Friday, 24 December 2021

Petrol free motoring

lighteming is carbon 0 heat

The Ford Motor Company, but a using a thermoelectric generator you play some internal combustion engine.  But they were restricted to thinking of using a fossil fuel fly them as a source of heat.

Every 3 minutes around the earth there is a lightening strike.  That does molecular nuclear fusion.  Near limitless free heat and light!  First we need a heavy rain or snow storm, also had to do molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻P+E²+X-ray

Which is why academic geographers in universities, have written academic papers about the release of heat, X rays and helium from a heavy rain storms.

We build up of electrical potential of 5000 volts, 100 amps: the positive charge collecting above the clouds layer.  The negative charge four into the ground.  So the choirs act as an massive Laden jar - a charge collector.

The pressure results from the pressurise interaction of snow or rain particles.  In the storm.

We get a lightening down strike, that discharges the electrical potential, and sets up a steam plasma.  The passage of electrons through the plasma again does molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+O₂+e⁻→He²⁺+O₃+E²+X-ray

Each lightening strike is a 1.5km x2cm partial steam plasma.  Which produces 5 tonnes of helium ions.  Of which there is no chemical source.  We are doing nuclear fusion.  As is no source of radioactive decay.

We start off with water as rain or snow particles with oxygen molecules.  And converts them into helium and ozone gases.

Throughout the year nature gets10⁴̾⁰ W of heat from this source.  So in extrapolating down and find that a 25x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres produces a constant 600 kW of carbon neutral heat.  From regular water!  The plasma enriches its own hydrogen isotopes.

So we feed interest 10-ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  And get out 600 kW of heat.  The thermoelectic device generates 75 kW of electrical power.  We convert into a speed linked AC and drive contactless Electric Motors on the wheel hubs.

When not driving the car, we hawker to the electricity supply near her home, and soul 73 kW of a DC electricity.  So getting an annual income on a six million UK pounds.  For the waste energy of our motor!

The family hatchback requires only 8 kW of electrical power.  A small helicopter 45 kW.  So regaining easily fly between cities, using carbon neutral electricity.  We need to burn no petrol or diesel.

And we definitely do not use any radioactivity.  We utilised no enriched uranium isotopes, and free use no stratospherically toxic plutonium.  So we need no impossible insurance cover.

A nuclear power car would require annual insurance cover of 50 billion.  It might be just over a commercially available, financially impossible!

So we fly he leading global cities, of regular water, using the power of the natural lightening strike.

An enclosed steam plasma, does the twice as dynamic steam burn from molecular hydrogen.

2 (H₂O+P+PL)confined→2(E²+L+X-ray) 2E²=600 kW of carbon neutral heat.

Waterfall Fusion

Waterfall Fusion

ByJonathan M Thomason

Published Feb 14, 2013


GBP 5.84
The Waterfall

The Waterfall

ByDr. Jon Thomason

Published Mar 24, 2021


GBP 16.68

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