Saturday, 18 December 2021

Free Manchester water

free water an power

This idea works all over the world, where ever we have a source of river or sea water.  First of all meaning access to free electricity.  Read my papers on a plasma power generation.

And we utilised a little 50x1 cm steam plasma cylinder at four atmospheres.  Which will release 2.4 MW of heat.  A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into warm 0.2 MW our free mains electricity.

The water industry has loads of surplus land, where cancer it is our little free power plant.

We do not utilised high pressure desalination!  That is high energy and dangerous.  So expenses and high maintenance.

We suck up C or river water by one metre.  Which takes one what of vacuum energy.  We then pump this pure water vapour to a high reservoir or even add it to the pressure water or mains supply.

Nothing grows in decelerated water - which is what we are producing!  A limitless amount of pure water.

Farmers can use this idea to turn stream or river water, purest fresh water!  They might need to provide animals with licking sticks to get the salt they need.

Areas have a high level of canals from the industrial revolution, have access to the the science of free fresh water.  We suck up the water vapour, using the free electricity.

So we pay for sewage, but take no fresh water from the water network.  This idea will even remove the salt from sea water.

It is why the vibration from the seas, once a fresh water that false from on high.  The salt is left behind!

Home users show all voltage small plasma power plants in the garden shed, and get out 1.2 MW of free electricity.  The power for 150 houses!  Stopping taking mains supply for electricity and gas.

No oil or coal burning involved.

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