Sunday 6 February 2022

Free heat and power

carbon-neutral that easy

Around the world nature it will be doing the production from heavy rain or snow.  This is a little involved!  The precipitation sets off nuclear fusion in the air.

1 H₂O+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray

This is a source of the heat and X rays as rain or snow showers give out!  The electrons bond with the helium ions, to give us back hydrogen ions and neutrons.

2 He²⁺+e⁻→H⁺+n⁰

cloud | National Geographic Society › encyclopedia › cl...

21 Jan 2011 — When it's about to rain, clouds darken because the water vapor is ... Lightning is formed in a cloud when positively charged particles and ...

In an enclosed cylinder to neutrons bond with a hydrogen ion, to do hydrogen fission.

3 H⁺+2n⁰→E²+L...X-ray

So the plasma converts water molecules, into groups of hydrogen oxygen ions, and free electrons.  The hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons.  2.

B oxygen has a fission chain, where four neutrons bond with the oxygen ion, to cause repeated nuclear fission.  Into hydrogen ions.

4 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻

So we have constant neutron formation.  Just as you get from natural lightening strikes.  But in a confined space, the neutrons bond with a heavier atomic elements.  Which are enriched, and fission into hydrogen ions.

The hydrogen ions bond with 2 neutrons, to form of energy light and heat.  The rate of heat light and X ray emission, is directly linked to the a five plasma pressure.  Which is why lightening is set up at eight atmospheres, and collapses at three!  The starting of may and white, and blinking out when a range.

We a fire up a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, and get at a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  The frequency of Allied is controlled by the plasma pressure.

So King get the emission of ultraviolet - but not X rays!  And support photosynthesis.  The production is significant.

So week in use a succession of 1m x1cm self powering steam plasma tubes, which will using a miniscule amount of regular water.  And give out in heat and ultraviolet radiation.

We cite in the north sea, and warm the heart body of cold water.  And encourage the growth of the sea life.  We get more plant and animal life in the north sea!  For free.

Giving a whole the climate of Blackpool - which is wanted naturally by the gulf stream.  We now have set up a body of hot water in the north sea.  Which a warm the local climate.  And flow back to the north pole - where the cold water at 3° C, pushes its way back to the equator to pick up more solar heat.

So we have introduced a new carbon neutral heat source into north sea.  Week in use this system to provide people with free heat and power.  Totally carbon neutral and cost free.

Our 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, will precede constant 2.4 MW of heat.  A steam turbine will convert into 1.2 MW our carbon neutral electricity.  The carbon 0 electricity for 150 houses.

The exit steam will still be at 680° C!  We have use a steam plasma to drive a steam turbine boiler room.  We use a hot steam driven by the area space heating for the same houses.

The electricity and heat which provide the annual income of six million UK pounds.  Totally carbon neutral!  The national grid will send us an annual check for six 1,000,000 UK pounds.  The local houses paid a rate for the central heating hot water.

And we do not burn any oil or gas.  We do not use a remote nuclear power plant: which Prix uses them or to years of plant construction, the carbon emissions from 100 megawatt common to plant power plant.

So nuclear power is the 4th largest carbon source of man's industries!  A plasma power plant is totally carbon neutral.  It utilises an produces no radioactive material.  Turning regular light water into heat light and X rays.

Clean and safe power!  This will help with the present economic crunch fell by families.  The U.S. as a inflation rate of 7%!  The UK 5.4%: the bank of England was meant to setting exchange rates to load inflation to 2%.  It isn't!

The Euro zone has infection age of 5.6%.  Again the European central bank was meant to be limiting Europe and inflation to 2%.  It is massively failing.

But now all home use is can use plasma power to free use free heat and electricity.  Am an annual income of 12 million UK pounds.  Three times the income of the average working man over a lifetime!

And plasma power is non polluting, radioactivite isotope free, and goes off from regular water.  So is basically cost free!  Instead earning that massive multi million pound annual income.

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