Friday, 17 December 2021

Covid vaccination totally ineffective

Covid vaccination=medical murder

The Covid vaccination is for Covid19, which by medical definition ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020.  The next year Covid20 was found to be totally resistant to the previous year's unlicensed vaccination.

It would have taken two years to licence or a Covid 19 vaccination.  But he was already obsolete 1st of October, 2020.  Only halfway through licensing!  So it was never an legal Dr. drug application.

So any registered Dr. On earth who gave a Covid vaccination - struck off the same day.  Without legal argument!  2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the single application of High Intensity UltraSound as a one session total cure to all viruses and cancers.

So people are using 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to where it hurts, to clear all 200 types of human cancer.

Every health centre on earth has the Dr. validated HIUS unit.  An 8 W 3 MHz device - stop as you feel warming!  Use of this device will clear all viral infections including Covid flu and the common cold.

And only registered doctors could applying a vaccination.  Only registered nurses giv the drug!  But the nurses are prohibited from the application of useless obsolete an unlicensed medication.  Just one Covid vaccination and they are again struck off!

A long the drug company and pharmacists.  So ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear Covid flu and the common cold: in the same way that it cleared AIDs in New York 2012.

Probably one of my biggest contributions ever to life on earth!  The eradication of HIV.  To which the medical world has never even commented!

So no registered Dr. could give a Covid vaccination ever: automatically obsolete and useless only halfway through drug testing.  He is prohibited medicine since 1934, when covered 34 star to causing influenza,

The number of the year of the infection!  So Covid has been causing human death at below pandemic levels have a sense.  Corona was declared to be a pandemic, the star Chinese medics funding applied ½ minute of HIUS to each side of Corona patients chests.

And the virus was eradicated within three weeks!  Covid has never been declared a pandemic.  As by medical definition it is not fatal enough!

Due to the Moffitt cancer centre paper, now totally cured in 1 minute.  And every of NHS hospital has the required HIUS unit in the nursing office.  1 minute of HIUS to the chest clears all viral infections.  Also all bacterial infections and cancers.  For cancers apply the ultrasound to where it hurts.

Which is why the NHS has experienced five hour delays and the vaccination programme.  As every registered Dr. Is globally prohibited from giving a Covid vaccination.  Or they were removed from the doctors' medical register, and lost Health Insurance!

Making all subsequent medical practice uninsured and criminal.  Astra Zeneca already has a room full of high powered lawyers, to contest nothing they don't like!

But there is no legal challenge possible so the doctors Hippocratic oath.  The drug company is so freely signed.  But never intended to obey!  To copy this message to your general practitioner.

Who then has incentive for data every medic in their acquaintance.  So soon as he is camcers average around the world in three days.  No Covid vaccination ever legal or required!

The published cure to cancer and viruses, works even for the common cold and Covid flu.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest.

A 1 minute total cure to all infective diseases.  The vaccinations intentionally executed one person in 200.  Now that Covid is totally cured, but no Dr. Could ever give a Covid vaccination.

Smiling as he medicate one in 200 to death!  The most psychopathic serious medical murder in history.  Since 2018 they have vaccinated 17,000,000 people to death around the world.

The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination is 0.5%.  There again 3.5 billion useless an obsolete Covid19 vaccinations.  When we were already in the year of Covid20, and and now or in the year of Covid21.

As a murderous drug companies want to give a Covid19 booster.  For absolute no medical reason!  Covid 19 having not existed for two years - by medical definition.

There is no Covid19 anywhere in the world.  They drug company is are gloating is a tighter pressurise politicians to induce a Covid19 passport.  But doctors are not even allowed to charge to test for an extinct pathogens.

By medical definition Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020: basic medicine so familiar to every Dr. and drug company on earth.  There are no residual pockets of Covid19.  That will four micro strains in 2019.

For the 1st of October, 2020 will automatically on Covid20.  Indian Bahrain proved Covid20 he was totally unaffected by the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  The drug companies are totally aware the Covid 19 cease to exist 1 September, 2020.

When the Covid 19 vaccination was only half tested!  Which is why medicine has always prohibited research or application drug Covid vaccination: automatically obsolete and useless only halfway through drug testing.

As a direct result any medic giving just one Covid vaccination, struck off!  Without legal argument.  Up for criminal trial for first degree medical murder or the one in 200 patients they have vaccinated intentionally to death.

The most serious and psychopathic mass murderer in history.  By supposed doctors!  Putting totally contrary to their Hippocratic pledge. 'one application of knowingly defective medicine, and I will strike myself off the doctors' medical register for life'.  The psychopathic individual than having to cease medical practice for ever.

So each Covid vaccinating Dr. struck off at their own hand.  All subsequent medical practice criminal and illegal.  There prescriptions invalid and also illegal.  So striking off the assisting nurses and pharmacists.

This biochemical drug company validated HIUS curing all cancers and viruses 2002.  Since then all vaccination medicine has been illegal!  As the means of action, also causes HIUS to make bacterial infections boil and rupture.

Viruses and bacterial required the same inflated cell nature like cancer uses, to induce cell replication.  Body cells are more flaccid!  Unaffected by HIUS.  Destroyed by the adjacent an exploding cell type.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Causing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the exploding cell type throughout the body.  Human antibody is are outside biochemical patents!  And as they are produced safely and naturally by the body.

Unlike the foreign antibodies produced buy the drug industry, they kill nobody!  All Covid flu strains cured totally safely in 1 minute.  Without any drug prescription or Dr. Intervention even being legal.

Any energy as Dr. Attending a Covid booster surgery, instantly struck off and barred from medical practice.  To face criminal trial for first degree medical mall conduct. 

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