pounds each year, were all that lovely carbon neutral electricity.  Produced using a volume of water so minute will struggle to measure it in a lifetime.  Were even 1000 lifetimes!

And absolutely no carbon dioxide production.  Though plants on land and see gobble up carbon dioxide.  To build plant biomass.  Leaving just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.

A level unchanged in the present epoch - before mankind even involved.  A static trace gas affects nothing.  So medicine to physics about carbon dioxide!  Though biology is familiar with the carbon cycle, physics not!

Yet every physics Dr. and professor, I was taught high school biology at high school.  So he is familiar the the plant eating carbon dioxide - man's additional come dioxide is only 0.0004%.  Orders of magnitude less important than a volcanic eruption of forest fire.  Which have been continuously around the world.

Mankind could not alter the carbon dioxide level in the air if he tried.  Nature can - every year.

In the arctic winter snow covers the land and ice covers the seas, and there is no photosynthesis.  Carbon dioxide levels spikes at four parts million.  Air temperature -50° C!  Then the spring comes, and we are back to the temperate average of just 2 PPM.

Construction of a nuclear power plant uses a massive fossil fuel burn, to freeze all out concrete.  By heating limestone.  Releasing in two years the carbon dioxide equivalent to a emissions from a commercial power plant over 25 years.

And after 25 years the nuclear plant is demolished!  Fukushima demonstrates what happens if you ran an aged nuclear power plant after its design life.  It is all designed to break down the day after the plant has its 25th birthday.  Engineers do not ever designed anything!

So a plasma power plant is massive carbon neutral power.  Carbon neutral electricity for release 150 houses.  Annual income of six million UK pounds.  The whirl climate has been cooling since 1995.

His 2005 nuclear power changes PR, to be the meaningless manmade climate change.  With the understanding about this brilliant global warming, when the natural climate stopped cooling.

As controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.  Hence all the planets in the inner solar system have been cooling since 1995.  Even MARs with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.

The temperate earth a static two PPM carbon dioxide.  Again static (trace) gases affects nothing!

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