Thursday, 30 December 2021

Clean energy source

turn H inot cleam heat

A hydrogen plasma.  It breaks the hydrogen atoms apart into hydrogen nuclei and a free electrons.  The hydrogen nuclei he is one Brighton bomb that one or more neutrons.

According to the plasma pressure, we get the recombination of the electrons and nuclei.

1 p⁺.(x)n⁰+n⁰ with→(x+1)n⁰ usually x=1

Deuterium is parastable.  But tritium undergoes nuclear fission almost instantly and.

2 ³H→E²+L+X-ray using E=mc² here E²=10ⁱ⁸ W.  This he is making a MMMW of energy.  An almost inconceivable amount of energy.

The rate of energy production is linked to the plasma pressure.  The Corona around every radiant sun is a hydrogen plasma.  Which is twice as hot as the sun's interior.  My big problem is, this is such a huge amount of power.

Firing a plasma off though the arctic seas, would instantly melt the ice.  And there issue cold water back into the seas would flow back instantly to the equator, and cool the hot lands

This would be such an interesting bit a science to research!

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