cancers and covid cured |
2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of one application of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear all cancers and viruses. The same year the idea was confirmed to clear all and bacterial infections.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound will clear all viral and bacterial infections, including Covid flu and the common cold.
So 2002 the prescription of cancer or infection medication, including vaccinations became criminal and fatal medical malpractice. The curative high intensity ultrasound, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.
So or drug less cure to all flu strains! This year the world is automatically on Covid21, that came in October 1, 2021. Annual leave the world 31st of September, 2022.
In the same way that Covid 19 cease to exist in the world from the 31st of September 2020. Medicine strictly prohibits vaccinating for already cured disease.
As a vaccination will kill one in 200 people. An extinct virus or bacteria it kills nobody!
3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given only after the Covid19 virus has ceased five médicale définition to exist. January 2021, we were on the year of Covid20. Now we're on the year of Covid21.
The Covid booster years and the vaccination for Covid19. And will intentionally kill one in 200 of the vaccinated people. So personally registered doctors acting as the most psychopathic and prolific mass murderers in history. Each and every Covid vaccinating Dr. Struck off.
The SARs outbreak in Asia 2003, was caused by Covid3: the number just denotes the year of the winter infection. Totally cured by the medically published ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest. So much not even an epidemic!
Corona are ours was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. From December 2019 Chinese medics funding applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest of Corona patients.
An last 44,000 cases on earth the cured! Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China. China had an outbreak of Covid19 - the next year's seasonal flu.
Also are totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side use chest.
Every registered Dr. On earth had validated the 1 minute of HIUS clear all viruses and cancers. Making cancer drugs criminal medicine since 2002.
The 200 million cancer death since, each warrants a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. Each involved Dr. Receives a 25 year jail term, as are most prolific mass murderers in history. Obviously struck off and removed from medical practice.
So all strains of Covid flu cleared. As every registered Dr. Has the validated HIUS unit to clear all disease infections, and cancers in 1 minute.
Every Dr. Prescribing cancer or infection medication since 2002 - stroke off. As are most dangerous or murderous individuals in history.
All Covid flu cured by ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest. Happy new year! No cancers or Covid ever again.
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