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Covid cured by cancer cure |
That year the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to totally clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
At a stroke the prescription of cancer or infection medication became medical malpractice. As he is any prescription of a vaccination! As all viruses could now be cleared in one session.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of a person's chest, will cause the inflated cell type to boil and rupture. Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody to clear that cell type from the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So or one session total cure to all cancers and viruses! Drug company is instantly lost 90% of the income. And the drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath. Which required every drug company and Dr. had to acquire an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit from the Moffitt, and validate the new medical science.
Stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming! The one session total cure to all 200 cancers out there. Making the prescription or cancer drugs in radio and chemotherapy criminal medical malpractice since 2002.
And there is no pleading ignorance of the new medical science! As paid to read and validate the new medical science, where he is struck off the Dr. or drug company and ejected them from medicine anyway.
The continued manufacture and sale of cancer drugs by the drug companies, also result in an needed exclusion from medicine. All other biochemical drug patents were then invalid and void.
Certainly share price of the drug company is at zero. So they could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll: the most bankrupt corporations in history! So Astra Zeneca was bankrupt 2002.
Yet 2021 and are still pretending to be a legal drug company! Which they are not. And ceased to be 19 years ago.
Now we are back Ian and the usual locked down using over Christmas. But Boris Johnson is unaware that doctors have cured all cancers and viruses. Viruses share the inflated cell nature with cancers.
2012 and a personal contact in New York, use the same ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear his AIDs. The most pernicious viral infection history cured. Subsequent prescription of AIDs treatments, was criminal and defective medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company.
2012 and other medics published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys to totally clear coronary heart disease. Heart medication became an illegal prescription. Again every Dr. and drug company had to validate the new medical science.
There was the only required to validate the AIDs cure. Yet suppose the registered doctors are still prescribing the defective AIDs treatments, on to liberally ended in 2018. Every Dr. prescribing AIDs treatments since 2002 until 2018, stroke off along with the involved drug company.
Chinese medics applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest of Corona patients. And last 77,000 cases on earth would cured. No direct relationship with Covid19 - just the regular flu for the next year.
I cured my own Covid19 November 2019, by the usual ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of my chest.
I use an ultrasound massage device. 100% effective. No Dr. or drugs required! When cancers are cured drug companies are desperate. Answer is all viruses at their next source of income.
And fortunately the cancer cure also cures all viruses. As personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth. Who is then legally constrained from the prescription of cancer or infection medication - including vaccinations.
The Covid19 vaccination is only halfway through drug licensing, when obsolete. So for ever will be obsolete and unlicensed! Any Dr. prescribing the Covid19 vaccination just once, struck off for life.
All through the year of Covid20 the drug companies are insistent on selling the defective Covid19, obsolete and useless vaccination. And they are financially induced once registered doctors to give the useless vaccination.
The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination is 0.5%. 5.3 billion vaccinations given around the world, resulting 17 million deaths! Healthy an innocent people executed for drug company and Dr. profits and amusement.
Each vaccination criminal! Striking off the Dr. and drug company. So the doctors' prescriptions were then invalid and illegal. No registered pharmacist could ever fill the drug orders! Or they were also are struck off.
The energy is like other Health Services around the world, key the prescription records are insecure Data Storage facilities around the country. So every prescribing Dr. and associated nurse and pharmacists, are struck off. Along with the manufacturing biochemical drug company.
The drug company losing all other biochemical drug patents. Then valueless! And ejected for ever from medicine. Newspapers have never reported the biggest deliberate medical killing in history.
And have sat back and watch while the 17 million people have been vaccinated to death. The most shameful episode in medical history! Am still going on in.
Though we're on the year of Covid21. Totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. As home! No Dr. or nurse involved. And certainly no drugs or prescription.
Boris Johnson should be ecstatic: all cancers and viruses cured! However Dr. Fauci, the managing director Astra Zeneca, has wispered into ear'drugs are the only legal medicine'. What rubbish!
The Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear the inflated cells common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, 2002.
Personally confirmed by every registered Dr. and drug company on earth! The drug company is then legally prevented from the manufacture and sale of cancer or infection medication.
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