Covid vaccination medically prohibited |
Since 1934 the regular flu virus has increased its number by one every year. Star to Covid34. So Covid19 only existed from October 1, 2019, until the 31st of September, 2020.
Every year a new Covid strain! But a vaccination takes two years to fully drug test. So the Covid19 vaccination did not even enter the human drug trials. It was never a legal human drug.
When they started giving vaccinations in January 2021, were already on the year of Covid20. Which is why medicine has always prohibited a vaccination to a fast changing viral infections like Covid flu and the common cold.
That is all Covid is! The regular human flu. To which no medical vaccination can ever be illegal! The Covid19 vaccination was always obsolete and so unlicensed.
Professor Chris Whitty is advocating people should take the Covid booster. This is the latest drug company name for a Covid19 vaccination: how interesting that they try and rename it!
Always obsolete and always an licensed him and medication. Professor Whitty is recommending to the UK population, they should use an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.
Which radically will kill 0.5% of healthy people: the medically accepted death rate for any vaccination. Which is why the flu vaccination has always been very contentious! Covid been just the medical name for the regular human flu.
So the flu vaccination always obsolete and never licensed! Pretty much to définition of defective and criminal medicine.
Striking off the vaccinating doctors and the drug company. We are now on the year of Covid21. Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 irrespective of the obsolete Covid 19 vaccination.
The obsolete an unlicensed vaccination was totally medically useless! The most fatal medicine ever proposed! Professor Whitty is proposing people should accept partially for medication. Which is totally medically inactive!
This contravenes the doctors Hippocratic oath. Which Chris Whitty so freely signed. So advocating you sell the Covid 19 obsolete an unlicensed medication, ejects professor Whitty from medicine totally. Stripping him of his role in UK government.
He could not act as he UK chief medical officer, as the advocating criminal and defective medicine. There is absolutely no need for a Covid vaccination.
Any virus responds in the same way they cancers reactor high intensity ultrasound: as if of share a non native inflated cell structure. High intensity ultrasound applied externally causes inflated cells to boil and rupture. Elimentary first year physics at university!
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→HeO+E²+X-ray
The TV and media are constrained only to resent science which is true! The Covid19 vaccination is obsolete an medically inert. So can never be promoted the newspapers are on television.
Is has never saved one life on earth! 3.5 million people in the UK he were vaccinated, which tells us the 45,000 of them were vaccinated to death. Which is why people today will not have a Covid vaccination.
They have seen their friends and family members kilowatts by the useless an obsolete unlicensed vaccination. The very definition of illegal medicine.
Which cannot be promoted by any drug company or Dr.. And certainly not by professor Whitty! One the great sense of the Hippocratic oath, is it does not allow any argument.
Defective medicine cannot be prescribed by Dr.! It cannot be made and sold by any drug company. Or the Dr. and drug company are struck off.
The drug company losing all other biochemical drug patents. It cease to have any legal share price 2002. Amec is so not legally borrow from the banks to make payroll every month since.
The most bankrupt corporations in history. Chris Whitty has promoted knowingly defective and obsolete medication. Which has fatal results! That is inconsistent this position eyes UK chief medical officer.
It strikes him off the doctors' medical register. Making his TV offences criminal! Every record of his illegal drug promotion, must be deleted and ignored!
The Hippocratic oath prevents any Dr. giving defective medicine. And the Covid19 vaccination is a very definition of defective medicine.
Structure clear drug companies had Astra Zeneca, having illegally financially induced suppose the registered doctors to invalidate their Hippocratic oath.
Any Covid vaccinating Dr. Remove from medical practice instantly. IA fine of 20,000 UK pounds to surviving vaccination victims. The fill 10 million UK pounds to the next of key and of patients deliberately in callously vaccinated to death.
The doctors and drug company is share in that fine. Which totals 170 billion! By far the most fatal and financially disastrous to medicine ever.
Anglo were newspapers are under the infective to carry this story, and stop the murderous Covid booster Programme. The latest medical name for the Covid19 vaccination. Criminal medicine on a death stick.
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