Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Covid cured no drugs

Covid booster illegal and fatal medicine

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of one application of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear the pressurise cells common to cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

So 1 minute of external e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to where it hurts will clear all 200 types of human cancer, with no drug or Dr. involvement.

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage IN

The drug companies went into massive panic!  During initially to RE focused on heart disease.  2012 medics published a 20 patient double blind trial, on HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys to clear coronary heart disease at one session.

Making the prescription of heart medication criminal medical malpractice.  As the cure is medically published, every registered Dr. Had to personally validate them: using an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit purchased from the Moffitt for $10,000.

An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, is as he infective and Co.s under five UK pounds.  The doctors who failed to use the new cancer science, the struck off in 2002.  All subsequent medical prescriptions are medical practice were criminal and illegal!

There is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath: the drug company is all voluntarily signed.  So every biochemical drug company on earth verified that HIUS cure a all human cancers in 1 minute.

The manufacture and sale or cancer drugs expelled the biochemical drug company totally from medicine.  Making all other biochemical drug patents void and valueless.  The drug companies could no longer borrow from banks legally to make payroll.

So they have resorted to borrowing money illegally!  On security of their share price - no set to zero!  Even criminals must have realized the drug company is has no value.  Their shares were worthless.

2012 my personal contact in New York used ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear his AIDs.  I have ensured that Bryce Johnson is aware of this medical science.

And Professor Chris witty was under the legal imperative to tell Boris Johnson the cancer and aids were both cures.  As was heart disease!

2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas, clear type two diabetes: I cleared the diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  Who mistakenly thought they had dieted the disease away in a day.  Dieting diabetes away takes three months.

That was all had medical knowledge from the 1980s!  My American diabetic friends told me that type one diabetes only remitted in three days.  2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS totally cleared type one diabetes instantly.

Those three diseases accounted for 100% of drug company and Dr. Profits.  2013 I validated personally that ½ minute of HIUS to each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  All dementia cleared without drugs.

Drug companies had thought dementia would make up for loss of income from the cure of cancers.  But now the cancer cure also cures dementia.  The medical world has never commented on this!

You can buy the unit over the Internet, and clear the three major diseases of age as home.  Without even seeing a Dr..

2013 I also validated HIUS cleared of 30 viral and bacterial infections.  ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  The ultrasound causes the inflated cell types common to cancers plus infections, to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

No familiar to every registered Dr. On earth.  This personally validated that HIUS clears all cancers and infections are will ever exist.  Annie is under the legal imperative to cease prescribing biochemical treatments.  And use the affective and free HIUS.

Every Dr. Not using HIUS, strikes themselves off on their first defective biochemical prescription.  Then totally excluded from medicine!  All subsequent medical prescriptions illegal and uninsured.

Covid has been the regular human influence or since 1934.  When Covid34 star to causing the regular flu - the numbers of last two digits of the date.

So Covid19 only existed from the 1st of October, 2019, until the 31st of September, 2020.  When the Covid19 vaccination was only halfway three testing.  So obsolete and never licensed!

Always an illegal drug.  Copy this year are to your family GP.  If they have prescribed the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination just 1 time, they are struck off!  And remove them cells totally from medicine.

Each Covid vaccination warrants a legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds.  For each and every defective Covid vaccination.  That is a if the patient lived!  One in 200 died.  The next of kin get 10 million UK pounds.  The Dr. again struck off.  Receive a jail term of 25 years in high security prison, for multiple counts of first degree medical murder.

Murdered by their own health professionals!  For their amusement and profit.  Each and every Dr. Having personally validated HIUS clears all cancers and viruses.  And is cured it works for any bacterial infection as well.

So since 2002 cancer an infection medicine and defective.  All medical fees go back to the patient.  Along with the appropriate or legal fine.  Every Covid vaccination warrants a fine of 20,000 UK pounds minimal.

And the Dr. totally removed from medical practice.  No lawyer need be involved!  If the law firm gets involved, it is open and shut justice.  The law firm gets one million UK pounds for each medical action.

Resulting in the total removal of a psychopathic individual from all medical activity.  Also striking off the involved drug company, along with the health centre and hospitals.  Plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists.

Both moved totally from medical activity for ever!  The appropriate legal jail term is a matter for the lawyers.  Just one Covid vaccination, and more medical team and drug company struck off and.

Biochemistry has always prohibited research or application of a vaccination to the fast changing viral family is of Covid flu all the common cold.  As those virus is change too quickly - so the vaccination is automatically obsolete only part way through licensing.

So Boris Johnson PM has recently promoted the Covid booster jab: the new medical name for the Covid19 vaccination.  And remember Covid19 has not existed since the end of September 2020.

Tragically vaccinations intentionally kill one in 200 people.  Which is why they are reserved as the medicine of last resort.  Now HIUS cures all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of her patient's chest.

Chinese medics used this published medical science from December 2019 (why so late?) And the world health organisation declared Corona virus extinct by February 2020.

It had never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.  Never in other countries around the world.  The world health organisation retracted the pandemic alert.

Corona had transpired to be a locally contained and cured viral epidemic.  But nobody was even listening to them!  The drug company is transfer the pandemic alert to Covid19, the regular flu from the next year.

But Covid kills 3.5% of infected individuals.  Below the 5% required for a pandemic.  So medically Covid never a pandemic.  And in a case all viruses are no cured by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

You might argue they cancer was the 20th century pandemic.  Killing 1/3 Duval world.  That was totally cleared by 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts.

So through the year of Covid20 drug company is promoted the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  Always an illegal medical intervention.  Needlessly killing one person in 200.

But having no affect on Covid20.  Indian and Bahrain had Covid outbreaks.  India cured 77,000 cases of Covid20 - the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

And now we're into the year of Covid21: totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

I cleared Covid19 November 2019.  Using the 8 Watts one MHZ unit.  I also cleared Covid20 & 21.  The drug world has being caught totally off balance.  Cancer plus from bacterial infections cured at home using an ultrasound massage device.

All biochemical treatments for cancers and infections are defective and criminal medical malpractice.  The vaccinating doctors and drug companies struck off!  I have ensure that Boris Johnson and the European Court of human rights are aware of this medical science, published 53 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre.

So promoting the Covid 'booster' is to promote pointless and fatal drugs!  The UK health minister Sajiv Javid has also been promoting fatal medicine.  Totally contrary to the doctor's professional Hippocratic oath.

And all the Covid vaccinating doctors have removed them cells there totally from medicine!  They have actually been struck off.  Not entitled to wages since 2002.  Never entitled to any pension ever.

The Dr. number crash he is more severe than 2018.  When the NHS basically ceased to operate.  It can never actually do no real useful medicine anyway. 

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