Saturday, 25 December 2021

Free carbon zero power

lightening is fusion

There is a misconception, that trees are better carbon sink than grass.  Grass actually takes in more carbon dioxide and converts into plant biomass, most of the tree is trunk and branches - which do nothing.  Trees are the better carbon sink.

1 mCO₂+O+(n+r)H₂O+Luv→(Cm(H₂O)-E)+r(P+He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)

So green plants take Ian the carbon dioxide, down to the natural limit of just two parts per million.  The limit for carbon dioxide around the temperate earth, since before man evolved.

Extra come dioxide ends up as additional plant biomass within 5 minutes, extra plants leads inevitably to extra animals, breathing in the oxygen gas excreted by plants, and combine it with plant biomass - to breathe out that carbon dioxide again.  The gas it stimulates plant growth.

So during the day he plans as all ultraviolet light, and emit X rays and light blue light.  Actually building the carbohydrates, takes in energy!

But in the plant photo blast, the turbulent flow of water sap fires up a water plasma, which under pressure does molecular nuclear fusion.  That's right.  Plants do nuclear fusion.

This is why growing green plants emit a faint blue light and X rays.  There is no chemical source of either!  And there is no fossil source of radioactive decay.  So we have seen nuclear fusion - which produces that helium gas.  Of which again there is no chemical source.

So at rries to less nuclear fusion in grass.  Which is why grass has taken over from tree life!  Now mankind is planting trees.  Taking a massive setback is in as of in carbon dioxide in the environment.  Leave the grass where it is.

The turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam does molecular nuclear fusion: suggestion all professor Z, those privacy stated he does not want any credit for the idea!

His uncle devised cold fusion at Columbia University: where the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam also does molecular nuclear fusion.  The name devised by the late Professor Bernard Argent.  For my idea!

The best way for man kind to do molecular nuclear fusion, is to copy lightening.  Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  There Prix uses five tonnes of helium ions.  As it does molecular nuclear fusion again.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L+X-ray

In a confined glass cylinder, we shall I see atomic nuclei together so hard, and they wonder the free electrons.  Graduate converting the protons into neutrons!  Erecting the atomic nuclei.  Which fission him he and into hydrogen ions.

The hydrogen nuclei bond with free electrons, to convert the protons into neutrons/

3 H⁺=p⁺.n⁰ p⁺.n⁰+e⁻→2n⁰

then ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻

So he gradually burn and the steam molecules, into heat light and X rays.  A 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres will release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  Carbon free heat!

We can drive a steam turbine, and produces 1.2 MW of mains electricity.  The carbon neutral electrical power for 150 houses.  From 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.

Heat and power with no fossil fuel burn and no radioactive substances required all produced.  Uranium nuclear power already fires up a steam plasma!  So it uses the heat and pressure caused by nuclear fission, to do nuclear fusion.  Which is why freezes too much energy for uranium the utilises.

Medic uses a enriched uranium.  And produces a hyper toxic plutonium and strontium.  There is no global reprocessing capabilities never win skill or have shut down.

It crown cells the used fission rods, in water tanks!  Where the boiling water releases X rays.  As X rays progressively heart denuded the radioactive waste.

Half failing a used fission tune with a steam plasma would render the radioactive waste safe within 50 years.  As it burned by the radioactive isotopes into heat light and X rays, and uses a more or less dangerous radioactive isotopes.

A far better idea is to is to use a steam plasma.  Which is 80 times as dynamic as hyper toxic uranium nuclear power.  And produces no radioactive waste so as all.

So there he says reprocess radioactive waste!  Fire up a steam plasma over the radioactive materials.

And the X rays bond with a radioactive materials, to slash the half life from 100,000 years, to just 10.  It will be a far safer world with no or uranium nuclear power.

And the steam plasma is inherently safe and nontoxic, and he goes off from regular water - which falls from the skies for free: the plasma enriches its own water isotopes.  Which fission into heat light and X rays.  No solid radioactive waste.

So every home plasma power plant, while utilised a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, to freeze 1.2 MW our carbon neutral power, and the exit steam is still hot enough to drive an area central heating system.

So we sell our excess current to national grid, whose sense us a check for six million UK pounds every year.  We do not burn any gas, oil or coal.  The hot steam is a byproduct of our power generation.

And we do not need to plant anymore trees!  They either grass where it is - it is a better carbon sink than trees.

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