all infections cured |
19 years before the virus existed. In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of Hjgh Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated cell structures common to cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.
It works, as the foreign cell types must have an inflated cell nature to induce cell replication: regular body cells never divide! They bud off DNA intact stem cells. Or the Moffitt discovered was a physical cure to all cancers and viruses.
Which will require to divide in a single cell fashion. External application of the HIUS amazingly enough causes the inflated cell to boil and rupture. As he experiences biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
The drug industry is use of biochemical treatments for infections. Which are infection specific! But Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October. And the production of a biochemical vaccination takes two years to licence.
So the vaccination is obsolete only halfway through drug testing! So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete, us get the human trials totally. It was never a legal human drug.
So any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination, was applying defective and potentially fatal medicine. So had to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register the same day. All subsequent prescriptions were then illegal and invalid. There medical practice criminal.
1 is a physical cure to all inflated cell types. Which includes cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. The species irrelevant! All infections have to divide in the same single cell fashion.
So all infected cells boil and rupture. The cheapest source of effective HIUS is an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit. I applied externally to any cancer for 1 minute, the primary cancer cells are destroyed.
And the immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody, to ensure that sells I BS totally removed throughout the body. This is nature is healing process. We don't induce a foreign antibody. We induce the body to secrete each salmon specific antibody.
It works for all 200 types of cancer out there! A 1 minute physical cure to all cancers. Astra Zeneca and a the drug company is had to verified the Moffitt Paper 2002. When the phantom medical science worked, as there cease production and sale of their cancer drugs.
Each Faci is died and or cancer drugs, once a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. Each involved Dr. Struck off, receiving a 25 year jail term for each patient murder.
And that is what cancer drugs are now! First degree medical murder. A 1.4 million people die globally even today, from the illegal prescription of the defective cancer drugs.
You can buy a an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet.
I applied externally for 1 minute that will clear every cancer that exists! ½ minute to each side of the chest will clear the inflated cells common to all cancers and bacterial infections.
Again Astra Zeneca are scrabbling around madly, trying to say that the body's own antibodies are in some way defective. They are the nature's own healing process! We have made the body see cancer plus viral and bacterial infections as dangerous.
So or 1 minute to the chest will clear all Covid strains. We are now on Covid21. The Covid19 flu virus sub types cease to exist by medical definition 31st of September, 2020.
The medical world has now refocused on Omicorn Covid. Which he is a type of Covid21. Again by internationally agreed medical naming convention.
India had an outbreak of Covid20 last year. Totally irresponsible to the previous year's Covid19 vaccination. Totally cleared by using the standard cancer and viral cure.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of the chest. It as I cleared my own Covid19 November 2019: that's right, the physical cure works in 1 minute for all Covid strains.
The Covid19 vaccination should have been destroyed on 31st of September, 2020: as was the Covid19 virus her by medical definition ceased to exist, the vaccination was furious yet fatal medicine. Intentionally killing one in 200 of the vaccinated.
But medicine always prohibited work or application by Covid vaccination. Who ever produced the Covid19 vaccination, was not a registered Dr.! They were being required to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register, the first day they started such unethical and illegal research work.
There will never be an effective vaccination to Covid21. Nobody even pretended they always want a Covid20. And the Covid19 vaccination has no medically affect on future Covid strains.
The physical cure even cured AIDs via a personal contact in New York 2012: that's right the most pernicious and previously incurable viral condition cured in 1 minute.
Now a every HIUS Health centre in the UK, the practice nurse can wield the HIUS unit and clear all viral infections. Included Covid flu and the common cold. It will also clear all bacterial infections.
I presume also let it will clear all parasitic infections like malaria. Where the inflated malarial structure boils and ruptures! Once again he must be inflated to induce replication.
Only immediate body cells are in close contact the exploding structure, are damaged. Which causes the immune system to secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear the foreign structure from the body.
The human antibody isn't natural enzyme, without any need for a biochemical drug patents. It is secreted in actioned naturally by the human body. In response to the exploding foreign cells.
Astra Zeneca has begun talking about the bronze or antibodies. Which he is rubbish! The human antibody is are safe and free use naturally. Fine drugs provoke a response from the body is Bio chemistry. Choir possibly fatal results!
The human body is totally safe and natural.
½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest will induce the natural immune action to clear all foreign cell types, like Covidd Omicor totally from the body.
Foreign antibodies kill one person in 200. The body's own antibodies kill nobody! So the Astra Zeneca Covid19 vaccination was never fully drug tested. It was never a legal human medicine.
They gave 3.5 billion vaccinations: whoever they were - obviously no longer registered doctors. And deliberately killed 17 million healthy an innocent individuals around the planet.
Killing 1/4 population the UK in the six months. By far the most fatal and useless medical intervention ever. It did not affect Covid20. And the Covid19 virus the longer existed.
The psychopathic struck off doctors vaccinated patients with fatal results! For no medical gain. Only personal profit and amusement. Their first Covid vaccination struck them off and row of exclude them from legal medical practice.
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