Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Carbon is so static

Plants eat CO2

As every schoolchild he is taught in high school, fans taking carbon dioxide to grow!  Excreting oxygen and helium as the build carbohydrates - plant biomass.

There is no chemical source of helium!  We are actually doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Biological organisms converting regular water into helium and oxygen, the massive heat!  60% of the oxygen you breathe, is the waste gas from photosynthesis.

1 mCO₂+O+Luv+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So green plants during the day take in ultraviolet light.  And emit a faint blue light and X rays.  As the build the carbohydrates of life, excrete NG the surplus oxygen - the greatest pollutant in earth history.

So plants do nuclear fusion!  There is no chemical source of visible light.  And they emit a faint blue light and even X rays.  It seems so obvious!

Burning the fossil fuels releases the carbon dioxide which walls plant biomass in prehistory.  It was the active biology!  Formed the fossil fuels talk that organic carbon out of the environment.

In the Jurassic carbon dioxide was reduced every afternoon to four parts per 1,000,000.  Sea levels were 60 metres lower.  There was 85% more active life on earth!  And there were three natural ice ages.  Determined by a predictable solar emission cycles.  Nothing to do with man - as even mammals had not really evolved.

How the earliest mammals thrived alongside dinosaurs - Naturehttps://www.nature.com › news feature

23 Oct 2019 — An explosion of fossil finds reveals that ancient mammals evolved a wide variety of ... “Mammals were actually very diverse in the Jurassic.

Today and photosynthesis is more efficient.  Leaving just 2 PPM in the afternoon air.  This static level through the present epoch!  Coil.  Gas and oil burning it increases modern life on earth.

As it stimulates plant growth!  The idea the late Professor Bernard Argent, from Sheffield University 2001.  He realized the basic biology, that plant's consume carbon dioxide.  The iving just a static trace of 2 PPM in the air.

He was so frustrated by other santis would not listen to him!  So tell them from 2005 until his death a decade later.  He told me, as Sheffield was trying to get me to study manmade global warming.

When the world have been cooling naturally since 1995!  And the carbon dioxide level in the air was the static trace gas - I just 2 PPM.  Any rational scientist will assure you that a static trace gas affects nothing.

Carbon dioxide increases life on earth.  The weather is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.  Nuclear power concocted the biologically stupid man made global warming, after Chernobyl in 1986.

Conclusive proof that nuclear power was the technology of hades.  We inevitably got Fukushima in 2010.  Proving the Japanese, the greatest engineers and the world, could not do uranium nuclear power safely.

Germany and Japan band uranium nuclear power from their territories.  So now we let EDF build nuclear plants around the world.  The French!  The cheese eating surrender monkey's.

They may be nearly as good lovers as the Italians, but are without a shadow of a doubt some of the first engineers in the world.  And Miller and build the most dangerous and toxic plants ever devised.

Every operating nuclear plant know knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  It was 40 billion after Chernobyl 1986.  There is no commercially available insurance above one billion.

Which is why EDF has built its modern nuclear plants in Belgium.  And acquire the electricity or via a high intention water tables.  But today in the Belgians are shutting down every nuclear power plant in Belgium.  As her just too risky.

There is no need for uranium nuclear power.  Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Set up by heavy rain or snow doing nuclear fusion from water.  My molecular nuclear fusion!

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+L+X-ray

Even in the arctic air at -50° C!  With easy 1.2 MW of carbon neutral heat.  Shown by the turbulence of interacting rain or snow particles.  All year, continuously somewhere around the world.

We get a build up of 5000 volts 100 amps.  So every 3 minutes we link up the charge areas, above the clouds layer, and the ground which collects the electrons.

After the lightening down strike, which discharges the electrical potential, this steam plasma then does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

So nature on earth is continuously doing nuclear fusion in the air.  Releasing inert helium, and the free radical oxygen hearts form the ozone layer that protects the earth's surface from naked solar radiation.

4 O⁻+O₂→O₃

That along with the magnetic field generated by the spinning magnetic earth's six to protect the earth from solar radiation.  Which would are the sterilise the earth's surface!

So allowing the evolution of photosynthesis in the cretaceous.  At the start of the cretaceous there was 10 parts per million carbon dioxide in the air: the predecessor to photosynthesis was much less efficient!

As photosynthesis evolved carbon dioxide levels crashed to just one PPM.  90% of life on earth died.  A bigger mass extinction and the death of the dinosaurs.

There was 10% more oxygen in the air in the Jurassic, and twice the carbon dioxide level.  As I said earlier, there were three natural ice ages!  The twice the carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth.

Today carbon dioxide is limited to just two PPM.  There is 85% less life on earth.  As mankind burns the fossil fuels, that life is steadily being returned to the ecosphere.  There has been no increase of carbon dioxide in the air in the present epoch.

And they still much less life on the walls in the Jurassic.  When biology was less evolved!  But there was twice the level of carbon dioxide in the air.  Which stimulates plant growth.

At the end of the Jurassic with dinosaurs were actually involving lactation glands, to feed the children.  Hatched out from eggs.  As global temperatures plummeted, food supplies dried up.  And all the hatching dinosaurs were male!

Today it is essential to cure her density in an incubator, to produce lady rodents.  Even mammals produce fewer females in cold regions.  Women should go to the equator, to produce girls in higher numbers.

As every gardener will tell you, carbon dioxide increases plant growth.  Hence green as is often have a gas flame!  The production is not important.  Though it does keep greenhouses a wet and warm atmosphere!

Within 5 minutes of being released, plants on land and seas have converted extra carbon dioxide, into additional modern plant biomass.  They excrete oxygen!  Which increases animal numbers: more food and oxygen gas to breathe in.

The animals eat the plants, and get at the residual nuclear fusion energy.  And excrete plant fertilizer.  Which increases the number of the active plants.  Plants and animals are in a dynamic balance

Mankind could not increase the atmospheric carbon dioxide level if he tried.  Within 5 minutes of being burnt, the fossil fuels end up as plant biomass!  Increasing plant and animal life on earth.

Professor Argent was a card carrying genius!  Don't affect on the weather, you need to increase carbon dioxide levels to over 8%.  Carbon dioxide levels in at a static 0.00002% around the temperate earth.  Static trace gases affects nothing!  Any scientist promoting manmade climate change is caused by carbon dioxide, the star raving mad!

Carbon dioxide levels to double every year above the arctic ice.  Where there is no photosynthesis during the cold dark arctic winters.  Air temperature -50° C!  Then spring comes, and we are back to the temperate average of just two PPM.  And the arctic summer can be a barmy 10° C.

With half the carbon dioxide level!  Whoever made up man made global warming climate change was an idiot.  They forgot to factor in biology - the oldest science on earth.

`plants eat extra carbon dioxide for broke first lunch and dinner.  Limited free carbon dioxide and the temperate earth just two PPM.  At night they take back in oxygen, and do the slow burn on fats.  To get at some nuclear fusion energy.  The animal half of the carbon cycle.

5 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So back to helium production and X ray emission.  Sure signs so we are doing nuclear fusion.  Oxidising the carbohydrate may take in heat.  Or research so small amount of heat.  There are big heat emission is Allied to the biological organism doing molecular nuclear fusion.

The source of a X rays!  And massive heat.  Which is why your stomach and got gives out X rays after a large meal.  And you breathe out helium gas.  The free radical oxygen is so damaging!

The carbon dioxide is actually emitted by oxidising the carbohydrates.  The energy production is from clean and safe non toxic nuclear fusion.

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