CO2 so static |
1986 and Ukrainian nuclear experienced the Chernobyl incident. Conclusive proof that uranium nuclear fission, is the technology of hades! 90% of the safety recommendations were never implemented.
So in 2010 Japan nuclear experience the Fukushima incident. As its pandemic, of formation that uranium nuclear power was the technology of hades! Japan and Germany vent and the technology on their land masses.
We allow EDF to world nuclear plans around the world. They had to use it in your surrender monkey's! There ensure and actually the worst engineers in the world. And with a an build the most toxic engineering construction so never.
Since Fukushima every nuclear plant has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion: existing nuclear plants carry an insufficient 50 million. Criminally under insured and the UN has the legal imperative to shut down every operating nuclear power plant on earth.
Magically they are hosting the, conferences every year! So they get paid massive money to tell biological rubbish.
Green plants on land and sea eat carbon dioxide. Building carbohydrates and excreting oxygen.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv+chlorophyll→(Cm(H₂O)n+mO₂-E)+r(He+E²+Lb+X-ray) `so plants under ultraviolet light, fix carbon dioxide we have water molecules.
So all the oxygen the annals need to breathe in, cancer and green plants doing photosynthesis. Building plant biomass!
Animals digesting plant biomass also do molecular nuclear fusion.
2 Cm(H₂O)n+pO₂+TU→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+Lry+X-ray)
So digesting food gives air red yellow light! And you breathe out helium. This is a source of the single radical oxygen, that is so dangerous! You do molecular nuclear fusion as you digest food.
The beating hearts of arctic fish do it at -20° C.
3 H₂O+P+dP/dT→He+O+E²+X-ray
So you can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter! An animal heart beat does nuclear fusion. No 20,000,000° C! Body temperature and distinctly moderate pressure. Four atmospheres.
So nuclear power is trying to justify its existence on being carbon neutral. What a lie! It uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to produce concrete! To build its plants!
Releasing in two years the carbon equivalent of the carbon emissions from a commercial power station in 25. And after 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished!
Every year a nuclear power plant knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion - since Fukushima in 2010. But they carry a criminally insufficient 50 million. So every nuclear power station in France is running criminally under insured.
And now EDF is in force to build nuclear plants in Belgium, as a French public will not tolerate them! They are mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. So nuclear power is very much not carbon zero.
Carbon emissions boost plant life! Within 5 minutes extra carbon dioxide is fixed as plant biomass. Sucking the gas out of the air! Our weather is made in a stratosphere, by carbon dioxide is a heavy gas and never rises that high.
Within 5 minutes extra carbon dioxide is converted into plant biomass so anyway. Leaving just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air in the afternoon air.
In an ice age carbon dioxide levels double. So reasoning four PPM carbon dioxide in the air during ice ages.
During the Jurassic there was 85% more life on earth. Sea levels were 60 metres lower. But there was four PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.
The Jurassic had three natural ice ages, the men record tells is there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air. Four times the present trace!
Mankind's industrial revolution has increased active biological life on earth. It is not increased the trace of carbon dioxide in the global air. The temperate level is fixed at just two parts per 1,000,000! A static trace gas affects nothing.
Physics in the pay of nuclear power concocted manmade global warming: and forgot to do a carbon audit on nuclear power. The fourth largest source of carbon dioxide from man's industries.
Which is why the climate change brigade are for ever quoting carbon emissions - meaningless nuclear gueses! The extra come dioxide results in extra plant life within 5 minutes. Leaving a static two PPM in the afternoon temperate air.
In the little ice age of the 18th century, there was four PPM in the European Air over the ice. Temperature -20° C! So carbon dioxide rises in the cold! It tracks the wax and wane of plant growth. It is no weather effect itself! How could it. I weather is made in the stratosphere, where there is 0% carbon dioxide.
Man carriers carbon emissions country just 0.0004% to the carbon dioxide breathed out by animals. 100 per cent of which is taken in to stimulate plant growth.
More carbon dioxide, more plants! No climate affect.
To free use non nuclear carbon zero heat and and power, we copy nature. Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike. A 1.5km x2cm partial steam plasma produces five tonnes of helium ions. There is no chemical source of helium! We again are doing molecular nuclear fusion.
4 H₂O+P+dP/dT→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²
Within the plasma hydrogen ions and free electrons bond to form neutrons.
5 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰
Within an enclosed glass cylinder, the neutrons bond with their heavy atomic masses, to cause nuclear fission into just helium ions and electrons.
The hydrogen ions bond with two neutrons, to form the radioactive the unstable tritium.
6 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→³H⁺→3(E²+L...X-ray)
A totally carbon neutral Energy System! Converting the water molecule into massive heat light and X rays.
H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) 2E²=2.4MW/m
To follow this into context, A uranium fission rods only produces 250 kW/m. So a steam plasma is 80 times as dynamic! And totally carbon neutral.
We have a glass cylinder and a turbine. No 18 billion nuclear power plant. Non of the massive carbon emission from all that concrete. So carbon zero energy source.
Boris Johnson is alcester climate change! He did in high school biology. That teaches the extra carbon dioxide is converted into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes. Leaving just a static trace of just two PPM carbon dioxide in the afternoon.
The static carbon dioxide trace since before industry! A static trace gas affects nothing! No matter how much hyper toxic nuclear power scream. Nuclear power is 1/4 largest source of carbon emissions on earth.
The garage santis can set up a plasma power plant in the garden shed. Using the electronics from a old fluorescent light. They start the plasma using the electronics from old fluorescent light, at four atmospheres itself sustains! Release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.
A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains electricity, the carbon neutral electrical power for 150 houses! Involving no fossil fuel burn and no hyper toxic uranium nuclear power.
Every immerse the academic was taught high school biology. So is totally aware that the trace of carbon dioxide in the global air, is globally limited by photosynthesis on land and sea.
Since Chernobyl every operating nuclear plant has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion. Rising to a impossible 100 billion since Fukushima. Every nuclear power plant on earth operating illegally since 1986.
The garage plasma power plant will produce an income from the national grid of six million UK pounds. For all that lovely carbon neutral electricity! Virtually free! Involving no fossil fuel burn.
So no possible source of carbon dioxide! Which increases plant growth. No weather effect.
I have met Boris Johnson, and she is far from stupid! He plays a fool, but he is the smartest call key you'll ever meet.
He is totally aware the carbon dioxide is a trace gas in the afternoon air, globally limited by photosynthesis on land and sea. Capped at just two parts per million. Static trace gases affects nothing!
What does climate change say? The Iwill static cooling 1995 - so global warming was obviously wrong. So climate change is global warming in a cooling world! Total logical garbage.
Any santis is ever written academic paper on manmade global warming or climate change, serious scientific idiot! Totally unsuited for career in education or the media.