Plants eat CO2 |
Already the burning of fossil fuels, releases carbon dioxide! Which is a every gardener will confirm, increases plant growth! So within 5 minutes during the day, additional carbon dioxide ends up as additional life on earth.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E₂+Lb+X-ray)
So plants take in carbon dioxide in the day. Times the present terrestrial a minute of just two parts per million. It was 4PPM in the Jurassic: photosynthesis was less efficient! There was 85% more active life on earth. Sea levels resultingly were 60 metres lower.
So plants then do molecular nuclear fusion in the plant photo blast. They've rating in faint blue light and X rays, plus helium and oxygen gases. There is no chemical source of helium or X rays!
So the plant photosynthetic organal does nuclear fusion on earth. Down and to below 0° C on earth today.
If we a fire up a steam plasma, we do physical molecular nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion on earth today! Every waterfall over one metre high he already does it. All biological life is powered by it.
Every lightening strike around the world,. Does nuclear fusion every 3 minutes throughout the year. Every 1.5km lightening bolt is a 2cm thick partial steam plasma. So 78 atmospheres - by heavy rain or snow also are doing molecular nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+e⁻+X-ray so a heavy rain or snow does nuclear fusion on earth today continuously.
At 5000 volts 100 amps, we set up a steam plasma linking up the charge collected above the clouds layer, with elections have fallen to the ground.
3 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) so a carbon neutral heat system, that is twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion from water. 2E²=10³̾ W of heat
We calculate down and fine that a 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, releases a constant 2.4 megawatts of carbon neutral heat.
We immerse the steam plasma in a water tank. And are obsolete boils down the lid. Which is then generate 1.2 MW our carbon neutral heat. At eight atmospheres 800° C.
The exit steam and is ideal for an area central heating scheme. So applying the hot water to drive a central heating for sale 150 houses, win our power.
And the national grid will pay us two P per kilowatt hour for our excess current. So we receive an annual check for six million UK pounds. And supply the heat and power for 150 houses. Off 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. We have a little 5cc spring loaded water reservoir. Which will never need topping up in 1000 lifetimes!
That is more income in a year, and the arid, North Carolina in one 1/2 lifetimes. Good luck on spending it!
So the garage scientist can go carbon neutral in a week! There the delay he is practicing the steam turbine over the Internet. Setting up the steam turbine takes an afternoon!
And the steam turbine cancer is delivered with the electronics to synchronise the voltage and frequency with the national grid, allying us to export our power to the nation.
And the national grid in the UK, off A2 P per kilowatt hour. Hence our annual income of six million.
And the of the carbon dioxide to nature and biology. We generate all our heat and power totally carbon neutral. Bryce Johnson will be ecstatic!
Around Manchester week in hanker steam plasmas below a hot air balloons suspended over turns of power is in the city centre. Or cantilevered out from times books. Exporting 2.4 MW of heat and light to local environment.
If we tweak the plasma pressure, we can assure we get ultraviolet light, but no X rays. All the of it Manchester and salford all day, 365.25 days a year.
We turn down the plasmas, during summer months. And turnover up in the dark hours. Particularly during the winter. The MP for salford, Ms Rebecca long Bailey, will have the engineering contacts, to build the steam plasma systems.
We can then sell the fire generation units, to local houses and factories. Taking the income from the national grid, to pay for the device. With no sign over the income to the house of business owner.
We now run industries 24 hours a day. 12 months a year! We turn Manchester and salford into 24 hour cities. Will have to introduce three shift working, and employing workers to work all day and night.
During the night the plasma choose light and heat the air. For free! The steam plasma is also generate free electricity all day.
All the censors were expected Sheffield University 2001. But there were interested in the income to research the fictitious manmade global warming, actually improve life on earth.
Hence I know they have in salford quays. Where we can erect steam plasma is in the open air, to light and heat the air around the quays. Making solve is such a fantastic place to live.
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