Nature doing free C0 power |
1 H₂O+P+PL+TU→2(E²+L...X-ray) so the turbulence in high pressure flow of water or even steam, so there's the matter into heat light and X rays. Here PL he's alive shorten for a plasma. 10 years fashion within the storm. So greater than four atmospheres.
The stop the had two years to work out. Using physics from the Internet! Am an engineer from Sheffield University on my master's degree.
What happens in a plasma, the molecules of regular plants into positive ions and free electrons. Even oxygen has a positive ions!
2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻
This is why storms feel electric! The rain or snow is being broken up into positive atomic nuclei, and free electrons. The positive charge collects above the clouds layer. Which acts as a great charge collector.
The electrons with the negative charge falls to the ground. Then at 5000 volts, 100 amps we get a lightening down strike. To discharge all that electrical potential.
But then we set up a 1.5km x 2cm partial steam plasma. And we start to get a plasma burn.
For the electrons around a hydrogen ions, combine. They don't annihilate - positrons and electrons would. But the hydrogen ions are a proton bonded to use or more neutrons.
3 H+=p⁺.n⁰
4 p⁺.n⁰+e⁻→2n⁰
So we start turning the high June ions and electrons into neutrons. The neutrons bond with the oxygen ions. The physics here is a bit complicated
5 O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+E+4e⁻
The electrons wander off, and for the that a hydrogen ions to form neutrons. And so the process continues!
Are big energy release is as we burn the hydrogen ions, into heat light and X rays.
6 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→³H→E²+L...X-ray
This is why lightning he was off visible light - of which there is no chemical source. As he uses the steam plasma to end up doing hydrogen fission. Converting the matter into heat light and X rays.
No solid radioactive waste! No carbon dioxide. By now or every climate scientists on the planet is familiar with my work. Which is free carbon zero heat and power. Hence the oil or gas people high street scared!
Even Sheffield University is embarrassed to admit professor Zs ideas lead on to carbon neutral heat.
When we fired up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder, we got intriguing results! Which are then it took me years to figure out.
Basically a steam plasma at 4 atmospheres is a strand of captured lightening. That at four atmospheres, will self sustain for ever. Though the flaky into life using the electronics from old fluorescent light.
7 H₂Os+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²=2.4 MW/m our carbon neutral heat
And the process is so efficient, we convert just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water into a constant 2.4 MW our carbon neutral heat for a year. Involving no oil or gas burn! They are fantastically over priced ways of doing molecular nuclear fusion.
8 CH₄+P+2O₂+spark→(CO₂+(2-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray)
So burning oil or gas fires up a steam plasma, and does molecular nuclear fusion. But it is so much easier and cheaper, just a fire up the self sustaining steam plasma. And there not burn any carbon fuels.
If we immerse the 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, into a water tank, we end up generating 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains power. The electrical power for 150 houses. Or four businesses.
Companies caring get their engineering workshops to knock up a plasma Power System in the lunch break, water in a warm 0.2 MW steam turbine over the Internet. Delivery in five days!
They then start by using 1.2 MW of carbon neutral power. With no or oil or gas burn. And you see so little water, it is basically free electricity.
Companies run and the power plant 24 hours a day. And sell the excess current to the national grid. Whose sense own an annual check for five million UK pounds. We synchronise the frequency and voltage with the AC power grid.
As one been rounded steam turbine on the first year of my master's degree, in 1983! And locked down into an operating steam turbine, and saw that he glowed with the yellow red light. Which I did not understand!
This will light emission is a product of nuclear processes. Here we are actually doing the nuclear fusion of hydrogen, into heat this of light and X rays.
Sheffield has loads are small engineering workshops. He can produce a working plasma power plant in a week. Though there are 35,000,000 customers around the UK alone.
Who can all move over to carbon free electricity. It ends for ever the phantom science of man made climate change. Which is only ever nuclear fiction anyway!
The construction of a nuclear power plant uses those of concrete - produced using a fossil fuel burn on limestone. In two years of plant construction the nuclear plant where limit the equivalent carbon from a commercial power plant in 25 years. And after 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished and replaced. Or not!
Commercially independent nuclear power knees there by its own insurance cover. After Fukushima her the annual insurance is now 100 billion. They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.
The most toxic and an insurable industry ever! A plasma power plant can be stopped by the type from an electric hammer. There is no nuclear coal for a meltdown! We are not utilised of use any radioactive isotopes.
Just carbon free heat and power and X rays. After we have generated are electrical power, we can supply the for an area central heating scheme. Supplying carbon free heat to the same 150 houses.
Who knows cease to consume mains electricity and gas. No oil or coal burn either! You would think professor Z will be ecstatic at the development of carbon neutral power. Using 1950s technology!
His a major funders are hyper toxic and an insured nuclear power. I have not heard from him in six years. No matter. Medium size companies in Sheffield I can produce carbon free plasma power plants. Our own of too little water ever to accurately measure!
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