Covid is flu! |
Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. That escaped from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China 2018. And killed five million Chinese people!
Before December 2019, Chinese medics funding applied the published cure to cancer and viruses: medically published 2002. By the Moffitt cancer centre.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, causes the inflated cell types common to cancer and viruses, to boil and rupture. Leaving regular more flaccid body cells unaffected! Cancers plus viral and bacterial infections need to give their infected structures a non native inflated cell structure.
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1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
The ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion, only in foreign infected cell types. They had fragment so violently, local immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody. To clear that distinct foreign cell type from the body.
So in 200023 medical professors at the Moffitt, published the external application of HIUS, as a one session total cure to cancer and viruses. 1 minute of HIUS totally clears all cancer and viral cells.
Making subsequent prescription of cancer drugs or infection medication defective and criminal medical malpractice. HIUS I applied for ½ minute externally to each side the chest, will clear all infections! It even cured AIDs 2012 - all viral infections cleared.
As it was medically published every registered Dr. On earth had to confirm the Moffitt Paper. And then was legally constrained from the prescription of cancer or infection medication ever again.
Since Covid34 star to causing human influenza in 1934, medicine so the prohibited research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu. The vaccination to the common cold is also prohibited!
Their fast changing viral species, changed too quickly! The Covid vaccination would take two years to approve. But the Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October.
So the Covid19 only existed from the 1st of October, 2019, until the 31st of September, 2020: yeah people are still publishing papers about Covid19 - which no longer exists.
We are now automatically on Covid21 - 80 medically distinct virus. Even Covid20 do not respond to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
And no global Dr. Is allowed to apply an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination. Just as they were never permitted to research a Covid vaccination.
The pandemic alert was issued for Corona virus. That never escaped the Wuhan quarantine. It was identified in 2018, but Chinese medics applied HIUS for ½ minute each side the chest of Corona patents, and last 77,000 cases on earth would cured.
Corona was extinct! Covid19 was the regular influence or virus from the year after Corona was identified. Tony had an outbreak of Covid19 as the Corona virus was cleared. You cannot catch the same virus twice!
It was the distinct an unrelated virus. Like all viruses totally cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
Which will clear all bacterial infections! Which share the non native inflated cell structure. Vaccinations intentionally kill 0.5% of vaccinated individuals.
Which is why medicine prohibits vaccinating for an obsolete virus or bacterial infection. And Covid19 was globally extinct before the Covid19 vaccination project kicked off.
And remember no registered Dr. Could ever have produced the Covid19 vaccination. It was medically prohibited science! They vaccinated 3.5 billion individuals, so intentionally executed 17 million innocent and healthy people.
Now the drug company is are seeking to rename the vaccination a 'Covid booster'. Still the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination. Still infinitely more fatal than the extinct virus.
And no lawyer is required. The first Covid vaccination and the individual games, is there last day as a registered legal Dr.. They are required to strike themselves off!
If they continue vaccinating patients, they will intentionally kill one person in 200. A legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. And a 25 year jail term in high security prison. The Covid vaccination programme is a most criminal medicine ever.
Even the surviving vaccination patients each receive a non contested the award of 20,000 UK pounds. The vaccinating Dr. Plus assisting nurse and pharmacists, all struck off! Along with the involved biochemical drug company: then totally excluded from medical activity for ever.
Astra Zeneca ignored the publication of HIUS clearing all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute, to go on making and selling the no defective and criminal cancer drugs. Using the defective criminal and radio therapy.
A legal fine of 10 million for each cancer patient medically murdered. The most psychopathic medical executions in history. Each cancer death warranting jail time of 25 years for the Dr. and drug company managing director.
200 million people have been medicated to death for cancer drugs since 2002. Eight total legal fine of 2000 trillion. The world is only worth 138 trillion.
The drug company losing all other biochemical drug patents. It ceases sell a share price and cannot borrow money to make payroll every month. Astra Zeneca bankrupt 2002!
Are void and the drug company is a most persuasive people on earth. So carry on making cancer drugs and killing.
Then the price giant illegal manufacture of a Covid vaccination. Also cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
½ minute to lady's press cure was press cancer. No drugs or Dr. Intervention required. HIUS 1.5" above a man's penia, for a minute will clear prostate cancer.
½ minute each side the chest will also clear lung cancer and asthma. As well as every viral and bacterial infection that will ever exist.
The illegal Covid vaccination programme has avoidably killed 170,000 people in Europe. A legal fine of 170 billion. 70 billion owed by Astra Zeneca. Who automatically lose all other biochemical drug patents.
And the cancer most bankrupt corporation in history! And by far the most murderous. The NAZI Gas chambers only killed 60,000 people. So Astra Zeneca was three times worse!
This is the rolling or the Hippocratic oath, Astra Zeneca signs. To which there is no legal challenge.
So 'Astra Zeneca - biggest deliberate killers in history' is quite a headline. But no newspaper has ever covered the story.
But no registered Dr. could ever give a Covid vaccination: without the same day being struck off! And never write yet another prescription ever. The Covid boosterer is just the Covidd19 vaccination the visited!
The Covid19 vaccination would never have any affect on today's Covid21. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. The number of lives newspapers could save five carrying that story!
That it also means all Covid vaccinating doctors struck off. Final prosecuted for criminal medical malpractice. Not doctors! Paid murderers.
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