Monday 7 February 2022

Lightening is carbon neutral heat

Lightening burns water into heat

Heavy rain or snow, does molecular nuclear fusion in the air around the earth constantly

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray so the turbulence of high pressure within a rain or snow storm, does nuclear fusion - down to -50° C above the arctic ice.  So nuclear fusion continuously in the air around the earth.  Eight totally carbon neutral heat source.

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, where the positive ions collected.  And the negative charge falls to the ground with the electrons.

At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening down strike to discharge electrical potential, followed by a much more significant lightening up strike through the steam plasma.

2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ the plasma converts water molecules into positive ions, and free electrons moving a chaotic fashion.

We get hydrogen ions and electrons merging to form neutrons.  So of course lightening produces neutrons!  Which academics have written technical papers about.

A natural neutron source - Physics World › a-natural-neutron-source

19 Oct 2017 — The reasons are manifold. One is that neutrons are neutral and therefore do not affect the electric fields of the lightning leaders or the ...

To be honest I am a metallurgist, and it is blindingly obvious!  Or seas also obvious is the chaotic interaction of hydrogen ions, does nuclear fusion.

3 2H⁺+P+PL→He²⁺+E²

So constantly around the world, lightening is doing nuclear fusion in the air.  Liberating massive energy!

Every lightening bolt is a 1.5ikm x2cm steam plasma.  Which produces five tonnes of helium ions.  2.5x10³⁰W from every lightening bought.  1.2 MW/m.

In a confined glass cylinder, we do the twice as energetic plasma burn from regular water.

4 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) an energy release of 2.4MW/m.  With no carbon dioxide generation!  No nuclear processes involved.  Except the formation of helium from hydrogen ions.

Isotopes of helium - Wikipedia › wiki › Isotopes_of_helium

He may have an even shorter half-life. In the Earth's atmosphere, the ratio of 3. He to 4. He is 1.343(13)×10−6. However, the isotopic abundance of helium ...

‎List of isotopes · ‎Helium-2 (diproton) · ‎Helium-3 · ‎Helium-4

Helium three in this tour sir is the energy source of the future.  Annie is produced by the turbulent flow of deep sea currents, doing molecular nuclear fusion.  As 1.  No need to robot minus staff on the main.  It bubbles out of the seas naturally.  He reacts with nothing it is lost to space the same day!

So academics have written about the neutron formation of lightning.  Which regard as mysterious!  It is the natural consequence of the chaotic flow are the a free electrons and hydrogen ions.  Which sun cells alive products or the turbulent flow of steam molecules, do molecular nuclear fusion.

If we fire up a steam plasma using the electronics from old fluorescent light, the plasma will self sustain at four atmospheres.

Producing a constant 2.4 MW of heat from 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  The carbon neutral heat source of nature.  A steam turbine will convert into 1.2 MW of DC Power.  We can convert into voltage, frequency and phase linked AC.

Generating the carbon neutral electricity for 150 houses.  An annual income of six million UK pounds from the national grid.  We cease to burn the mains gas and utilises of mains electricity.  We sell the excess current to the national grid.

We utilised no enriched radioactive isotopes.  And produce no hyper toxic plutonium and strontium.  We have no triple core meltdown; present uranium nuclear power experiences a triple core meltdown somewhere around the world every 25 years.  Think Chernobyl and then Fukushima in 2010.

Requiring uranium nuclear power to carry annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  Not commercially available!  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  The most criminally under insured toxic industry ever!

The home user can set up a plasma power plant in the garden shed, freezing carbon neutral electricity.  Getting an annual income of six million UK pounds a year.

Before we factor Ian the space central heating - probably worth the same amount of money.  For carbonate neutral heat and power.

My local MP he says she's interested in producing carbon neutral power, and so curing the fictitious manmade climate change.  Climate change was the summer's fiction invented by nuclear power, as the world cooled from 1995.

The carbon dioxide produce five fossil fuel burning, he itself atmosphere calls and sinks.  Without ever reaching the troposphere - where our weather is made.

Converted by global photosynthesis on land or in the seas, falling plant biomass within 5 minutes.  Resulting me the temperate earth has a Prix industrial two parts per million carbon dioxide in it.  This same level as before mankind even evolved!

As emeritus Professor Bernard argent reminded me 2000, the carbon dioxide levels above the arctic double every arctic winter.  So we have four PPM carbon dioxide.  Air temperature -50° C.

Then the spring and summer returns to the poles, and we are back to the temperate average of two PPM carbon dioxide.  Which explains the growth in the aquatic algae and plant's.

Lead-in to a massive proliferation in fish growth.  No fossil climatic effect!  Carbon dioxide rises in an ice age or above the arctic ice.  Sadly physics was totally ignorant of biology.  When he devised manmade global warming.

Also for numbly under informed about whether matters.  Which is why they came always such biological and climatic rubbish.  And then the whirl climate started cooling 1995.

Hence climatic change says 'we were wrong about global warming.  But the static trace level of carbon dioxide does 0!'.  So manmade climate change is obvious nuclear fiction of the worst sort.

The static trace gases affect nothing.

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