Monday, 6 December 2021

Vaccines are so dangerous

Vaccines kill

They intentionally kill 0.5% of the vaccinated.  So dangerous they must be less lethal than the disease to be legal.

The common cold and Covid flu vastly out evolve medical vaccinations.  Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October.  The common cold even more frequently!

But licensing a vaccination takes two years.  So the Covid flu vaccine is automatically obsolete before the end even entered human drug trials.

So the Covid19 vaccine was obsolete and never licensed.  It was never a legal human drug!  This is why medicine has always prohibited work and the Covid vaccination, back to 1934 when Covid 34 water the first member of the human influence or viral family.

So the Covid19 vaccine was never licensed.  India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 our steam.  The
obsolete Covid19 vaccine had absolutely no affect on it!  That drug is medically unlicensed anyway.

And no registered Dr. Is allowed to apply an obsolete an unlicensed drug.  Or the Dr. and drug company or both struck off and ejected from medicine for ever!

From January 2021, they started to mass vaccination programme with the Covid19 vaccination.  Yet the drug company is like Astra Zeneca Air were legally constrained from manufacture and sale of obsolete an unlicensed vaccinations.

And no registered doctors were never allowed to apply it anyway!  However the drug company is financially induced the ones registered doctors, to illegally vaccinated 3.5 billion people around the earth.

So inevitably killed 17 million healthy an innocent individuals around the earth.  The most fatal medical intervention in history.  And the drug companies want to carry on!

In the year when we are already in the year of Covid21.  No registered Dr. Could ever give a Covid 19 vaccination ever.  They are ejected from medicine, to stand trial for first degree medical murder of all the vaccination patients who had died.

There is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  The drug company is all voluntarily sign.  So the most fantastically illegal and criminal medicine ever.  Not reported in one newspaper around the world!

17 million people killed.  1/4 fatalities from World War II!  Perpetrated by our suppose he had health givers.  Acting with criminal and fatal intent.

No registered Dr. Has ever been allowed to research a Covid vaccination since 1934.  The first day at work was their last day as a registered Dr.!

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