all Covid cured @ home |
All viruses require an inflated cell structure. To induce infected cell replication. Just like with cancers - that divide in a viral fashion.
2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to cure cancers and viruses at one session. So so the drug companies have gone into overdrive, to try and stop people using this life saving new medicine.
By every registered Dr. On earth verify that an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit, will clear all cancers in 1 minute. A total drug less cure to cancer.
The drug company is have lost cancers! As people are applying 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage devices, and clearly cancers at home. No Dr. or drugs interaction even legal.
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66 product ratingsEvery Dr. Who has prescribed cancer drugs since 2002 and the Moffitt Paper publication, the struck off and barred from medicine for life. Their medical practice criminal. Their are health insurers void!
And doctors pride themselves on their ethics! They're all validated HIUS clearing cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. So are required never to prescribe cancer or infection medication ever again. Three months ago whistler a bigger Dr. Number crash then in 2018!
Or were struck off doctors return to medicine, for the Corona pandemic. But Corona virus never emerge from Wuhan Province China. And Tony was eradicated by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
1 H2O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
If we apply HIUS to cancer biopsies, just the cancer cells boil and rupture! Damaging immediate bystander body cells. So all the cancer cells destroyed!
In the body 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally will clear all 200 types of human cancer. Hence the frantic nature of Cancer Research, trying to get more charitable donations for its defective biochemical research. Which no registered Dr. Could ever do!
So now at no other person can do biochemical cancer research.
In 2003 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid3 escaped into Asia. That release was criminal. But Asian medics applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest, and the viral outbreak was extinct.
Embarrassing enough declared a pandemic by the Wrld Health Organisation. Though it actually turn out to locally contained and cured viral outbreak. Never a pandemic.
2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 this came from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China: it would appear that the biochemical industry is orchestrating the release a Bio chemically altered organisms. Which is criminal!
Corona killed five million Chinese in Wuhan. And till they also applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest are Corona patients. An last 44,000 Corona cases on earth where eradicated.
The drug industry then decided that the Covid specific pandemic alert, have become a general allowed about Covid flu. Medical and biological rubbish! Covid has been killing annually around the earth. 3.5% of infected people! So below pandemic levels.
I cured my own Covid19 November 2019. Using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest. The standard medical science published 2002, requiring no Dr. or drugs.
Doctors tried to ignore the medical cure! Even this published freely on the Internet. So doctors elected to take early retirement! The natural that they were struck off. There was a massive Dr. Number crash.
Hence the sudden release of the Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 in Wuhan Province China. Most psychopathic individual return to medicine, on the plasma two at my is financially lucrative pandemic.
But from December 2019, Chinese medics funding applied by the standards ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the Covid19 patients. And they all got better! The world health organisation withdrew its pandemic alert. The world didn't care!
The drug company for the world into a spurious and illegal locked down. In contravention of basic human rights laws. We are in no medical emergency!
So we had Indian Covid. A form of Covid20 - Covid flu is given a new version number every 1st of October. That was the standard flu for 2020. So every Dr. Who ever gave a vaccination for Covid19 only do so after that viral strain was extinct.
Medicine always prohibited research into or application of a Covid vaccination. Every Dr. Involved with the defective Covid 19 vaccination programme, the struck off along the drug companies.
Who are away he fine USA and yet my PH D funding ended. Somebody ended my PH evening in 2001. Even before the Moffitt Paper was published. My PH D study was nuclear fusion.
The application of ultrasound to liquid water does nuclear fusion. A process that skills with liquid pressure. Cancer pressurise cells common to cancer, plus viral and bacterial infections boil away the immune regular more placid body cells unharmed.
A one session total immune cure! ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all infections. The next year we had a delta Covid - a form of Covid20. The drug company is desperately trying to rename the infections already given a medical name. As if they are then somehow magically different!
So delta Covid was also eliminated by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Still the drug industry is desperately trying to get the struck off doctors to prescribe the illegal unlicensed an obsolete vaccination to Covid19.
Struck off doctors can prescribe nothing! They are totally removed from medicine.
Now we are on the year of Covid21. There will be four micro strains. They have named the first Omicorn: the Greek letter o. So they have gone straight from delta to Omicorn.
As I've published a paper the times people to clear Covid eta,zeta,lamda,mu and nu using the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the chest.
Covid Omicorn, rho, sigma, tau and all other Covid versions, also cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
A drug less Covid cure involving no Dr. or nurse intervention. All those hospital wards, which are meant to be a will fly and we've Covid Omicorn victims are actually totally empty.
Feeble can buy a the device over the Internet, and cure all infections at home. It will clear the common cold, and all bacterial infections. Just as it cleared AIDs the viral personal contact in New York 2012.
½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys was medically published 2012, as a total cure to AIDs. After when there prescription of AIDs treatments became defective and criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company again.
½ minute of high us to the bottom right of the chest over pancreas, clears type two diabetes. Type one requires the full minute. The drug industry is very alarmed by all diabetics have suddenly got better!
The diabetics them cells or ecstatic! No metformin or insulin ever required again. So all infections and no cleared by HIUS. And all the doctors who have prescribed the Covid19 vaccination struck off and ejected from medicine. To face criminal trial for each patient they deliberately medicated to death.
10,000,000 UK pounds for each medicated death - after the psychopathic individual struck a off. And there prescriptions then illegal and invalid! Also removing the assisting nurses and pharmacists from medicine totally.
And of course the involved drug company also struck off! Astra Zeneca Air was struck off 2002, for its continued production and sale of the no defective cancer drugs. This is not affected its activities at all!
Even though it is no longer a registered legal drug company. Annie to the doctors use taken early retirement, actually struck off. They must return or wages back to 2002. And draw no pension.
Each assisting nurse also must return all salary! And cease medical activity. Hospitals are about to become very empty places. No doctors or nurses; and definately no patients.
The drug company is the largest corporations on earth. They now have no legal drugs! They can't infection or cancer drugs and structural all the other biochemical drug licences. Although drugs then outside legal medical prescription.
Which is incidental as there are no more legal doctors to prescribe the drugs. If you still have a GP, if they have ever prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, they are no longer a legal and registered Dr..
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