Burning oil or gas does a little molecular nuclear fusion. It is one of the oldest way he mankind found out had to nuclear fusion on earth. It is not the best!
1 CₘHₙ+P+pO₂→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O-E)+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray)
Hence burning oil or gas releases helium - of which there is no chemical source! Lost to space the same day. The oxygen forms the ozone layer, the protects multi cellular life on earth for naked solar radiation. m=16 for petrol. n=2m+2
We note is actually oxidising the carbohydrates or hydrocarbon to form carbon dioxide, takes in heat! The energy production comes from the nuclear fusion we are doing. Which is why burning oil releases visible light and X rays - Avis is no chemical source.
Every fluorescent light in the world, or surgery and atoms, into positive sodium ions and free electrons. Fluorescent lights need a burn in a! When they chaotic interaction of the positive ions, smashes or into their constituent parts, ending up helium!
A steam plasma is a far simpler system! Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike. That releases X rays and visible light as it does A plasma burn.
The hydrogen ions and free electrons in the plasma bond together to form neutrons.
2 H⁺+e⁻+PL→n⁰
An neutrons, that matter into smaller and smaller atomic nuclei, and other a hydrogen ions bond with two neutrons, to form just like to heat and X rays. So the plasma converts the water molecules, into just heat light and X rays.
3 H₂+P+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray
Hydrocarbons will not burn at low pressure! Steam and carbon dioxide or bond together to form hydrocarbons and surplus oxygens. The Sebatier reaction
4 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+spark-P→CₘHₙ+mO₂+r(He+O+L+X-ray)
I am not sure that we get molecular nuclear fusion. It does not matter! We turn carbon dioxide and steam into hydrocarbons.
We pass it repeatedly threw titanium honeycombs and till we get out light diesel oil. More titanium honeycomb is and we get out petrol. Eight non not fossil fuel oil.
That sucks in carbon dioxide to form, and then releases the same carbon dioxide and steam when burnt. I am sure the burning of four hydrocarbons all carbohydrates does do nuclear fusion.
So engineering company is can use large gas holder type reactors chambers, to unburden carbon dioxide and steam to form oxygen and methane.
The methane is basically natural gas. We can convert into pure if we wish. The oxygen has highly commercial value anyway.
A far simpler idea is to fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder. Which is a static bolt of lightning. And just does the twice as energetic plasma burn - twice the energy release of molecular nuclear fusion.
5 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) A 50x1cm glass cylinder will release a constant 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat. A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into warm 0.2 MW of mains electricity.
Burning oil or gas only releases 45 kW/m from the oil or gas burner. At pressure! But oil and gas or so overpriced. Whereas water is basically free! We only need 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water to freeze 2.3 MW for a full year!
Suddenly opaque looks very stupid! So do a plasma on regular steam is so much more energetic and totally nontoxic.
Involving are producing no radioactive substances! Totally safe free carbon zero power.
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