Covidd jab illegal and fatal |
The Covid19 vaccination was always illegal medicine. It could never have been produced by registered Dr.. As medicine strictly prohibits the research or application of the Covid vaccination.
As it would take two years to licence! But be obsolete only one year into testing - if the drug was produced October 1. When the Covid year turns over!
Astra Zeneca is supposedly constrained by the doctors Hippocratic oath. Which specifically prohibits a Covid vaccination. And a prevents any Dr. Applying an obsolete and unlicensed vaccination.
Yet from January 2021, Astra Zeneca go all the doctors who have retired 2018, back into illegal medical practice! They had actually been struck off, for continued to prescribe cancer drugs, killing cancer patients in two expensive agonising years.
2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, showing High Intensity UltraSound had a 100% clearance rate of all cancers and viruses. HIUS also clears bacterial infections, which share the non native inflated cell structure the cancer and viruses.
In 2002 professor Z and I Sheffield University, had which share the ultrasounding liquid water did nuclear fusion. A process that skills exponential he with liquid pressure. So e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound will cause cell content boiling cancer and viral cells. Body cells are not affected - except by the exploding cancer cells.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So now we're in winter in the northern hemisphere. In flu season! The medical name for the human influenza virus this year is Covid21. Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.
After which it giving the vaccination for Covid19 was criminal medical malpractice. The vaccination was obsolete and never licensed. It's application was criminal medicine.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company. Corrupt doctors gave 3.5 billion vaccinations around the planet, intentionally medically executed 17 million people: the medically accepted death rate for any vaccination is 0.5%.
There has been utterly no point ever in the unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. So now the drug company is are calling it 'the Covid jab'. Which is just the medical name for the obsolete and unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
And the drug companies want to throw the world into the annual locked pounds in winter, to sell more illegal and obsolete Covid vaccinations. They have made no pretence of a Covid20 or Covid21 vaccination. They would have been illegal medicine anyway!
But since 2002 there is no requirement for a Covid vaccination. And medicine strictly prohibits vaccination for cured infections. The cure kills nobody, the Covid vaccination is so for killed 17 million people around the planet. The most fatal medicine in history.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Included Covid flu and the common cold. Which together kill 85,000 people around the planet every year. All killed!
No vaccination ever legal. This year Astra Zeneca was governor only the Covid vaccination only generated 1.4 billion: people had ceased to take the useless and illegal Covid19 vaccination.
The drug companies are pressing for a compulsory vaccination programme. Doctors are resisting it! The Covid jab is illegal medicine.
Just one prescription of the Covid19 vaccination ever struck off the Dr. and drug company. Both for ever excluded from medicine! The drug company losing all other biochemical drug patents.
So Astra Zeneca ceased to be a legal biochemical drug company 2002. All its drugs then outside legal medical prescription for ever. Thanks to Sheffield University for this corporate law - taught to me on my injury master's.
Calling the vaccination a 'Covid jab' does not magically making legal! It was always obsolete an unlicensed medicine. The prescribing doctors ejected from medicine for ever. No return to medical practice possible,
Two months ago or the Dr. number crash was more severe than 2018. And each the most psychopathic murderers is for ever excluded from medicine. And all the drug so Astra Zeneca are outside legal medical prescription for ever.
The company he could not borrower legally to make payroll from 2002. The most bankrupt corporation in earth history. Producing the most fatal medicine ever. Which it is still trying to sell! The NAZI Gas chambers and their Sarin poison gas were amateurs in comparison.
So every drug patents owned by Astra Zeneca now all void and worthless. Totally illegal medicines.
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