Life on the Moon |
Every 3 minutes there is a lightening strike around the earth. Set up by heavy rain or snow storms - where the turbulence turn some the precipitation into helium and oxygen gases, with massive carbon free heat.
1 H₂O+TU+P→He+O+E²+L+X-ray
Company is can use this to free use her helium and oxygen gases. Helium has a higher price weight for weight, than gold! As it is so useful for welding. Oxygen is also useful!
We have a 1m high cylinder. Down which we constantly drug water drops in a turbulent fashion. When the water arrives at the base, we pump the water around again.
We extract the gases from the top and base of the cylinder. It might be useful to have a metal spikes, protruding from the centre- to carry the heat away.
It were at as a heater, to supply the heat for a central heating system. So we like in her us the centre in a large water tank.
We then pass the steam through a commercially sourced steam turbine. It should reach a temperature 800° C: my initial thoughts will be to try a pressure at four atmospheres.
So the molecular nuclear fusion device, would supply heat and power with no fossil fuel burn. Lightening any case we should get a heat release of 2.4 MW. Of carbon neutral heat.
From regular water! With no fossil fuel burn, and no radioactivity involved! Going off from 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water. We burn no natural gas! It is basically free heat and power.
We generate 1.2 MW of carbon neutral heat. So medium sized businesses can go carbon neutral. So applying the excess current to the national grid. Supply the carbon neutral power for hundred houses. 150 at night!
And there is a lightening strike around the world every 3 minutes. So nature gets 10⁴̾⁰W of heat from this energy source every year. So lightening also produces vissible light.
So company is can use a steam plasma suspended above their public areas, as a source of light and heat. Direct solar radiation only releases 60 W/m.
So here we have a non nuclear source of heat and light That involves no fossil fuel burn And is basically freeNatural gas there is massively overpriced But ironically already does a little molecular nuclear fusion.
2 CH₄+2O₂+P+PL→(CO₂+(2-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)
The r(...) Is are steam plasma again! They've rating heat X rays and light. There is no chemical source of helium X rays of visible light. So all the time, as you burn natural gas you're doing molecular nuclear fusion.
Firing up A steam plasma direct is a lot more efficient! We cut out oxidising the carbon - which takes in most of the heat from burning natural gas. To double the amount of nuclear fusion we are doing, we titanium plate the boilerplate or engine.
Now we double the value our off 'r'. So 1/2 the volume of natural gas or oil, to free use the same heat and light. If we just fire up the plasma using the electronics from old fluorescent light, the plasma will self sustain at four atmospheres.
Turning a miniscule volume of regular water into heat light- and lower power X rays. We feed the heat through a steam turbine, and so generate free electricity.
The exit steam is still at 680° C. So ideal for free space heating central heating system. Which is totally carbon neutral! And the ceased to needy any mains electricity or gas.
We did all our heat and power from a plasma on regular water. We trickle water through a call for wire wound around the plasma tube. So we get endless free steam! So we maintain the plasma pressure at four atmospheres.
All of this science is totally within the capabilities of the garage scientist or engineering workshop. So in a weekend, the house owner of business can go carbon neutral.
And the national grid will send us six million UK pounds, for our excess current. And now we do not draw any mains electricity or gas. So there is no carbon dioxide production at the real our power plant.
Every small business can produce a massive energy generator. The national grid pays out 2 UK pounds, per kilowatt hour of producing electricity. Giving us a payment of six million UK pounds.
And the water usage is so slight, we start off with a little Canfield bottle of fresh water, and the plant will still be driving itself when the earth is followed by the sun in only four billion years time.
Week in use the assistant to drive aircraft. This all the jet engine of hours today, the star for us chest exhaust. Through which we trickle water, which boils off into C in 800° C+. We induce a steam after the combustion chamber, and confirmed so he turned the aviation fuel down and then off.
We are driving the aicraft off molecular nuclear fusion in the jet engine. So we are doing 1. Getting at free molecular nuclear fusion. Without any radioactivity! No fossil fuel burn, and no use of enriched radioactive isotopes.
So you can drive an aicraft across the Atlantic of regular water! Be very wasteful where the water. Only a little ends up as helium and oxygen gases. But the aircraft goes across the Atlantic at mach 5. 2.5 times as rapid as Concorde.
And the aicraft takes over from a conventional runway, and only turns on the water when isas safe height away from mankind. The passengers had all better sit down. As it is like being on the most violent fanfare ride over.
We are travelling four times faster than the sun rotates around the earth. So we are arrive in America 5 hours before we took off! We haven't time trailed, we had just gone faster than clocks turn.
The Americans curable and its supersonic transport aircraft, as mach 3 was too expensive with any aviation fuel burn. But here we are utilising regular water.
Turning a miniscule volume into helium and oxygen gas. The helium is lost to space, animals breathe in the extra oxygen! Which increases the fitness of the ozone layer around the earth. So airtravel at mach 5.
And were not confined to the earth. We can easily set up and supply a Moon base. Though the radiation from natural sunlight is a problem! We use superconducting magnetic shields, to deflect the dangerous solar radiation away from the air acraf or Moon base.
There is no reason that Sir Richard Branson, can't maintain a Moon base, using aicraft driven by molecular nuclear fusion. Which do not require any air all combustion. But in the vacuum of space travel at mach 10 - of regular water.
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