Wednesday 9 February 2022

Wet the world

more fresh rain

We use high school biology to increase emerged fresh water in the world.  Just one metre of vacuum, will cause sea or river water to boil off into fuel water vapour.  Losing all salts and contaminants.

So in the Middle East we get solar panels from India: where they are cheaper!  Or we use a little wind turbine on the beach.

We pump the fresh water 1/2 kilometre inshore.  An issue the water vapour, over.  That of solar impregnated with grass seed.  So the grass grows like mad.  Suck year all that lovely carbon dioxide from the air!  Increasing carbohydrates - and animal biomass on earth.  More plants leads inevitably to more animals!

And we use the animal droppings to fertilise the new grasslands.  Grid shortage will be available carbon dioxide in the air.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²++X-rayLb)

So plants on land take in ultraviolet light, bill carbohydrates but emit a faint blue light.  As a he produces helium and oxygen gas - they are doing molecular nuclear fusion from water.  Tony water molecules into helium and oxygen gases, plus massive heat and X rays.

Which makes biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.  And the process goes on around the temperate earth the the land and the sea.  Motoring free carbon dioxide to just two parts per million.

And the emission of a fate blue light and X rays, gamma go off from nuclear reactions.  This case nuclear fusion.  It is all so obvious!

Above the arctic ice In winter, there is no active photosynthesis.  As is no blankets the Landes and ice covers the seas.  So there is constant massive nuclear fusion on earth.

The absolute cap of free carbon dioxide in the air, is efficiency of photosynthesis.  So in the Jurassic one periods there was four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

85% more life on earth!  Resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower.  We irrigate the deserts, and the soil maps grow like crazy!  Turn the arid desert into lush Savannah.

And all those grazing animals, or fertilise the soil with their droppings.  So there'll be more plant and animal life on earth.

The great shortage will be free carbon dioxide in the air!  Nature limits the carbon dioxide levels.  Which I remain static in the present epoch, even before mankind evolved.

There were still natural forest fires!  Which cause a massive boost the local plant growth.  Not an increase of carbon dioxide in the global air!

So the arctic winters have four PPM carbon dioxide in.  Just at the Jurassic one periods.  When the fossil fuels were active plant and animal carbohydrates.

So by burning the fossil fuels were not increase in carbon dioxide levels in the global air: that is biological rubbish!  We are increasing active life on land and sea.  The seas are better carbon sink than the Lands!

The more nuclear power bills its power plants using reinforced concrete.  Releasing in just two years the Covent of the carbon emissions from a conventional power plant in 25 years.  At which stage the nuclear plant is decommissioned and demolished!

But due to the toxic nature of nuclear power, each operating nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.

Rising to 100 billion since Fukushima in 2010.  Which will result in 20,000,000 additional deaths in Asia!  Through increased rates of cancers and heart disease.

So nuclear power is 1/4 largest source of man made carbon dioxide!  Such a carbon prolific industry.

At least commercial bar does not suffer a triple core meltdown as every 25 years.  Spraying to toxic radioactive waste over the continent.  Causing massive global death!  Over the next quarter of a century.

There is no commercially available insurance above one billion!  So they do 50 million.  And their highest prize in history to the nuclear regulator!  Who was under the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth 1986.

Burning the fossil fuels increases life on earth.  It does not increase carbon dioxide levels around the temperate earth.

They double every year in the arctic winter.  Air temperature -50° C.  Manmade global warming climate change are stupid and biologically impossible summer's fiction from the paid pens to nuclear power.

Who so should not be writing for the media or working in education.  They are unqualified to supervise a primary school milk round.

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