Monday, 27 December 2021

Covid unaffected by quarantines

Covid21 now this year's flu

The middle ages induce quarantines to do without medieval plagues.  But there was still intimate an outbreak of smallpox, chemo play and the black death in two modern times.

The development of antibiotics to treat infections cure them!  But we are left with Covid flu and the common cold.  Uneffected I quarantines.

The medieval on her stool used the winter flu of 2019, to inflict global locked down is on the world.  One it developed a Covid19 vaccination.  Though medicine always has prohibited any Covid vaccination, as it would take two years to licence.  And be obsolete within the year.

Covid19 died down in the spring - as the flu does every year.  But the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed before we are automatically in the year of Covid20 - October 2020.

India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, irrespective of the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  Vaccinations kill 0.5% of the vaccinated.  3.9 people vaccinated with the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination, so 17 million people killed around the world.

To limit the spread of an already extinct virus.  Then winter 2021, and Covid21 has flared up.  As he is the totally natural system.

2.5 million Covid19 vaccinations given, that medicine has always prohibited research or application of a Covid vaccination.  So every vaccinating Dr. Struck off.  Without legal argument.

So doctors in the UK killed 45,000 UK healthy residents, so Boselli to stop the spread of an already extinct virus.  That was expected to kill 5000 people in the year.  So the vaccination is nine times more lethal than the infection.

And the infection was a year obsolete!  Not one life was saved by the Covid19 vaccination around the world.

Now the UK and France are having a seasonal outbreaks of Covid21.1 and medics are rushing to try and use the doubly obsolete Covid19 vaccination - obsolete and nine times as lethal ever disease.  Which no longer exists there anyway!

China it cleared Corona virus from Wuhan Province: the virus never having escaped from the quarantine.  They later had an outbreak of Covid19 - eight totally separate virus.

From December 2019 the applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz (or American medics had termed High Intensity UltraSound) to the chest of Corona patients.  And by February 2020 Corona virus was extinct within Wuhan and so the world.

China or later had outbreaks of Covid19, also cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to each side of a Corona patients' chest.

I cleared my own Covid19, using the standard ½ minute of HIUS to that chest.  As medically published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  Total cure to all cancers and viruses.

Just one prescription of cancer or infection drugs since, the struck off the Dr. and drug company.  There is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

Doctors are livid without question!  So no research or application for a vaccination was never medically allowed.  The involved doctors automatically excluded from medicine, the first time they research had or gain the Covid vaccination.

Drug company is are only manufacture or drugs developed by registered doctors.  But no registered Dr. Could ever have research the Covid vaccination.  It was always illegal and unethical medicine.  Manufacture of a Covid vaccination striking off the drug company totally!

Who then loses all other biochemical drug patents.  They are bankrupt and can no longer borrow money to make payroll.  The most bankrupt corporations in world history.  Tragically the most murderous organisations ever - the NAZI death camps paled into insignificance.

Now the world is automatically on Covid21.  There is no legal debate!  No medical argument.  Application of a Covid19 vaccination, even if turned a Covid virused are, is criminal and fatal medical malpractice.

Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Without again there any legal argument!  The room full higher paid lawyers employed by Astra Zeneca, have nothing to say!

Application of a Covid vaccination year's gross medical mall conduct.  There vaccination is obsolete and unlicensed!  Never legal human drugs.

So every Dr. Around the world has ever given one Covid vaccination, or ceased that day to be a legal registered Dr..  All medical practice then criminal.

The world is now on Covid21.  Even Covid20 was totally indifferent to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  An registered doctors are not allowed to give unlicensed and obsolete medicines.  It is fatal medical malpractice.

The Dr. and drug company totally removed from medical activity for ever.  To clear Covid21 around the world, feeble can apply ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest.

This clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Even exterminating AIDs in New York and then the world, 2012.  The most heinous and previously incurable viral infection in history, cured totally by 1 minute of the ultrasound from a medically licensed beauty device.

The medically published idea which will clear all cancers and viruses.  ½ minute of HIUS to the chest will even clear asthma and hay fever!

The Covid19 vaccination is the most fatal medicine ever devised.  It's application totally criminal.  Even its research equally criminal.

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