The Covid vaccination has always been legally prohibited since 1934, when Covid34 star to causing human influenza. The numbers just denotes the year - not the version number of a virus.
But it takes two years to fully test any dangerous medical intervention like a vaccination. Which kills one person in 200! Needless murder of the innocents.
Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October. So the vaccination is automatically obsolete and never licensed.
So this year we're on Covid21. And family the vaccination for 2019 is through drug licensing: or would have been, it was not already obsolete September 31, 2020 - when Covid19 cease to circulate the world.
So no Dr. or drug company is allowed to give unlicensed an obsolete medication. And a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold is automatically obsolete an unlicensed.
Striking off the Dr. and barred them from medical activity for life. Hence energy as Dr. Numbers have crashed more than 2018! As each vaccinating Dr. Realises in horror they have been applying useless medication.
Vaccinating their patients, and watching one in 200 died needlessly! For absolutely no medical gain. The vaccination programme and is as criminal as it gets.
Yet the drug companies are back giving a booster to Covid19, when we are already in the year of Covid21. To which no vaccination could be licensed until 2023 - when already obsolete!
The the copernican the drug company is and it was the cure of cancer in 2002. Medical professors the Moffitt cancer centre found that 1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound totally clear all cancers on earth.
E.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a beauty ultrasonic massage device, is infective HIUS. Clearing all cancers and viruses out there. It also clears bacterial infections. No foreign antibody required!
Cancers plus viral and bacterial infections require an overinflated cell nature in order to get cell replication. But when we apply HIUS externally to such inflated cells, we do the biological molecular nuclear fusion, professor Z was talking with me about 2001.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
My PH D work into nuclear fusion ended 2001, as the professor realized nuclear fusion was that simple. And family acknowledged the plant's consume carbon dioxide, and in carbon dioxide in the present epoch to just two parts per million.
Carbon dioxide levels in the arctic winter rise to 4PPM - air temperature -50° C. Carbon dioxide is not a warming gas. It supports all biological life on earth. Plant's consume carbon dioxide. Bill carbohydrates and excrete oxygen and a faint blue light and X rays.
2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv+rO₂→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ-E)+r(He²⁺+O₃⁺+3e⁻+Lb+X-ray) Luv= ultraviolet light lb= a faint blue light visible light
So plants during the day he to nuclear fusion from regular water. Sucking carbon dioxide to build the carbohydrates of life. Excreting the oxygen, animals need to breathe in to complete the carbon cycle.
3 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pO₂+TU→m/2(CO₂-E+Lyr)+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) taking in oxygen and the fans excreted, and combine it with the carbohydrates they build during daylight hours.
So all life on earth is based around fans taking carbon dioxide during the day, and using ultraviolet light to bill carbohydrates. Excrete NG oxygen and emitting a faint blue light.
June the present epoch free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth is is limited to a static 2PPM. As any rational scientist will assure your, A static trace gas has no affect on anything.
Was still the carbon dioxide levels double in the arctic winter. Air temperature -50° C: the ideal although Professor Bernard argent 2001 - and emeritus professor of metallurgy.
So mankind's burning of the fossilised life from prehistory, has increased modern life on earth. It is not change the carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth.
The fossil fuels for formed from carbohydrates from prehistoric life, being pressurise and heated in the deep to form the hydrocarbons of the fossil fuels.
4 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+P+T→CₘHₙ+nO hence the deep forms carbohydrates, and releases free radical oxygen.
But low pressure hydrocarbons will not burn. As the French scientist severity air published in the 18th century, low pressure carbon dioxide and steam bond to form a hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons will not burn! They want to unburn
5 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O-P+T→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ-E)+r(He+O+L+X-ray)
So it turns out that the fuel oil and a low pressure will not burn. Though very high pressure fuel oil wall and do the diesel cycle, burning spontaneously.
6 CmHn+P+pO₂→(mCO2+(n-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)
So at all burning of the carbon atoms to form carbon dioxide, takes in heat. But some other water molecules interact so chaotically, they form helium and oxygen gases, with X rays light and massive heat.
So really the heat generation is from a steam plasma. As I was told by fellow PH D student at Sheffield University 2001. Which seemed so incredible! As to the fact that a high pressure water will undergo the diesel cycle.
So we fuel oil at C=12, the game spontaneous combustion at eight atmospheres pressure. With petrol C=16, and we require higher pressure.
At 10 atmospheres pressure, if we inject higher pressure water in a turbulent fashion, we do nuclear fusion.
7 (n+r)H₂O+P→nH₂Os+E²+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray)
So the diesel cycle does nuclear fusion, and ages' 10 atmospheres, we can drive the cycle using water. Some other water molecules any up as helium and oxygen gases. No carbon dioxide!
Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike, which is why of all five KM steam plasma. Which produces five tonnes of helium gas: of which there is no chemical source.
8 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+L...+E² X-ray TU= turbulence
So this is why lightning cure herself visible light and X rays. It is doing nuclear fusion. So if we use the electronics from old fluorescent light, will fire up A self perpetuating steam plasma at four atmospheres.
A 50x1cm steam plasma in a glass centre will release a constant 2.4 MW of heat. Purses heat across a firmer electric generator, will generate 75 kW of electrical power.
A family hatchback only needs 8 kW to drive! The super car or 20 kW. Even a small helicopter only needs 45 kW. So we are generating carbon free locomotion.
Which firm is no fuel oil. Utilising only an 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. As the steam plasma generates just so much heat from regular water.
We drive a car with no fossil fuel burn and no carbon dioxide generation. Week in utilised same system as home the into a small steam turbine and generate 1.2 MW of mains power.
The carbon free heat for 150 houses. Or four medium sized businesses. Without any oil burn. And definitely no uranium nuclear power. A process so hyper toxic every 100 MW nuclear power plant knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion. There being no commercial source of that level of insurance, every nuclear power plant on earth is running criminally under insured.
Nuclear power fabricated manmade global warming. Apparently in total ignorance of the carbon cycle the drives life on earth. Carbon dioxide is capped at just 2PPM around the temperate earth. 4PPM in the arctic winter at -50° C.
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