Hybrid car so burn petrol or diesel oil to generate electricity, still produce carbon dioxide! Mind you, carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth. So within 5 minutes during the day he the carbon dioxide years active plant biomass.
The carbon dioxide level is fixed at a trace of only two parts per million. It's static level since before mankind evolved! No possible climate effect.
Them every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike. That turns regular water into helium and oxygen gases, with light heat and X rays.
1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray TU= turbulence in the rain or snow storm.
However when we fired up a steam plasma in a glass centre, we got a light emitting structure, which converted very very little regular water into heat light and X rays. We had found a plasma burn!
My most creative thinking ever. No doubt there are other santis out there and or writing about a plasma burn!
2 (H₂O+P+PL) enclosed→2(E²+L...X-ray)
We use the electronics from old fluorescent light to strike up the plasma - a strand of lightning. A 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat. A commercially sourced steam turbine will turn into 1.2 MW our carbon neutral electricity. No climate affect!
If we fire up a 25x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, the a 1.2 MW of carbon neutral power. We convert into electrical power using a firmer electric generator - to barked in the 1930s, and looked into as an internal combustion replacement by ford recently.
We get out 75 kW of DC Power. We can convert into a speed linked AC. And drive contact MS Electric Motors on the wheel hubs.
The whole system costs 1000 dollars to build. As opposed to 5000 for an internal combustion engine! And he utilises just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year for a heavy motorists.
We have no a hybrid fuel burn. We utilised no petrol or diesel, and free use no the exhaust gases as all! All the water molecule ends up as heat light and X rays.
So a little steam plasma will drive the car or lorry. Generating free electricity! No storage battery or frequent trip pauses. An infinite range electric car.
That utilises so little regular water we will never measure it. Opec must hate the idea!
Not going to do anything for the oil price is it! Which has already turned negative. Merry Christmas.
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