Saturday, 11 December 2021

Flu jabs illegal since 2002

flu jab kills needlessly

Vaccinations kill one person in 200!  Yet 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear cancers and viruses in one session.

Medics all had to acquire a HIUS unit and verified the Moffitt Paper.  1 minute externally of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears all cancers out there.  So the prescription of cancer drugs from 2002 became criminal and defective medical malpractice.

Striking off the prescribing Dr. and drug company!

That ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Also personally validated 2002.

2021 their main income of their Health Services around the world, are the annual unethical flu jabs.  Which deliberately kill one in 200 of the vaccinated!

Yet every nursing office has the validated a HIUS unit which will clear all infections in 1 minute.  Not just Covid flu and the common cold: Covid is just the medical name for human influence or.

And this year we are now on Covid21.  So Omicorn uses a variety of Covid21.  Which is totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: which was obsolete defo even entered human trials - so it never did!  Always illegal medicine.

Medics have happily applied the Covid vaccination since 2002: the annual flu chap.  There 2003 he was medically verified to clear Covid3, and all influenza strain is ever scenes.  With no patient death!

The annual flu vaccination is not a medic contentious.  It is that right down medically illegal!  Medics are constrained from giving a treatment more lethal than the infection.

High us totally clears all influence or strains.  Also clearing viral infections like the common cold and even AIDs: the latter cure personally validated 2002 with a contact in New York.

So the annual influenza flu jab intentionally executed one person in 200.  Yet the influenza is routinely cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest from the unit already owned by every Dr. On earth.

Just one the flu vaccination since 2002, striking off the super ethical Dr. and drug company: but doctors are not super ethical.  Killing intentionally or for amusement and profit.

So every flu vaccination since has rising to 20,000 UK pound legal fine.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

Tell your general practitioner: your check for medical damages should have been in the first 2002 and every year since! 

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