Suns over north and south Pole |
In the Jurassic, the only so was more radiant. There might have been no southern icecap - we do not know. There was 85% more active biology on earth, and sea levels resulting were 60 metres lower.
Plants and bacteria taking carbon dioxide, to do molecular nuclear fusion, and form the carbohydrates of life. As consumer surplus oxygen! In the Jurassic there temperate earth had four parts per million, carbon dioxide in the air. Sea levels were 60% lower. Supporting 85% more biological life.
Photosynthesis is a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
The formation of carbohydrates Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ takes in energy. Which is why buying them with oxygen releases energy. And active photosynthesis converts ultraviolet light into a faint blue light we of X rays. We are so obviously doing nuclear processes.
2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pO₂+spark→m(CO₂+(n-r)H₂O)+r(He+O+L+X-ray)
We are back to do molecular nuclear fusion! Using a spark to initiate a flame. Which means there is a wide and X rays: sure signs of nuclear processes.
Will prefer not to talk well the carbon cycle! The extra carbon dioxide these two additional life on earth within 5 minutes. As plants build plant biomass.
But we can cancer out the carbon from molecular nuclear fusion. We fire up A steam plasma using the electronics borrow from a fluorescent light. The plasma self sustains at four atmospheres. The r(...) Above is our steam plasma.
So green plants' the light emit X rays. That is published biological science. When we burn of carbohydrates, we also fire up the steam plasma.
3 CₘHₙ+pO₂+spark→(CO₂+O-E)+r(He+O+L+X-ray)
So burning hydrocarbons also does nuclear fusion. Which is why it works so well!
When we do the calculations a 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, should release a constant 2.4 MW of heat. From 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. The plasma enriches its own isotopes.
4 ⁱH₂O+X-ray→³H₂O ³H₂O= tritium
They plasma reduces the water molecules to positive ions and free electrons.5 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ as my high school chemistry teacher told me, oxygen will carry a positive charge - though it does not like it! We are familiar with O⁻.
The first thing that happens, is that the electrons interact with the hydrogen nuclei. We no longer have the electron orbiting the hydrogen nucleus. The hydrogen is basically a proton bonded to one or more neutrons.
5 xn⁰.p⁺+e⁻→(x+1)n⁶ dueterium is 2H. Tritium is ³H
Tritium decays nearly instantaneousally - a very dynamic reaction.
6 ³H⁺→E²+L+X-ray E²=10ⁱ⁸ W a MMMW of heat
This is more energy than mankind as ever it generated since he evolved. His atomic bombs did do molecular nuclear fusion though. Says I apply a uranium nuclear fission rod.
So if we a fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder, we get so much heat! I was suggested we fire up a steam plasma suspended below a hot air balloon, 10 murder at 1/2 kilometre into the sky.
Above the arctic ice, this four act as a second a little son. In the cold northern regions. To such steam plasmas should illuminate half the country. The play by the plasma pressure, to ensure we get the emission of ultraviolet light. Which supports photosynthesis all year.
So we end the cold dark winter months. We can grow a second harvest every year. This changes the economics four countries like Scotland. Which has too little natural sunlight!
When the sunlight takes over during the spring three to the autumn, we reduce the plasma pressure, to turn down our little sun. This could transform the economics for English counties like Yorkshire and lancashire.
Which become more fertile than Kent!
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