Sunday 13 February 2022

Chargeless electric car

better than batteries

The great weakness of electric cars, is the limited range given by the back to charging.  The car Peble have experimented with a constant speed diesel engine, as a way to charging electric cars.

This was the subject of my first year thermodynamic so lecture at Sheffield University 1986.  Four which I got a triple A!  Which are thought was a bit excessive.  It used turned out to be really correct!

Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  That produces five tonnes of helium ions, and neutrons as it does molecular nuclear fusion.  And sub atomic addition: hydrogen ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons.

1 (x+2)H₂O+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+2n⁰+L..X-ray+E²

The pressurise descent of rain or snow particles, already does molecular nuclear fusion - setting up the potential difference between the cloud tops the ground.  When the provincial is destroyed we set up a partial steam plasma.

2 H₂O+O₂+P+TU→He⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

Which is why storms give out heat and X rays!  And everybody has felt the electricity from a rain or snow storm.

Equation one is so interesting!  We turn regular water into oxygen and helium ions, plus free electrons an massive heat.

We do the calculations and a 25x1cm steam plasma will freeze a constant 600 kW of heat at four atmospheres.  The pressure is a guesstimate!  Somewhere between eight and three atmospheres.

We now use a 1930s technology.  Which turns heat directly into current.  Albeit with a 13% efficiency.  Against 50% for a steam turbine.

So a 25x1cm steam plasma will create 600 kW of carbon neutral heat.  So through a thermoelectric generator, we get 75 kilowatts of DC Power.  We use by electronics to turn into a speed linked AC.

And now we can drive contactless Electric Motors on the wheel hubs.  So we do not need large storage batteries.  Of it only sufficient to start off the steam plasma.  Which I have advocated not actually turning off.  Supplying 75 kW of mains frequency electricity to any plugged in cable.  We can drive 18 houses from a motor car at rest,

So we never need charge up the electric car.  It generates current as it needs it!  Only ever a small battery for colds starts.

That were made about her first year engineering essay.  But Ford and BMW do not apply the 1930s thermoelectic generator to car locomotion until 2010.  They never developed technology thee were petrol heads!

So here we have a carbon neutral way to the car or an infinite range.  Never needing to charge of any batteries.  Never needing to fill up on fuel.  As the thermoelectic generator only consumes 10⁻ⁱ⁴cc of regular water in the light and another vehicle.

A family hatchback needs only 8 kW of measure power.  A small helicopter 45 kW.  We are generating 75 kW.  Which implies we could drive helicopter blades, to fly between cities at 700 MPH.

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