RIP Covid19 31/9/2020 |
Covid is just the medical name for the regular human influenza virus. Given a new number every October 1. So Covid19 only existed on earth the June 1 October 2019, and the 31st of September, 2020.
For this reason medicine has always prohibited research or application of a Covid vaccination. As a vaccination or be only halfway three drug licensing, when obsolete.
So any registered Dr. Has ever given any Covid vaccination, are struck off the same day! The vaccination is obsolete and never licensed. Yet there is a huge Internet site on Covid19. Yet the virus has not existed for over two years!
The drug industry there are pressing for people to be vaccinated against the extinct virus! Though the vaccination will deliberately kill one person in 200. And is medically prohibited! Doctors are not allowed to be a treatment more fatal than the condition.
And as Covid19 no longer exists, the vaccination is infinitely more fatal.
All through the year of Covid20 they pressed for free but ary vaccinated against the extinct viral strain from the previous year. And now they are pressing for people to use the Covid19 booster.
But no registered Dr. Is allowed to give an obsolete vaccination. But medics would retort 'we were struck off 2002 any way. As he prescribed cancer drugs, where the only legal cancer medicine was High Intensity UltraSound'
The same medicine that cures all viral and bacterial infections. It causes the inflated cell types common to infected cells, to boil and rupture.
So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound will clear all cancers out there.
Making cancer drugs criminal and illegal medicine from 2002. HIUS eradicated Corona virus from Wuhan Province China. The Internet still insist Corona virus exists. It last existed November 2019
And the Hippocratic Air since so every registered Dr. Is aware of new medical developments. And the Moffitt cancer centre paper on the cure of cancers and viruses was published 2002.
Since that date all infection and cancer drugs have been illegal. And HIUS cures all viral and bacterial infections. So the prescription of fungal antibiotics has been fully criminal for 19 years.
The regular flu this year, Covid 21, is cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side of your chest. But I used to clear my own Covid19 November 2019.
And freely published my work on the Internet. Medicine house to be true. Any Internet document referring to Covid19 as if it was our lives virus, is barking mad! So the medics at the Moffitt cancer centre cured all cancers and viruses 2002.
And the idea uses a five UK pound medically licensed home beauty device, to clear all viruses. The idea works for the common cold and Covid flu.
Every health centre in the world has an 8 W 3 MHz device, validated by the Dr. to clear all infections. So the Covid flu cured in 1 minute! Without any patient death.
The Internet site on Covid19 is wrong and illegal!
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