Flu now cured |
The 20,000 UK pounds, for every defective Covid19 vaccination. Which tragically killed 17,000,000 global citizens! For no possible medical advantage.
The drug companies have made a big fuss about Covid19. The regular human flu for 2019. That came in 1st of October, 2019, ceasing to exist 31st of September, 2020. Were then automatically on the genetically distinct Covid20. It happens every year!
Which is why medicine has always prohibited research or application of cold vaccination, since Covid34 star to causing the regular human flu in 1934. So no research work mean to of Covid19 vaccination was never legal. Every involved Dr. and drug company is struck off!
The vaccination was only halfway through drug testing, when obsolete. So never licensed. Corrupt doctors started giving the obsolete an registered vaccination from January 2021.
After the Covid19 virus no longer existed in the universe. The Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically enhanced form of Covid18. So no direct relationship Covid19! The regular flu from the next year.
Boris Johnson thinks vaccinations are nice and safe medicines. They are very contentious! As they intentionally kill one person in 200. Healthy an innocent individuals sacrifice for drug company and Dr. Profits.
Which is why medicine prohibits use a vaccination to an obsolete virus or bacteria. So the Covid vaccination programme was never legal! Or is in direct contravention to internationally agreed medical or.
Every vaccinating Dr. Struck off! Without any legal argument. As are the assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus drug manufacturing biochemical drug company. Astra Zeneca Air and Pfizer struck off!
Losing all other biochemical drug patents. Ceasing to have share price, they could no longer borrower to make payroll. They will bankrupt 2002! When cancer drugs became criminal and defective medicines.
Cancers share an overinflated cell nature the they viral and bacterial infections. The Moffitt published 100 patient double blind trial, into High Intensity UltraSound by a single session 100 per cent infection in cancer cure.
It is actually physical science! The ultrasound he pressurised cells does nuclear fusion. Causing infected cells to boil and rupture. Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
80% of drug company and Dr. Income vanished 2002. 90% for Astra Zeneca! Who suddenly went against internationally agreed medical convention, and produce the antibody to Covid19. Illegal research!
The illegal vaccination was obsolete only halfway through drug testing. Never even entering human drug trials.
3.5 billion people vaccinated around the world. So medics intentionally killed 17 million healthy an innocent individuals. There is no justification for this illegality!
Every involved Dr. and drug company is struck off. All viruses have an inflated cell structure. So external application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, for ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections, as we do 1.
Inducing the local production of the active specific antibody. Clearing all infections and cancers! Even clearing lung cancer and asthma in 1 minute.
So the Covid19 vaccination was always obsolete and never licensed. Never a legal drug! Each vaccinating Dr. Struck off. Each murder patient being first degree medical murder.
25 years in high security jail! The most prolific and psychopathic mass murderers in history. Definitely not doctors! Each Dr. and nurse removed from Medical Service for ever.
And the idea works for Covid21. Which the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination will never cured Covid21. It is unlikely even to have cleared Covid19 when it still existed! We will never know.
It did not stop the Covid20 outbreaks in India and Bahrain. The Covid19 vaccination totally ineffective and useless. Then he the drug company is and doctors money, but absolute no medical use at all.
All Covid strains totally cured 2002. And every registered Dr. On earth bought the HIUS unit to validate the cancer an infection cure. No justification our to give the obsolete Covid19 unlicensed vaccination.
And let us not forget the Astra Zeneca Air ceased to be a legal biochemical drug company, 2002! All its biochemical drug patents void that year. Its medicines then outside legal medical prescription.
The Covid19 vaccination programme was the most murderous papers said in modern history! Strangely enough the drug company advertising budgets, has for the silence of global newspapers and magazines.
Who were so not editorial independent! Not reporting on the biggest deliberate medical murder in history.
1/4 of the fatalities from World War II, in just six months. Totally illegal medicine! The Covid booster programme, is just another application of the defective and fatal Covid 19 vaccination. Criminal medicine, on a stick!
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